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Everything posted by colin

  1. i'm not a pro leinart or anti losman guy, but just from watching what i see on the screen i think that matt is simply a better qb than jp. jp's running and cannon arm have just not been a big enough impact in enough games so the advantages that jp has over matt aren't getting used anywhere near enough to overcome the shortcomings that jp has vs matt. combine that with the fact that zona doesn't have a good line or running game, and that matt is a pure rook, you've got a comparison that makes jp look below average at best and matt like a future star
  2. looking back we should have taken leinart. he is just much much better than JP was as a rook, and prolly much better than JP is now. i really thought matt l would be a bust, i think i can say i was wrong and it is his second game. every single advantage matt L has he pushes to the limit, the reads the quickness, the accuracy -- just like brees or any other efficient QB he plays the game the way it bst suits him. JP forces things, when he doesn't see what he likes quickly he stands like drew did. JP has insane athleticism but doesn't just go ahead and use it. he doesn't move well before passing (he can scramble some, but can't juke around in small spaces and deliver strikes) he has very poor touch on short passes, and mostly i just want him to roll out and make defenders look silly but he can't seem to do that while passing. zona has a chit line and admittedly great WRs, but leinart makes that team look great. hate 2 be the last one on the badwagon, but leinart should have been a bill
  3. they are pass happy and don't really run well. if we do well against their run early they will be one dimensional and IMO that plays well into our strength on D
  4. i can see chicago only passing (with some big plays but some turnovers as well) on us and us running on chicago. i'll take that on the road everytime.
  5. i went 2 mcfad, but it was boked so i went 2 calicos maybe will see u guys there next time
  6. hey all, i need to watch the bills just like all of us! i am donw in the west village, i need to find a bar that will have the bills game on. can anyone please recommend a place? thanks much!
  7. bro i am with you 100% on this. the D without spikes and while still figuring a new system without all our starters in place got beat up on one drive and the kicked huge ass afterwards. i think with mccargo and whitner contributing along with a healthy spikes we will be forcing a lot of turnovers and really frustrating opponents.
  8. here is my issue: you can't name very good players and say they are the most overrated. they are still great. a bad player who is spoken of as OK or good is more over rated than a great player who is spoken off as being the best. charles woodson is over rated, reay lewis is over rated now (he was great before but the d he is on now was top 5 without him AND ed reed!!) that said i'd have to say bruschi is the most over rated. he was the worst LB on the pats last season except for maybe chad and getting comeback player of the year is an effing joke
  9. over the course of a season a team that gets a lot of sacks is one that is good at getting to the QB. a player's individual season or game numbers might be misleading, but for a team over a year you get a good idea. it has to be QB rating. 3 5 yard outs with a holding penalty gets a massive QB rating and no first down. 1 for 3 and a 22 yard bomb over tight coverage gets you a first down and a worse QB rating. if a qb throws a couple TDs and no INTs you get a huge QB rating, but if a QB throws a couple long bombs for Ints on hail mary's and the team runs it in from the one instead of a pass he looks about 50 points worse on the QB rating. it is a dink and dunk rating
  10. without condoning wife beating people here need to realise that domestic abuse is a two way street. women play their part in domestic conflict in according to some people are the cause of more than half of domestic abuse. aside from physical abuse mental and emotional abuse are common and damaging things in spousal relationships and will often cause more long term problems than assault. saying that spousal abuse is only a matter of men hitting wives is a bit chauvanistic. after a number of domestic events (and there always seems to be several) both spouses are making a decision to maintain the relationship.
  11. he's a really good linebacker who is over rated because he is a short runt and fat short guys think they are like him because they also have a fat face. london is better IMO
  12. if our D gets in gear quickly we can beat the pats at home this year. our secondary and LBs should match up well with the WRs for the pats and a bit of speed at the line will give us a better pass rush than we've had for a while. if our new OC can figure out how to get something out of our O we have a solid shot of beating the pats, i dunno about week one tho
  13. old time players deserve props but the quality of athletes in the NFL just goes up and up. otto should be honoured that a bigger faster stronger more professional player today is willing to extend his legacy by wearing his number.
