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Pass the Pipe

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Everything posted by Pass the Pipe

  1. Kiper, I totally agree with your thought process on this one, I met BP at Saratoga National Golf Course and he is very much an Upstate/blue collar kind of guy. My reading of him also indicated Dallas was not exactly his kind of town. After my encounter, I actually came away thinking Buffalo is a perfect fit for him.
  2. I see no problem with Wilson's daughter if she looks like Jeanie Buss (sp?) and will take her clothes off for money. Who knows, maybe she can lure in an old stallion like Jimmy Johnson and we could get back on track. Does anybody have her picture?
  3. Yikes, but Marv is in the hall of fame as people on this site have reminded me time and again when I criticize the old goat.
  4. Thank you BuffaloBill, I tried to imply Jauron's work with the Vegas comment, but your cleaner version is right on the mark, an horrendeous effort by a coaching staff with its collective back against the wall.
  5. Gentlemen, we will wait and see.
  6. I agree, we are stuck with him. He can be pretty good in the right system, a conservative run-first set-up, but I am not back-off my porcelain doll perception of him.
  7. VJ, you are not going to laugh when this guy gets fired.
  8. I am not blaming anything on him, I just don't feel this guy is tough enough for us in the long run.
  9. My sources from in and around the organization have Wilson firing Jauron by Wednesday at the latest. Wilson is very upset about the collapse and he is having a hard time dealing with the Dolphins immediate success. We will see. That said, pictures worth a 1000 words: 1.) Whitner getting laid out by a journeyman back, "so much for backing up the playoffs declaration" 2.) How about the $49 million dollar left guard giving up another game changing sack; "nice job Marv" 3.) How did Poz sell so many shirts in Buffalo? 4.) Edwards wearing a glove on his throwing hand, a real tough AFC East guy? 5.) Laugh, but we might actually take another secondary player in the first round, Travis Mays, USC, because we don't have a competent safety on the roster. Have Whitner and Simpson come close to intercepting a ball this year? 6.) Dick Jauron wearing a headset, in Las Vegas that immediate translates into +4 points I can go on and on. Happy New Years
  10. Put another nail in this team's coffin if they trade him. It is very difficult to find quality left tackles, especially for the talent evaluators of this organization. This is the exact reason why the Bills suck today as they can't keep their top draft picks beyond the rookie contract. Peters had an off year, no offseason work and no camp, yet his peers selected him to the ProBowl.
  11. Wow, I don't think he will be available. I will say I don't care for Texas products and I didn't see much from him during the Texas Tech game, which was a loss.
  12. Go to Vegas and pick the correct team. This post can't possibly imply the Bills have a chance of making it?
  13. Gentlemen, refer to the Dolphins. A trend is defined as a "general direction taken." The Bills are beyond that, they firmly have a correlation to losing approximating 1, which means direct correlation. Start and end with the front office.
  14. Don't give me that sh*t about his coaching greatness, he was given the keys to a mighty fine machine and he still didn't win. You're the f-in moron that probably sent his down payment in for next year's season tickets.
  15. Ralph doesn't need to honor this commitment; fire him and not honor the contract, let Jauron take him to court and settle for something less. Al Davis just pulled this off and he should do the same. Jauron is damaged goods and there is no way to go forward with him. By the way, Marv Levy sure put this train back on the tracks? His hall a fame nomination is a fraud.
  16. Your two cents translates into wisdom beyond your years. Well said!
  17. Actually in true addict form, you keep coming back to this post as evidenced by the "good luck slaying your windmill" comment in two successive postings. Hell, you remind me of Keith Richards repeatedly chasing smack dealers after long periods of sobriety.
  18. VJ91, let me get a couple of things straight. I have nothing against you and I actually like the old timers that visit this site and bring a rich history and perspective to this often stale blog. But I respectively disagree with your philosophy regarding the state of this team and your sense of subordination to the perceived power of Mr. Wilson. Wilson made a $25,000 investment and brought a pro football team to the once thriving Western NY region (an investment that would make Buffet jealous). That investment has subsequently compounded into approximately $1,000,000,000, by the way, the market cap of GM. In that time, he has delivered zero Super Bowls, basically caught lightening in a bottle in the form of Bill Polian, who delivered him four hall-a-famers, and he still didn't win the big one. Other than that, it was OJ Simpson and basically long periods of futility including 20 something straight loses to Miami and now a 10 year playoffless skid (bookmarks that you obvious understand all to well) in a water downed league where even the Trent Dilfers of the world have obtained large ugly rings on their not so talented fingers. But for some strange reason, you feel obligated to Mr. Wilson and thankful to him for blessing your life with Bills football for four months a year. Honestly, good for you, your benevolence could have been used on Wall Street the past 4 or 5 years as we probably wouldn’t be in the state we are today. Fortunately, “life is a box of chocolates,” and I don’t look at it that way. I feel the best fans in the NFL deserve more from this man than what they are getting for their hard earned dollars and emotional currency. He has been a Harvard Case Study in mis-management over the majority of this timeline I covered in this response and he rightfully deserves nothing more than a big FU from the people of this great community that have given him and his family eternal wealth. He would get laughed out of the winter meetings if a boycott like I proposed would materialize; and that is the only way to exact a tiny bit of revenge on our incompetent owner as lost revenues from a meaningless game mean nothing to him. Lastly, as this post will document, it is you who began with the insults and immature name calling like implying I am a narcotics user that should redirect my disposable income to the pursuit of more drugs and subsequent highs. The irony of the matter is that unlike you I am able to push myself away from the bong or crack pipe otherwise known as the Buffalo Bills! But don’t feel shocked, the first sign of kicking the habit is admitting you have problem. Come join me in the boycott!
  19. VJ91, you are motivating me even more! I am a big game hunter and would love to put Mr. Wilson's head over my fire place! I am going to establish a PO Box to collect the proceeds to fund the ad in the Buffalo News, extra proceeds will be donated to the Children's Hospital. Can you imagine Mr. Wilson's hate list: Lou Saben, Bill Polian, Tom Donahoe, and Pass-the-Pipe!
  20. You act as if they have a choice, there is no way they win any of the three remaining games against teams that are in the playoff hunt. I wonder if Vegas has a three game parlay because this is a slam dunk?
  21. Leaving the Giants for this mess is further evidence of his approach to the game.
  22. That's the point, let him/them go. I don't care to support a losing product anymore. If a guy with about a billion dollars of equity can't figure a way to put a better product on the field then let somebody else have a shot, even if they reside in LA, where I live by the way. You appear to be content with a low budget product and perpetual losing seasons, what does that say about your mental state? I can tell you that you would never get through an interview with me. Further, you are the one that has a drug problem if you need this pathetic organization as your security blanket. Do yourself a favor and go watch the UB Football Program instead, an organization that is committed to improving and maybe you'll get the point.
  23. This is a great idea
  24. It would get a National run and be a complete embarrassment to the front office, forget about dollars and cents. Read Sullivan's article today and you might understand who we are dealing with better.
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