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Everything posted by SamsBuffetTable

  1. Young good looking quartback who is playing well on a 5-1 team who just beat one of the preseason favorites. I would be surprised if they weren't covering him.
  2. i don't think the nfl had the 2 point conversion when marv was coach
  3. California has tried to ban sales of mylar balloons for this reason.
  4. deferring has the potential to give you and extra possession making it a much better option.
  5. any ref you know the name of is horrible
  6. Seems like the team is trying to help Fitzpatric out by giving him an audition for other teams on national tv.
  7. Why not a Kyle Williams jersey. He has had significant playing time every year in the league, started last year, and just signed an extension.
  8. That list needs Andre Reed and Ray Guy. Guy is pretty much considered the best punter ever but he gets the same lack of credit that tasker does for having played special teams.
  9. It is more than likely he was far from sober. Nobody makes good decisions while trashed. If he wants to have an armed SOBER bodyguard that is fine, but walking around armed while intoxicated is stupid no matter who you are.
  10. People going out for a heavy night of boozing shouldn't be taking guns with them.
  11. Was James Hardy in vegas over the weekend?
  12. You can take the boy out of oakland but you can't take the oakland out of the boy.
  13. I'm a lot more worried about players not being smart enough to pass a drug test than if these guys puff from time to time.
  14. They should just use the college rule. 1 foot in and it's a catch, if you don't get a foot in regardless of the reason it's not a catch
  15. oh noes of course we will never sign one of our own players again. the bills are doomed time to move the franchise to little rock. curse you ralph. curse youuuuuu
  16. Donahoe was very good at managing the fan base. He made big signings or draft deals every year that made news in the middle of the off-season. This gave the bills obsessed message boards and talk radio stations something to talk about. The current management team seems to be more concerned with winning than making big news. They are also being honest with their fans about how they plan to do this. Everybody claims to want management to be honest but it makes for a less interesting off-season.
  17. Re McMichael Get Mularkey as your OC, never see balls thrown your way again.
  18. To me the big thing isn't the dancing. It is how he doesn't change his style depending on down and distance. On that screen pass he should have taken the first down then attempted to make his move. If he would learn to prioritize as dictated by down and distance I would be much happier with him at RB.
  19. Throwing the ball 50 times indicates that you were behind the whole game and therefore most likely lost.
  20. I don't like Kornheiser very much, but Thiesman is the worst announcer ever. I am glad that somebody else heard him talking about how heavy rain in 38 degree weather makes the ball easier to throw because I thought that I was trippin. I like that Kornheiser kept bringing it up because he couldn't believe how full of it Theisman was.
  21. Is Donahoe a step up from Millen or a step sideways? I don't know if whitey can be any worse (and I really hate Whitey, Millen is just that bad).
  22. Bills Man I know that this board is extremely easy to troll and that you will be getting reactions, but can you try to be just a little more subtle.
  23. Really Funny reading that board, especially the people attempting to defend him.
  24. The bills tried about 4 screen plays against the Jets, all of which were blown up in the backfield.
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