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Omar Little

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Everything posted by Omar Little

  1. Gotcha. I'm not optimistic that will be the case, but we'll see.
  2. You think he'd leave all the guaranteed money on the table that comes with being a high pick in the NFL draft? He was a 10th-round selection in the MLB draft; the No. 1 overall choice, Bryce Harper, "only" got $10 million total, so obviously Locker doesn't stand to make that much with his initial contract with the Angels. Financially, he'd be much better off joining the Bills than the Angels.
  3. Who throws things at his/her TV over a Bills game? Get a grip.
  4. The Bengals never seem to beat the Bills. Ochocinco should shut his mouth.
  5. Untrue. Brees put up back-to-back excellent seasons before joining the Saints. He was a proven commodity who fell into their laps. The Bills didn't bother going after him, though, because they had the great JP Losman.
  6. Hard to fault them for that. Spiller's a good kid regardless.
  7. I don't mind the quote. I mind the anonymity. Be a man and put your name on it if you think something needs to be said.
  8. How much you wanna bet I can throw a football over them mountains?
  9. They can't even sign Spiller, so they're not trading Lynch.
  10. Character has nothing to do with it. Though, after going through an epically long holdout with Maybin last year, this is extremely frustrating.
  11. Here's what bothers me about Clausen: He was talked up as a top 10 pick by a lot of "experts," yet he went 49th. Brady was pretty much off everyone's radar and became a star, which is extremely rare. Nobody had Brady going anywhere near the first round. I think Clausen has a much greater chance of becoming the next Brady Quinn -- who also fell in the draft, albeit not as much as Clausen -- than the next big-time QB in the league. For the most part, the QBs from this past draft have the makings of a truly uninspiring group.
  12. There is no history for most of the current administration (Tom Modrak aside). Buddy Nix has as much to do with the previous draft mistakes as the people on this forum. Personally speaking, Spiller was the player I wanted for months. The Bills have no elite playmakers and it's a playmakers' league. Spiller has superstar potential. (Sorry for the "use your head" comment. Too snarky on my part.)
  13. Orakpo went two picks after Maybin. Clausen went 40 picks after Spiller. Use your head.
  14. Jordan was always a leader and a fiery competitor. LeBron would rather follow his buddy Wade around and be a passenger. He'll never be on Jordan's level. The only one who comes close is Kobe. James quit on his team during the playoffs. Quitting is foreign to Jordan and Bryant.
  15. Heh, I just realized many of my offseason posts have been ones bashing Fitzpatrick. Nothing against him personally. I just don't see the franchise making any strides with him under center. He's a backup at best, and will never be anything more. Conversely, I still think Brohm and Edwards have the potential to be molded into something better than that. We might as well find out. But we can't if Fitzpatrick plays.
  16. The Bills will be impossible to root for if you're right. I loathe Ryan Fitzpatrick.
  17. Drew Brees isn't here, so Peyton probably would have failed.
  18. One of the best Bills games I've ever attended. Thanks for posting that.
  19. Hype + Jets = catastrophic flame-out that culminates with Sal in Hoboken and Vinny in Staten Island calling for Rex's head.
  20. Really? Only a one-year difference? That surprises me, so I stand corrected. I still hate Fitzpatrick, though.
  21. Fitzpatrick should be cut ASAP. At least Edwards and Brohm are young and have the potential to be molded. Fitzpatrick is a career joke. I'd rather stare at a wall for three hours than watch his sorry ass quarterback a game.
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