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Omar Little

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Everything posted by Omar Little

  1. Big deal. They lost Josh McDaniels. I could have been a successful offensive coordinator with the weapons he had.
  2. Context? How was the field goal used?
  3. Jason Peters. In a couple of years, assuming he continues developing as a cornerback (I saw great strides as the season went on), Leodis McKelvin.
  4. The two prominent WRs Polian has drafted in Indianapolis, Reggie Wayne and Anthony Gonzalez, were both first-round picks.
  5. Bill Polian's too smart to make a ridiculous trade like this. The sooner people realize Peters is Buffalo's best player, the better off they'll be.
  6. You also just described Andy Katzenmoyer. If we take an LB at 11, I hope to God it's Maualuga.
  7. Fox does a better job than I expected it to when it acquired the big bowl games, but the BCS belongs on ABC. I'm all about tradition.
  8. Good question; it should be a non-issue, honestly. Even Brady wore gloves early in his career.
  9. A tight end over a lineman (either side of the ball) or linebacker? My blood is already boiling. This team needs to make building up the trenches its No. 1 concern; that's the only way they're going to compete. A solid tight end is nice and all, but it's a luxury. There are bigger needs on this roster that must be addressed.
  10. Reminds me of a certain member of Buffalo's football organization...
  11. He can't. The Bills have exclusive negotiating rights. Jackson will be here for the foreseeable future.
  12. Riiiiight. Every big free agent they've signed over the past few offseasons has been black, as have their past however many first-round picks. Don't be ridiculous.
  13. WTF is their fans' problem? Childress has gone from 6-10 to 8-8 to 10-6 as Minnesota's coach. While the guy's not a world-beater, he isn't exactly awful. You can't argue with real progression.
  14. Great points. As for Evans, I think whether he's a No. 1 or great 2 is a tough thing to gauge right now. Throughout his career he's been saddled by mediocre to poor QB play, and that has certainly hindered his ability to put up big-time numbers, not to mention consistently being the only far above-average WR on the roster. Either way, he's a guy for the offense to build around. Regarding Edwards, I think the biggest disappointment about this past season is that we basically learned nothing about him. We saw poise and precision at times, but he also looked awful on occasion. It's 20-some starts into the kid's career and we have little to show for whether he's going to be the Man here in Buffalo. I like Trent a lot, and I believe he can be the guy, but is he? Sadly, we won't know that for another 12 months.
  15. The 2009 Buffalo Bills: Another year of Dick sucking!
  16. Has anyone actually verified the existence of "Jim Kelly's group"? I know he doesn't have the funds to drive such a venture, yet Bills fans love to throw this Kelly cabal around as if it's truly real. Probably more false hope.
  17. Brown is worthless. No point in even reading him.
  18. "Stella," which had a 10-episode run on Comedy Central in 2005.
  19. It's hard to form an opinion on Omon one way or the other. He barely got a chance to play as a rookie; for all we know he's a solid player whom this coaching staff wouldn't give a chance to early in his career (a la Greer and Fred Jackson).
  20. But the impatience is justified when the person -- Jauron in this case -- has one winning season in eight full years as a head coach. He's not cut out for the job; his own history proves as much.
  21. Why do so many people conveniently forget that Jauron was a complete failure in Chicago (I'll give him the benefit for the five games with Detroit) before coming here? Let's stop comparing him to big-time coaches who have struggled in the past -- i.e., Belichick, Coughlin and Fisher. There's no comparison.
  22. I believe Fred is an exclusive rights free agent, which gives the Bills full negotiating rights with him; no other team can talk contract with Fred and thank God for that.
  23. I'm "done" in the sense that I won't spend another dime on this franchise, be it from merchandise or tickets, until positive change or legitimate improvement takes place. I will, however, continue to tune in every week. I've watched this team for too long to simply cut the cord. Sometimes I wish I had it in me to completely give up on the Bills, but it won't happen.
  24. That made me laugh pretty hard. I won't lie.
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