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  1. a long shot is right. Trust me, i would love for it to happen more then anyone but i just don't see it happening. But i will be cheering them on.
  2. how can you say he is a waste. He hasen't even gotten the chance to show us anything. Not only that, the times that he has got in the game they don't use him like they should. It is the play calling that is the problem, not Parrish
  3. i hope it snows like crazy for the carolina game, it would be fun to have snow for the Denver game too. Does anyone know if they will open the parking lot early for the denver game. If they go by the rules now it won't be until 4:30.
  4. i don't care how many yards LT has as long as the Bills keep him out of the endzone. They did it to Johnson, who knows, stranger thigns have happened
  5. i am just wondering, but how do you dent glass? did i miss something in school?
  6. man i feel your pain, i would have hated to sit where you did. Long legs around you, dirty pillows hitting you all day long. You don't play for "the other team" do you?
  7. they took that guy down hard. If you looked at the ledge after they carted him away you could see most of his skin from his head and arms. It was great. he made it a long way before someone actually got him.
  8. are you serious about this comment?
  9. i must admit, getting in a argument is like the special olympics. Even if you win your still a retard.
  10. man i hope i sit in front of you this week. I am going to bring a HUGE flag and stand up all day. Maybe i will be behind you, i can throw popcorn all over you and kick your seat all game long. I hope your ready for some fun!!!
  11. let people act how they want and just relax and watch the game. You can't have fan's eliminated from the game just because they bother you. I am sure that you yourself bother other people once and a while. No one is as perfect as you are.
  12. i think thats what they are trying to say. i think they want the ralph to be like a library and for us to do the golf clap when something good happens yeah....ssssssshhhhhhhhhhh.....go bills
  13. yeah but you know what. I have a way better time then all of you stiffs.
  14. Man am i glad that i don't sit next to you. Who gives a crap what other people do. If people bother you that much then sit home and watch the game. These so called "annoying" people paid for there ticket just like you did. If they want to do something crazy then let them. Just because you are some stiff that can't get along with anyone dosen't mean that you has to rain on eveyone elses parade. Who care if someone paints there face or has a costume on. Are they putting paint on your face or coming to your seat trick or treating?? If a guy wants to stand up and yell first down who cares, let him motion to everyone to stand up. He isn't making you, is he going to come to your seat and make you stand? NO!! Not everyone is as educated as as you, let people say what they want, don't listen to them. here is a question for you, why can't people belieave in their team. Isn't that why we all go, to see the Bills win. Let someone come up with some crazy idea of how we could win. It makes it fun. And as far as the wave goes, don't stand up and do it if you don't want too. I don't know if you have noticed or not but when the wave gets going, people are having a blast doing it. And what gives you the right to call us people who sit in the endzone a bunch of yahoos. We have more fun during the game then you do in you worthless pathetic life. I will tell you what, i will give you my phone number you call me on sunday and we will meet up. I will give you some headphones so you can listen to the game and don't have to hear anyone. And i will give you a blindfold so you don't have to see all of those so called yahoos and annoying people. MAYBE YOU SHOULD DO US A FAVOR AND STAY HOME!!!!!!!!!
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