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Omar Little

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Everything posted by Omar Little

  1. I was wondering the same thing. I loved Bauch's comical announcing of certain events. Although Scott Wilson did a damn good job with that Bruschi announcing thing today.
  2. I'm sorry for your hostility. Must be some sort of new member hazing. I was just giving Brad props for having a good show. I never went crazy about him like ESPN last night, so your point is well off-base. Sorry.
  3. Yes, McGahee's comeback is definitely a better feat than Bruschi's. McGahee was told by a bunch of doctors he'd never play again and Bruschi was cleared by doctors. Willis' comeback was better.
  4. Sorry buddy. I'm just telling it like it is. What show on 550 is better? Name one and you can't include ESPN Radio because they technically aren't 550.
  5. Sorry, "Why are you down on Schopp and the Bulldog..."
  6. Nope, I just like his show. It's the best show on WGR.
  7. rt, Why be down on Schopp and the Bulldog? They're pessimistic usually but why shouldn't they be? I happen to enjoy their show when I get a chance to listen to it. Unfortunately, I never get a chance to.
  8. Yeah I thought you were crazy for that prediction. I thought it would be a Patriots blowout. As you said on tv, the Bills always do the opposite of what's expected.
  9. Brad, I agree that everyone made too much of it. It'd be different if doctors told him he shouldn't come back. Every doctor he went before cleared him so I don't see what the big deal was. As you said, it was just like Henry's leg or any other injury that keeps a player out for a good deal of time.
  10. Is this really Brad Riter? If so, you are the man. Nice job on channel 2 last night.
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