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Everything posted by B-Dawg12

  1. lol....good movie! !@#$ YOU!
  2. OH NO we lost a key game early in the season!!!! LEts move the team outta the city, lets set myself on fire!!!! thiss board makes me wanna throw up sometimes
  3. yeah talk amongst yourselves fuken bandwagon jumpers
  4. yeah i got something add GO !@#$ YOURSELF
  5. maybe come to mind that before this season started alot of our D schemes may have included someone named Spikes???
  6. AND everyone who thought they had a shot last week and has givin up???......get off this board seriosuly, get off the fence, and analyze football with your brain
  7. And in 5 years weve been treated to some excellent football in one fo the hardest divisions....and as was pointed out on this board the raiders are not exactly a push over on the road.....theyve had a rough schedule and are a quality team, who are pumped right now about beating a quality team......well be fine have faith, is our schedule hard?...yes........were learning, were not gonna be handing away games......i guess im INSANE for thinking this team has a shot
  8. thanks stuckincincy.........at least u know a good football player when you see them, all the pseudo GM's on this board would really improve our team....
  9. Kollins vs Holcombe..........Advantage Raiders Moss vs Moulds................Advantage Raiders Porter vs Evans...............Advantage Raiders Mcgahee vd Jordan..........Advantage Bills Radiers OLINE vs BILLS OLINE...........Advantage Raiders u get the picture.........easy win on the road i guess, lets chlak it up
  10. Allrigth take your heads outta your asses.....Raiders are sh--???......Oh yeah thyre only better than us at receiving, have a proven superbowl quarterback, a good complimentary running game....Woodson and Sapp.....what was i thinking we should have blown them away! When this board updates its football smarts i might rejoin
  11. did you guys envision a perfect football team when the season started????....lets use what we got
  12. yeah our defense is sh-- weve only been up against Warrick Dunn (AMAZING), LAMONT JORDAN (ABOUT TO BE A STAR), CURTIS MARTIN (FUTURE HALL OF FAMER)
  13. sorry forgot about the ALL THINGS HOLY bills attitude of the board, everyother player in the league sucks...Bills rule!......there are other good backs u know
  14. lol.....i dont think so, he's poised to explode
  15. HAte to rain on everyone's parrade but im really impressed with LAmont Jordan....Willis is great, had an off game hell be back.....but Lamont Jordan is like a bowling ball coming at you, old school running, throwback football, i love it
  16. I dont think it's the team who has quit I think the majority of the people on this board has quit on the team......going into face the patsies and were allready conceiding defeat??.....way to fire up the patriots board....Lets go in and whip theyre asses... Lets look at the facts: we lost to New Orleans, Atlanta and Tampa Bay (2 High quality football teams and one game we should have one) Keep in mind with a quarterback that has seen so NFL action in his life) We looked good the past 2 weeks, there was areas that needed to be cleaned up, the glaring one obviously being run defence. Apart from that we have a good all around team. I still don't think we have put it together on offence yet, we need more unpredictability....like the success of the reverse on the first drive yesterday......yesterday we were too pass happy, that was a mistake but something hopefully the coaches will learn and build on......Call me insane but i think we have a shot next week, we need to control the clock with the running game, if we dont do this it could be a long night, howver we are capable of doing this....... As for people up in arms with a road loss to oakland??.....1-4 is not representative of oaklands team....how are they weak??.....Porter and Moss are probably the most feared receivers weve faced as of yet (really impressed with porter) and LaMont Jordan is a Featured BAck waiting to happen......at the end of this season lets take a look at OAkland's record, they are a quality football team and not as bad as the record shows.... The point is this team aint perfect, but neither is the AFC East or the AFC for that matter, im gonna continue to be a fan and have confidence this team will get better
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