  14. there is not a consensus on climate change, its cause, or its impact. there are essentially two schools of thought, and one school declared consensus, but that doesn't make it so. there are independent groups (the sepp at www.sepp.org being the most widely quoted one) who feel that the national academies are political and have a bias (they exist to publish reports and get more funding for scary stories --- AIDS killing half of america, global warming, global freezing, nuclear war, etc). the biggest problem with this kind of passion for the issue is that other perhaps more solvable issues get ignored (things like boring regular old pollution) because the sexy topic gets all the interest.
  15. 3rd down stats are misleading because good teams can have great games and just reach 3rd down fewer times than bad teams. if you have a team that goes about 25 yards and converts one third down but blows the next, they will have better third down numbers than a team that goes 80 yeards and only has 1 third down but does not convert. it is better to be good than bad at 3rd down, but it is best to be able to move the ball on 1st and 2nd and go for big plays on 3rd and long so you score instead of being holcolmbe converting 3 3rd and shorts and ending up punting.
  16. mainly this line "You also don't have to have an all-pro defence to be the Super Bowl champs, just a good o-line that does its job of keeping defender out of the QB's face and opening holes for the RB" did you mean don't need an all pro o line instead of all-pro defence? if so then we agree about the oline part, but the line as quoted made it seem like you are saying we need an oline more than a D and when i said we about the desperation for o line i mean the fans
  17. i agree with some of the stuff you post, but i think this above post is wrong. we have been wanting for a good O line for so long we now over emphasize it and act like O line = championship, we even have people saying we need a new oline for our 1st round pick QB (who hasn't showed anything and has a MUCH greater likelyhood of being a bust than a solid player). a top D is MUCH more important than a top line. a decent but not great line can help a team win and let solid skill players do well, but a great D is the most important thing. KC and Cincy have great and very solid lines respectively, along with super powered Os to go with it, and crap Ds. our Ds really showed up against them and we spanked them both last year. new england won so many games with a good but not top class line and a super powered D. for years GB had an awesome line and not great D and got thrashed by teams (albeit late in the year or the playoffs, but they beat up on chumps all year and a decent team ripped them). oakland has put more talent and draft picks all over the o line and with their crap D (altho they have a solid D line at times) they aren't going anywhere. the D is still the number one thing in the NFL, followed by QB play, followed by O line, then skill players.
  18. the coaching and qb mistakes are the biggest. he went for two rook HCs, and in hindsight GW is better than MM so he went from bad to worse. the QB situation was bad when he came in, it got a bunch better when we had bledsoe and all those weapons, and it went worse when we lost those weapons, and got even worse when we let drew go and made jp the starter. overall we could have done a few things to have a better qb situation. keeping drew (particulary at a more reasonable cap number, even tho we could afford him now) and keeping pat williams would have kept us competative last year
  19. if he gets 14+ this year i think we can put him up there with the elite
  20. with our new OC coming from the rams i think we will have a solid upgrade on O. i understand that DJ has a history of being dull and predictable, but that's why he hired a guy from the most insane unpredictable team in the NFL. i think we will be competitive, maybe not really a playoff team, but with an improved D (only 2 years removed from being the best) and with the additions to our O (particulary since this is a boom or bust year for JP) i think we can end up being in about 13 or 14 of our games and walking away with 8 of them.
  21. if jp can't win the job in his 3rd season he is officially a BUST. if he comes in due to injury and plays well he gets a mulligan, but if he isn't entrenched as the starter at some point this year (due to merit) he is yet another 1st round stinker QB
  22. i don't doubt that JP is considered a decent guy, i think the issue is his play (and what he shows in practice). i think he just needs to get better and be consistent for the team to rally behind him. the best result would be jp winning out in training camp and starting, but i dunno if he can beat out holcomb (and i don't like kelly gutless).
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