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Omar Little

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Posts posted by Omar Little

  1. I get more and more baffled by the day that there are still Nix/Bills apologists in existence. It's like religious fanaticism. A franchise that has missed the playoffs for 13 straight years and has shown zero discernible signs of progress doesn't deserve the benefit of the doubt from anyone.


    It's inarguable that this team has many needs, a decent amount of cap room, and only six draft picks. Despite that, the Bills have signed just one guy - a mediocre-at-best linebacker who was a backup in Cincy - to address any of their issues, and they haven't even been rumored to be interested in anyone else. So, any fans who are upset about a lack of movement have a right to be - it has nothing to do with an "ADD generation" or any other reasons concocted by lemmings who are trying to sound intelligent. I mean, today a viable starting strong safety in Pollard signed a one-year deal. The Bills' current starting SS is terrible. Shouldn't they have been in on that?

  2. My confidence level in Buddy Nix is at an all time low. The Fitz contract was a disaster and set the franchise back years. I do not want him deciding who the next QB is.


    Hands out big contract to a career backup, passes on Dalton, Kaepernick and Wilson - not to mention that Nix has run three drafts and the only quarterback he has bothered to pick has been a seventh-rounder. So yeah, that's not the "evaluator" I want selecting a franchise QB for the Bills. Why he's still in place as the GM is a real mystery.

  3. Funny that a franchise that really knows QBs has signed him while we're all sitting around saying he sucks. :)


    What do they know that we don't?


    The Colts know QBs because they took Peyton Manning and Andrew Luck with separate No. 1 picks? A monkey could've made those selections. Indy, for a long time, employed such venerable QBs as Jim Sorgi and Curtis Painter as its backups. That's a big reason why they went 2-14 without Manning two years ago.

  4. Right now it's hard to find any QB thanking ______________ for mentoring him. The concept is way overrated.


    Amen. It's just something fake and unprovable for the intangibles crowd to cling to. Guys like Luck, RG3 and Wilson were certainly mentored to greatness by "wily" vets last season. Who knows what kind of horrific seasons those three would've turned in without established passers like Chandler Harnish, Rex Grossman and Matt Flynn instructing them on the ins and outs of succeeding in the NFL.


    Anyway, I'm glad Hasselbeck isn't a Bill. This is the same Hasselbeck, by the way, whose mentorship clearly made a big impact on Jake Locker last season (note the sarcasm).

  5. The question isn't whether Hassle is better than Fitz or good enough to tutor incoming rookies. The question is: is he better than Tavaris Jackson?


    Answer: YES


    So he's better than Jackson. Who cares? Both Hasselbeck and Jackson are different shades of awful. Why bother with this tripe? Draft a kid, which everyone knows they're going to do, and put him in. Enough bull ****.

  6. No one is talking about him as the "franchise" guy.....but a smart veteran wouldn't be a horrible stop gap for a year or two while a rookie learns.


    Rookie QBs play nowadays. They don't sit behind washed-up veterans for one to two years and "learn." The Bills would be spinning their wheels with Hasselbeck.


    Hasselback is better than Fitz


    He's not. This isn't 2007. None of his past success means anything anymore. It's ancient history.

  7. according to people on this board the Fins have overpaid for the 3 FA they signed...but they have fewer holes now than before and we don't

    Everyone knows you don't pay 7 or 8 M for a guard who will be a staple on your line for another 6 years...(sacasm)

    So now we are farther behind...base on activity todate...4 - 12


    The Bills are the smartest organization in the NFL if you're to believe the majority of posters here. It's pretty amazing how much they give the Bills the benefit of the doubt despite the fact that the franchise has done nothing to earn it.


    Someone tell me why the Dolphins are signing vets to 1-year deals?


    Because there's basically no risk in it and these vets could help push them toward the playoffs. It's smart.

  8. That when you freak out because things are moving too slow and ignore common sense you look foolish publicly? Both his content and execution? Just me?


    Am I to infer you think the guy is ignoring common sense by bashing the Bills' inactivity? Should he expect the Bills and Buddy Nix to do things right? If so, why? The organization as a whole has almost exclusively failed at everything since 2000, evidenced by its playoff drought and one season better than .500; meanwhile Nix has done an utterly horrible job in his GM tenure, evidenced by both the 16-32 record and the copious amounts of needs on the roster after his three years.


    Right now the Bills have cap room and, as mentioned, many problem areas to fill. Nevertheless, all they've done this offseason to address any of those problems is add a mediocre linebacker who wouldn't start for the vast majority of NFL teams. That's not good enough.

  9. if, and I know that is a big if, these two elements play out to their full potential we will be the 07/11 NY Giants of the AFC.


    The only recent Giants team that the 2013 Bills will compare to is the '04 squad that went 4-12.


    Facts: No QB; one combined threat between WR and TE; best O-lineman gone; underperforming D-line with a $100 million player who's more Aaron Schobel than JJ Watt; zero good LBs; major questions in the defensive backfield other than Gilmore and Byrd.


    They're not going to adequately fill all (or even the majority) of their need areas between now and September, especially with a.) such an incompetent GM at the helm, and b.) only six draft picks. This is going to be an absolutely horrible team next season.

  10. The guy is terrible, only threw 14 TD's to 13 INT's his last season (15 games). He held Minny back for years. Has had multiple seasons throwing more INT's than picks, all that with a stellar D and AP.


    Fitz was the whipping boy for this franchise. Good for him leaving. Enjoy how terrible QB play can really be buffalo


    He's a backup-caliber QB. So is Fitzpatrick. Get over it.

  11. He is a better back then any of the backs the Pats have had in a long time, cept for Dillon. But, who have the Pats had that was a runner? Sammy Morris? Faulk? Come on... And having the a balanced defense that is quick and ready to defend the pass gives up the run - as seen against the Bills.


    Laurence Maroney was talented; hence the reason he was a first-round pick. He didn't do anything close to what Ridley just did last season. Your argument went from "Brady makes Ridley" to "Brady hasn't been able to make other guys because they weren't as good as Ridley." At least you acknowledged that Ridley actually is good, I guess.

  12. Ridley has shown success only when Brady was his QB. Let him leave the Pats and see what he does


    By this logic, shouldn't every starting running back the Pats have used during the Brady era been a top-level producer? With the exception of Corey Dillon's 2004 season, the year Ridley just had was better than every No. 1 RB the Pats have used during their run from 2001 to now. The rest of ther starting backs have been mediocre during that time frame. Brady's presence didn't elevate any of them to special heights - certainly not to the heights Ridley reached in 2012.

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