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Omar Little

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Posts posted by Omar Little

  1. Gailey is really really bad, but there are some worse. David Shula and Dave McGinnis are two recent ones.




    Notice the two coaches you cited worked for a pair of the '90s most incompetent organizations. The Bills are one of the league's most incompetent franchises now, so I guess it wouldn't be too surprising if Gailey got a another year. It also won't be surprising when he fails as miserably as Shula and McGinnes did when they were inexplicably awarded extra opportunities. If some fans want Gailey to stay for continuity's sake, they'll get their continuity in the form of more failure.

  2. Right now, even thought many thought he was a bust...it seems to be spiller. But mark my words right here! I believe stephon Gilmore and Cordy Glenn will both be cornerstone licks five years down the road. In my opinion Gilmore will be a shutdown corner amongst revis and Peterson while Glenn could draw comparisons to pace and Ogden


    Super Bowl or Bust!!!


    So Gilmore will be the best CB in the league and Glenn will become a legendary, Canton-bound tackle? I like both of those guys so far, but you're going overboard with those projections.

  3. I think you are too close to the building to see how tall it is.


    The Bills are not a talented team. Nix has drafted D linemen in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd round AND spent about $150 million on big name FAs. What will they draft in April? Probably a D-lineman. In addition:


    QB - Huge need

    ORT - Huge need

    WR - Need

    RDE - Huge need

    LB- HUGEST need

    LB - see above


    This team is no better than at any point in the last 10 years.


    Another sign of a bad organization: Missed draft picks. Can you say, for sure, that Nix has hit on even 1 draft pick? From any year, any round. For me the jury is still out and that's not a good sign.


    This is a bad football team, led by a fading journeyman who duped a desperate franchise into a big contract with the 5 game stretch of his life.


    The cupboard isn't bare due to the O-line and D-line investments. But this team has a long way to go.


    Add CB and SS to the "huge need" pile, but I certainly agree with your point that Nix has done an absolutely awful job. It's funny to see Bills fans talk about how he and Gailey deserve another year. These are the same people who couldn't get rid of Jauron fast enough during his tenure. As bad as Jauron was - and he was certainly putrid - Nix and Gailey are a whole new level of horrible. The results speak for themselves, as do the amount of holes on the roster and inability to beat anyone but the dregs of the NFL. This is Year 3 of the amazing "rebuild," and this is not a good team right now; moreover, it doesn't appear on the path to being one anytime soon. Progress is nonexistent. But by all means, give these guys more time! Ridiculous.

  4. Please tell me where I'm apologizing for Gailey? Did I say something wehre he's been the greatest coach ever to date or something? Do I sing his praises? No, I dont think I do. Why don't you go into the annals and find out how many 1st year coaches in the entire history have done a good job. I bet you'll find, more often than not, it takes a couple years to get anything going. Once again, continuity is the way to go.


    Plenty of first-year head coaches have overseen progression in the teams they took over. Go back in the annals and find a 15-31 coach having a good fourth year. Again, it doesn't happen. You know why? Because no team is stupid enough to give someone who's that woefully ineffective a fourth year. I know Buddy Nix is an imbecile, but I just hope he's not dumb enough to think like you when it's time to make a coaching decision at season's end.

  5. What I'm saying, is that another year in the same system vs trying to blow it all up will not be any better. In fact it will set us back.


    Nope. Not if an upgrade is brought in, and finding an upgrade over Chan Gailey wouldn't exactly be difficult. Then again, you probably think the 49ers made a mistake in eschewing continuity when they fired moronic Mike Singletary and hired Jim Harbaugh. If a coach has proven himself as ineffective, you make a change and hope you make the right choice with your next hire. That's that. But keep on apologizing for 15-31 Gailey, whose teams are still consistently getting run off the field three years into his tenure. Go back in the annals of NFL history and find a coach with a worse record who was retained after three years. It just doesn't happen.

  6. So, what we need is, another 3 years and out, because that's what's worked in the past. Its worked out after Malarky (sp?) and the corpse to give them 3 years and then make them walk. Fans like you are apart of the new ADD generation, no patience, that means no continuity, and no chance at anything in the next few years. Go ahead, wish for it.


    If you can't see the idiocy in front of you on a weekly basis, that's your problem. Continuity is useless when it's obvious that the people in charge aren't good enough. Three years and no tangible progress. Make it four if the ever-important continuity wins out, because you'll be watching another awful, direction-less team. If you get your wish, a harsh lesson will be taught. Enjoy it.

  7. Man, there's going to be a lot of pissed off people on this board when Gailey and Nix are retained. Prepare youselves, perhaps you would prefer the Mayan's to be correct over that? I think that's the only thing that will change things, they'll be here next year and that's for the better IMHO.


    Fans like you deserve the miserable results the Bills provide because you condone their actions and accept their stupidity.

  8. Weird time to write that article. I could see doing it in early November when Nix gave Gailey a resounding vote of confidence, but things have gotten even worse since then and the coach has been a huge factor in that. Gailey is finished.


    So all coaches and GMs, over the history of the NFL, have continued to stay bad with no progression at all? Interesting! That's news to me! Tell that to Bellicheck.


    You didn't just sort of compare Gailey to Belichick, did you? Hahaha.

  9. And yet the Bills are 9th in rushing attempts. Gee.




    So? I wasn't just talking about rushing attempts. I was referring to putting the ball in their lone superstar's hands any way possible. Spiller has only gotten 20-plus touches once out of 13 games this year, which is completely unacceptable. He has one of the highest yards-per-carry totals ever, yet he's averaging just 11 carries a game. Fred Jackson is averaging the same amount of carries per game despite being a shell of his old self; he's not even in Spiller's stratosphere at this point. Then again, few are. Gailey is too dumb to realize it.

  10. It's no accident that the Bills are 5-22 when Fitzpatrick throws 30-plus times. The less the ball is in his hands and the more it's in Spiller's, the better. Spiller has racked up at least 15 yards on 44% of his touches this year. Giving him the ball 20-25 times per game should be a no-brainer. Alas, the Bills have a moron for a head coach.

  11. Buddy hired Chan, George Edwards, Wanny. He drafted Troup, A Williams, Tj Graham, and a bunch of guys no longer on the team. He passed on on QB in what will turn out to be the deepest draft for QBs in decades.


    I could go on. This is not a very talented team--and it is poorly coached. All of that falls at the feet of Buddy Nix.


    Buddy is a hack. He is playing out the string at this point. His boss is more inept, so nothing can change.


    Amen. This guy gets it.

  12. And guess what? He is a human being just like all of us. He has feelings. How would you guys like if thousands of people publicly hated your guts because of the way you throw a goddamn football.


    Hahaha. He makes millions to play a kids' game and you're angry at people for criticizing his pathetic play and detesting the fact that they're forced to watch him QB their team? Get real.

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