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Omar Little

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Everything posted by Omar Little

  1. So are we all supposed to get offended now? I mean, what a fool Harbaugh is for picking a team that has utterly dominated the Bills the entire decade.
  2. He played a very nice game, but buying into anything regarding the Bills probably isn't too smart. I've learned that in the past, and won't get fooled again. Maybe I'll start buying into members of the team again when they actually do something significant -- i.e., make the playoffs.
  3. If by "we" you mean the Bills, they can buy him out...
  4. No need for any respect. New England's going to kill the Bills as usual next week; hopefully that'll be enough to push Jauron out.
  5. Jauron got five years in Chicago. He won 35, lost 45. His first time as a tenured coach worked out great.
  6. Isn't Jauron the one whose clock management is poor and whose decisions on when to kick field goals and when not to kick them has hurt this team in the past? Schonert sucks, but Jauron is much worse.
  7. Because they never found a quarterback under Billick. If Edwards is the guy -- and I still think he is -- I believe Billick could succeed here. He's still a really good offensive mind; he and Newsome just couldn't locate a competent QB in Baltimore for all those years.
  8. Jauron is 56-73 as a head coach. He's 43-70 when you take one fortunate season where everything went his way. I'm not a Schonert fan, but all that can be blamed on him? Sooner or later, it's the head coach's fault when all he can seem to do consistently over a long period of time is lose.
  9. Are you one of those people who doesn't care about which team wins as long as everyone has fun out there?
  10. Please don't compare Jauron to Coughlin, who consistently won in Jacksonville before arriving in New York. Jauron has had one anomalous winning season and a bunch of 7-9 years otherwise. His sample size is huge; he can't succeed as a head coach.
  11. So they cheated en route to 18-1 last season? They're cheating again this year, too?
  12. Jauron's beaten two plus-.500 teams in just under three full seasons as Buffalo's head coach. You really expect him to knock off four in a row down the stretch? Please. We have as much chance to make the playoffs as the Lions.
  13. I've heard from numerous people that it's because he got into a conflict with Wilson's daughter. She apparently tried to tell Polian how to do his job; needless to say, he wasn't having it.
  14. Last I heard (and maybe the source is wrong), there are 2,500 seats left for this game. Maybe Toronto isn't actually that enamored with the NFL, which wouldn't be a surprise in the least. Typical imperialism from another sports league.
  15. I couldn't possibly disagree more with the notion that Brad Butler needs to replaced. Haven't you noticed how much better the O-line has been with him healthy? What have the Bills given up, one sack in the past four games Butler has played? I believe he missed all three divisional games, and the line was a complete train wreck with him out. It's looked much better otherwise. Dockery and Walker, although too expensive, are effective enough also. Get a legitimate center, and the line will be consistently good every week.
  16. You think Crowell will ever play another down for the Bills? Unfortunately, they burned that bridge. He'll sign elsewhere.
  17. Mitchell is a fantastic blitzing linebacker, but he doesn't do much else too well. In the offseason, the Bills need to find a way to grab a fantastic LB who can replace Ellison (preferably Karlos Dansby). That'll cover up a lot of the deficiencies Mitchell and Poz have. I can absolutely live with those two guys in the three-man starting corps, but Ellison really has to go. He literally offers nothing.
  18. I made an error. He's actually 55-72. Take away the anomalous 13-3, and he's 42-69.
  19. The tiebreakers are going to screw us if we finish 10-6. Ten wins guarantees nothing; ask last year's Browns. Bottom line: I think the Bills have to go 6-0. It's just not going to happen.
  20. He seriously said that? Good God. I suppose it's not surprising; after all, we're .500 right now and Jauron's career record is 52-67. To be even through 10 games is a step up for his horrible coaching career.
  21. Agreed. I haven't watched the Chiefs, but his stats this year are really solid. He's seemingly rebounded well from a catastrophic start to the year, and the Chiefs are playing opponents tough. I'll be surprised if we finish better than 7-9 the way things are going. Sad.
  22. I still like Trent a lot, but I'm sorry to say that this should be a six-game audition for him. He'll be in the mid-20s in starts by the end of the season, which is a pretty solid barometer to see how good he actually is. So, if Trent continues along this terrible path, a guy like McNabb or Cassel -- who has impressed me more each week -- is absolutely worth looking at in the offseason. At this point, I am totally against spending yet another high draft choice on a quarterback.
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