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Everything posted by colin

  1. have you seen what other 2 and 3 year day 1 DE picks are getting paid? check out what the kid from GB and the kid from KC are getting (isn't the kid in KC getting franchised?) also the kid on the titans. carter went to DC and howard went to philly for even bigger contracts. while they might be superior to kelsey it would not take much for kelsay to pass them this season, and all the above contracts set the price for kelsey. what matters is if he can be a bigger time player this season
  2. i think CBs are a much hotter position in the nfl than before, so the lowest rated DB or CB might still go pretty high. last draft we had no true top notch corners, but dbs went all over the high end of the board (including 7,8, and low double digit picks). cbs are rare and tend to contribute pretty well as rooks which makes them covoted picks. the last draft i can remember with cbs being rated low was in 01 when clements went to us in the 20s, and i think about 75% of gms would have taken him if they had another chance in that draft. dbs will always go high so we might get a player to slip or a team to trade up to us.
  3. i am up and down on this. the corner (next to possibly the left tackle and pass rushing end -- but these are only one per team each) is the hardest position to fill in football. it seems to me teams are moving to cover 2 because instead of letting teams pick on your weakest link easily it allows you to use scheme to protect weak cover guys (considering there are only about 5 or 10 lock down corners many teams need this). when we had baily and clements back there we had top top corners. this allowed our D to be very strong -- but it was just as strong with mcgee and clements with vincent at FS. i do remember wire getting toasted often tho, even when our corners blanketed the wrs of the other team. i think (hope) that with some good planning our secondary will play more like an O line (compliment of several guys) instead of just individuals with the weakest of them getting picked on. all that said, i'd like to keep clements
  4. good points all around. we need: a corner if we lose nate ( i hope we don't) at least one new starting LB at least 1 new DT/DE (i think we will get one of each, but perhaps can do a 2nd or 3rd rounder on one) at least 1 new starting interior O line at least 1 new BIG WR/TE. i think an other RB i think we should keep nate, get A thomas from balti (i think he will be a big impact guy, and having him and moving TKO inside gives us big strong fast LBs that will be VERY effective against short passing and the run) get a solid guard (i'm thinking steinbach, but really we could get any number of guys and improve, even a day 1 rook). the biggest thing for me is to get our run d improved (mcargo back, a guy like terdison in FA, and an upgrade in LB will be plenty) and not to have a massive hole in our secondary. everything else is gravy that will directly to improving our team.
  5. good work. i suggest putting in the team and possy of each player. do you really think/want the bills to pass on the DTs and LBs on the board at their pick?
  6. another rocket surgeon!! i didn't say these women are whores anymore than willis is a lowlife. i said it's their choice (they chose to have the baby, women have a right to choose in this country you know) to have the kid. their choice = their baby. simple
  7. td cost us rueben, moulds, and pat williams. if we had them, and perhaps travis to go along with willis (that is a longer shot tho) we'd be in the playoffs right now.
  8. it's the woman's body and she has the right to choose, case closed.
  9. i've certainly called him a fool a number of times, i just think the idea that he is a low life because he has out of wedlock kids is dumb. he's a dumb jock who loves to get laid and is a sucker for every woman who wants to get pregnant or is too dumb not too. what bothers me is the self rightious posturing by goofs like the guy i quoted above (not you) who think that all women must be perfect creatures of virtue just becuase they can barely get any and feel beyond greatful for any woman with poor enough judgement to let them pop a cork in them.
  10. don't be such a pc kitty. these women are grown up and know about birth control. they also have the right to choose, and chose to have the child. they also knew they were sleeping with a pro athlete with a big reputation as a hurricane and massive income potential. they are now getting a paycheck for 18+ years. instead of waving around your little good guy badge why don't you take a look at this funny place called reality?
  11. i think willis is a poor decision maker and too carefree with impregnating these women, but i blame them more than him. these women chose to have sex with willis, chose not to use protection, and then chose to have the child. it is their choice, not willis' to have these kids and IMO they are prolly doing it to get a paycheck from a sports star. far from a lowlife, he just has sex with the wrong girls.
  12. i don't think odds favour a LT coming out and being as good as peters. coupled with the busty bustness of these guys, i'd stay clear of a big fat body who is almost certain not to be able to start or play well his first season and who will cost a massive long term contract. i'd way rather grab a good solid G in FA or draft a 2nd rounder RT and move him inside -- much less risk
  13. tko played inside in school and for the bengals. he would absolutely be great for us in the middle and as he gets healthier (we really saw that he was still hurt this year) a slight decrease in speed won't be as critical in the middle. with crow at wlb and adding a stud like A thomas from balty our lb core would destroy, f@@k and kill all over again.
  14. spikes started out @ mlb in the nfl and played mlb in school you'll notice fletcher made some big plays this year --- in cover 2 mlb can well be a play making possy. the biggest thing is if we have thomas from balty, spikes and crowell we have 3 3 down backers who can crush the run and make plays. we also have a shot at turning a couple middle passes to backs and TEs into ceptos and fumbles
  15. my D wish list: 1 sign nate 2 spikes gets healtheir (the most certain out of all of thes imo) and moves INSIDE 3 we sign AT LEAST 2 new DTs -- 1st rounder and a FA 4 Adelious thomas from balty becomes our Sam backer with spikes in the middle, thomas on the strong side, and ellison/crowell on the weak side (i think crowell is very well suited to wlb in our D) our backing core would go from small and not that fast/experienced to a salty squad of quick and beefy vets. without having to soak up blockers on the strong side spikes will reak havok in the middle, and AT is a terror who beats up tight ends and can disrupt opponents. our front 7 is weak, adding AT, getting spikes and crow back heathy gives us a 3 man upgrade and a whole lot more size. throw in 2 dts in our rotation and mcargo playing in his second year and we might be top 12 against the run -- which with our pass d and o and st is enough to get us a lead agianst most anyone.
  16. we lost because 1 we couldn't stop the run, not on 4th and passing yards, not on third, and we always allowed yards on second down 2 we had penalties in the redzone: gotto think they took at least 3 and prolly 7 points off the board. 3 turnovers. mainly the fact that we had 2 (1 that really counted) and got none 4 we didn't convert that 3 & 1 in the fourth, we passed instead and allowed 10 unanswered points
  17. we will try to get ahead early, put vy behind, and get him to force the ball. our best run D is our quick strike on O, those deep passes put pressure on an O to get away from the run, and then we are all good in the hood
  18. i admit to being down on JP, but i was never a put someone else in guy, i just figured he would foulder like he did for a bit there and we'd get rid of him on the offseason. now i'm pretty happy to have him as our QB. we are 2 or 3 bigmen away from really really kicking asses, and i'm happy about it!
  19. hey guys: when was the last time you saw us play with the kind of confidence we've had against solid opponents? i'm really liking this team right now
  20. i'm canadian living in nyc. i love tim horton's like mad. i have been thinking about starting up a franchise or two down here
  21. i thought he was good once, but tcali explained to me how his stats are all meaningless
  23. i love that play with jp, his legs made the LB decide to come off the TE. we should use jp just like that
  24. can we hear from tcali how schobel is crap?
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