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Everything posted by trolls_r_us

  1. Mike, I agree, but I think Ralph is going all-in to try to win it all. Still, I feel like I'm living in some alternate dimension with all this talk of Ralph spending that kind of $$ on a coach.
  2. I'm a BILLS fan. I don't have an unhealthy man-crush on one player (Trent) who has been ineffective for this team and lost his starting job to a career journeyman. Trent cannot play in the cold or snow, can't seem to make big plays in the passing game, and does not inspire confidence in his teammates. Not a Buffalo QB. Maybe in a dome somewhere with a stacked team he would be ok...
  3. where did I claim victory? Please post a response with a quote of my post where I did that. I won't be holding my breath.
  4. I agree. I hope for the best for Wood..... Great kid, hard worker, and plays with passion....
  5. yeah..... Edwards is going to come back and destroy us... It is amazing how much Trent fans sound like Losman fans did. It's the coaches, it's the line, the WR aren't trying, its the water, it's the wind, it's the turf, it's the hotel beds.....
  6. look, Perry is doing what he can. Talk about a tough situation to succeed in. Hopefully he can get another DC job next season.
  7. Edwards is done as a Bill. It's over. When you get benched for Ryan Fitzpatrick, your coaches have no faith in you.
  8. Wood is one of my favorite Bills.... I hope he can come back next year ready to go. He's a 10 yr player for us.
  9. I feel the same way. I think its because there is nothing at stake. IF they win, big deal, they're 4-5 and still a joke of a team going nowhere. Worse yet, keeping Jauron might become possible. IF they lose, they already suck so it doesn't matter. So as a fan, its a miserable place to be in.
  10. it's too bad the UFL seems destined for failure.... We could use a REAL minor league football system to develop players
  11. I guess you're right. I've been thinking a lot about this, and it just shows how completely irrelevant the Bills have become. Tuesday before an upcoming game, and all the only local sports station can think to do is hold an ACTOR DRAFT (cue the voice clip)..... Imagine holding an actor draft during the 1991 season. Is there any buildup, hype, interest, or excitement for this week's game? I live in Buffalo and I have yet to see ANY.
  12. I'd hate to say it, but if people cared about local college football here then WGR would talk about it more. Now I want to talk about Meryl Streep going #1 overall in the actor draft.... WTF?!
  13. Media: "Coach, coach.... We heard you ran out of Coors Light this Saturday... What was that like?" Jauron: "Well, it wasn't a pleasant way to spend an evening..."
  14. the sir, I thought about that too... I don't see why they couldn't talk more national sports to fill the lean times. Maybe this shows just how irrelevant the Bills are: the only sports talk station in WNY is holding an Actor Draft on the Tuesday before a game. I wonder if they're doing a color draft or animal draft on Tennessee's local sports station?
  15. Schopp actually asked if anyone else thought about how nice it would be not to have the Bills anymore on the show yesterday.... In Bulldog's defense, he started to mumble and spit and babbled out a rambling objection to that idea....
  16. yeah, it was pretty weak in comparison to some of the other ones they've made... I prefer the press conference ones in general.
  17. Sometimes I feel like I'm being a little tough on WGR for stuff like this, but then I remember how Schopp and the Bulldog WHINE and COMPLAIN like they are being tortured when they have to cover the NFL draft every year... For guys who profess to love "drafts" so much, that always struck me as odd: they love drafts involving actors and countries, but not real sports drafts... These guys did a COUNTRY DRAFT! lol At least that was during the sports off-season (summer, I think) when there was nothing local to talk about. Even Howard Simon's show this morning was talking about it. I mean, for the love of god!
  18. Post your predictions here.... Personally I can;t wait to see the trades.... Like if Schopp is looking to take Ernest in the 4th round but Bulldog has the pick...
  19. Cbiscuit, The problem with wondering what Jauron would do with better talent is that he has a large input on who the team drafts, signs, and keeps/cuts. Also, he chooses his coordinators. He chose Schonert. He chose to keep Schonert after the 2008 season. Then, he chose to fire Schonert right before the start of the season. All of the mess here is a result of Jauron's planning. On top of that, how many of our offensive players seem to REGRESS the longer they play here?
  20. in terms of the FG, I think he was weighing the likelihood of converting a 4th down and long versus making a FG, getting a 3 and out, and getting the ball back with just under 2 minutes to play with a chance to win. They were basically beaten already; he tried to steal one.
  21. Reid's career record: 102-65 (61%) Jauron's career record: 60-81 (43%) Comparing the two is ridiculous. Sure, Reid didn't have a great game challenge-wise last night. It happens sometimes. What we see in Andy Reid is that he is a career WINNER. He selects his players, builds his team, and coaches on gameday. Since he's been in Philly, the Eagles have been a model of success. The ONE knock on him is no SB win. What we see in Jauron is a career LOSER (as a coach). Nice guy, great golfer, one of the good old boys, but a terrible head coach. