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Omar Little

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Everything posted by Omar Little

  1. I don't either, and it's about time someone spoke unfavorably about drafting Bulaga. Props.
  2. If Buddy Nix, a draft guru with a deep knowledge of the SEC, takes Tebow, I am going to be 100 percent on board.
  3. It would be close-minded and stupid to not even give Tebow a shot. If the Bills drafted him and he turned out great, you'd have a hard time getting back on the ship after jumping off in a fit of knee-jerk rage.
  4. That episode was absolutely incredible.
  5. Uh, no. They wouldn't have made the playoffs at 8-8 and Losman was garbage.
  6. He's way too inaccurate. A guy who only hits on around 55 percent of his throws in college probably won't do much better in the pros.
  7. From a personal standpoint, "Breaking Bad" has surpassed "The Sopranos." This show has had a hold on me since I watched the premiere in January 2008. It's so engrossing.
  8. The Dwan Edwards signing was an excellent one. He is the quintessential 3-4 DE gap-filler. I couldn't care less about failed physicals with other teams. If there is one person all Bills fans should trust in this organization, it's Dr. Andrew Cappuccino (remember Kevin Everett?), who gave Edwards a clean bill of health. To answer your question, I think Buddy Nix is an incredibly intelligent football mind and has shown time and again an ability to spot the right players. I've been down on the Bills the past 10 years, but Nix has brought a ray of hope with his no-nonsense approach and knowledge of what it takes to succeed.
  9. It's debatable when the prior head coach was so incompetent that he essentially dragged down the entire staff. The current assistants here are not better than the previous ones; on that, you're right. However, the head coach -- the man at the top -- is light years better.
  10. Am I supposed to care about Dansby and Cromartie? Because I don't.
  11. Best show in the history of television. If you aren't watching it, get your head examined.
  12. An "insider" who says Jauron > Gailey is worth nothing. I form my own opinions. I don't get them from "experts."
  13. Damn. Losing those three superstars is really going to sink this ship.
  14. I love Nix. He's not afraid to say exactly what is on his mind. Nice to have a brutally honest GM who actually has a clue what he's doing.
  15. Billsfan=pain doesn't care about black people.
  16. I'd be perfectly happy with passing on Bulaga.
  17. Exactly. It's so funny to see fans throw fits when a player they dislike is doing something not related to football. Contrary to what they believe, these guys are not robots; they don't just focus on football 24/7.
  18. I hope he takes Spiller because a.) it would be a great pick and b.) so many Bills fans would throw hilarious tantrums. Make it happen, Buddy.
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