B team? Gus Johnson is becoming one of the go-to announcers in sports, and rightly so, doing significant NFL and college basketball work as well as play-by-play for Madden 11. He's one of the best.
Henne hasn't proven anything more than Edwards. The difference in hype, IMO, is that Henne was a Bill Parcells draft pick. And to many, Parcells can do no wrong.
Take the hit Edwards took a few weeks ago against the Colts, come back on the next series and throw a 70-yard TD, and then maybe you can accuse someone of lacking toughness.
Somehow the Jets have risen to superpower status despite only getting in the playoffs because their final two opponents quit last season. I'm sure it would please a lot of people here (myself included) if they were to flame out. It really wouldn't be much of a surprise if they did.
We got a taste of it during the 5-1 start in 2008 with boatloads of talk about the Bills being Super Bowl-caliber and Trent Edwards being an MVP candidate. That was fun.
Why does this type of stuff bother anyone? If the Bills are any good, they'll prove it on the field beginning in two weeks. The team has been subpar for a decade, so of course there will be negativity. Jerry Sullivan makes a living off pessimism.
Yeah, out of the two franchises in Buffalo, let's boo the one that usually makes the playoffs. That's perfectly reasonable.
Back on topic: Chan was in the right here. His no-nonsense style is great.
I don't care for Quinn thus far. He comes off to me as the type of clichéd football coach you'd see in a movie or TV show; it's as if he is putting on an act. Hopefully he proves me wrong, but I miss Gill.