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Everything posted by B-Dawg12

  1. u have it all wrong....calling for the heads of the bad guys, how bout all the inncoent dead iraquis....dead afghanis???....who are the real bad guys??? the towers fell so u guys would not mess around in the business taking place over there someone missed the point
  2. im not disrespecting you for what you are doing, i question what the country is doing to put you in the position you are in.....your service and dedication is honorable, i question those who make the decisions that put you there
  3. naw i just voice my opinion, i oppose to the war...and he has the right not too
  4. hey i respect what youre doing and that youve carried out that right......because of people like you i have the right for my opinions and views......you lost close friends i sympathize fully, do you ever ask yourself why am i defending this country that has hung me out to dry though>
  5. Naw just a realist
  6. id expect that stupid sht from anyone actually supporting the US in theyre current war
  7. i figure peoiple that live in buffalo must be fuggin stupid so why waste my time with this argument
  8. yeah cause that is on topic to this argument
  9. naw i dig witnessing greatness
  10. we got a real comedian here
  11. Now youre getting it HE SCORED 81
  12. i hear you on that.......AI and Kobe have no one though, and when Kobe had Shaq he gave up his shots...AI has never had anyone.....Jason Kidd is not a scorer, great player to watch but u cant draq that comparison...Detroit is great to watch too but they have balance
  13. ran out of facts for your argument?
  14. Like a leading a team that has no business even sniffing the playoofs to the playoffs?
  15. and shaq has accumulated many rings - KOBE
  16. with all due respect to Smush PArker....when hes your 3rd scoring option ur in trouble
  17. First of all the chick was crazy (proven), he banged her but he didnt rape her, and id love to see the reaction of this board if it was Spikes or MCgahee caught up in the same situation
  18. well see where he ends up in history...if the dude retires tommorow hes got an 81 point game and three rings
  19. i guess ur right u know he ONLY got 81
  20. how bout the part of being down 17 points and blowing the team away?
  21. yep and with a record of 7-3 in january just more time to pad to my argument
  22. hes taking the worst roster in the nba to the playoffs is what hes doing right now
  23. thats actuall 46 attemtps..........18 of 20 from the line
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