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Posts posted by Nihilist25

  1. No and no one asked that most obvious queztion. Although DC Tom is right he'd have some smart ass answer for that.

    Imagine he would have responded today that he didn't know because he isn't responsible for the Colts balls.


    I imagine that, when cornered, the Patriots response will be that the additional loss of pressure is due to the proprietary ball rubbing they do that's different than the ball rubbing that the Colts do.

  2. Boy things must be red hot in New England*


    I was listening to Sirius NFL radio today and a woman from NE* called and she was going ballistic. You could just hear the pure rage and raw emotion in her voice as she basically screamed at the hosts.


    On the one hand, I get it. Your team is in the SB and you can't even enjoy the ride because it's all about how they are cheaters.


    But they are cheaters. It sucks, but that's the price to pay for rooting for cheaters.


    In the end, this woman will be happy because I guarantee the Patriots* win this game. They are all stewing and red hot with rage and indignation, just waiting for someone to take it out on.


    Seattle is in for a serious Gronking.



    So the issue is distracting Pats fans? I hope it's distracting the players too. There's a downside to "riding the line."


    You are lawyering very well. No, he doesn't say they used a gauge but he is very certain that the balls were "at the prescribed pressure level ...". How else to get that judgment without a gauge? To think that they moved to replace those balls without a gauge defies logic. You said earlier that you would be surprised if they actually had a gauge, and now presented with evidence that they had one, you grasp at the possibility that they had it but didn't use it?


    Honestly, I can see no reason to question the conclusion that they cheated. And how is this shilling for the league when we don't know what judgment or punishment the league is going to announce?



    Thanks for providing King's article as I hadn't seen it. I agree that King inexplicably does not state that the footballs were checked with a gauge prior to the game like he does for checks at halftime and after the game. Its a weakness in the argument. However, since King seems to be putting his own reputation on the line making such certain conclusions and he has exceptional access, I'm inclined to go with him for now.

  4. it seems the league was aware they were going to check EXTRA before sunday. allegedly they took balls out of rotation in the first half and measured everything mid game as a pre-planned event. if they were worried and going to do that, one would think they didnt forget to check pre-game.

    If so, why didn't the refs allege that they checked the Patriots footballs before the game and they were properly inflated and then they checked the Patriots footballs later/halftime and discovered that they were not properly inflated? Seems that they would have. Did I miss that somewhere?

  5. But if they admit the refs didn't check, then that puts the league in an even worse situation....because if there's any group with less credibility right now than the Patriots, it's the refs. Basically the league would have to admit that its own referees -- the best of them, the ones who were working the conference championships -- don't follow the rulebook. Imagine the fallout from THAT.


    The league is in a bind. Of its own making.

    If true the NFL is in a hard place.

  6. It's in the rule book that the balls have to be between 12.5 & 13.5. Refs check the balls or are supposed to before the game. Each team has their own balls. If 11 of 12 were under inflated by halftime....someone did it after the refs checked before the game. Who told someone to do it? Brady? If it's not a big deal, why is it in the rule book? If everyone does it, why is it in the rule book? If it gives an unfair advantage to one team, it's cheating. It's against the rules. If it's against "the spirit" of the rules, it's cheating. Why is it always the Patriots pulling some underhanded crap? Why have the Patriots been cheating since 2001? For the fun of it? The last time they got caught, they lost one first round pick and were fined. Then the evidence was destroyed. How much have they done that they didn't get caught? I'd bet they started taping again after the first half of the KC game. How much longer do they get away with it?

    Did the refs actually check this time? If not, why not? I suspect these are questions for the investigation. If the refs didn't check, I suspect the refs excuse will be that referees league-wide don't check. Some statements indicate that teams know this and see the oversight/failure as an opportunity for gamesmanship. Also, if the refs didn't check, I suspect the Patriots are largely off the hook - again.

  7. Marrone definitely did the Bills a favor. Marrone though left no bridges behind in leaving. He flat out quit and did things in a rather chickensh*t way. He called up Pegula on the phone to opt out instead of face to face. Plus he sent a text to all of the players. Not very professional and the NFL is a small community especially in the coaching circles. He will need to repair his image if that is even possible at this juncture. He is not a great coach but not a bad one either.

    Yeah, I forgot he also reportedly bad mouthed the Bills to Polian after negotiations didn't go his way and it looked like Polian might be coming in. Assuming that's true, I take back my "no grudge" assessment. On that alone we have a serious axe to grind and he's a POS. The decision to leave was likely sound though.

  8. IMO Marrone did the Bills a favor. He likely got the Bills as far as he could get them. Also, his decision to play Orton over Manuel in the Pats game might have been the difference getting the Bills to 9-7 which holds some arbitrary significance over a record of 8-8. I wonder what quality of HC the Bills could find with a record of 8-8. I expect free agency will be easier as well.


    Marrone's contract under Wilson contained a release provision and from a business perspective Marrone was smart taking his money and looking for another position where he could build a team like he did with Syracuse and the Bills. Even if Marrone doesn't find a job this season he breaks even.


    Therefore, I hold no grudge against Marrone. I look forward to see what Ryan can do under the Pegulas - although I would have liked to see Schwartz stay.

  9. Does it matter whether coaches, front office, and players are too open with the media? Won't reporters publish things regardless of impact on winning? I noticed that this year, the first winning season since 2004, the Bills did a much better job of controlling information (i.e., who was injured and who was playing) than previously. Not saying this was the only reason for the winning season, just that maybe this added to it. Also, consider Billichek.

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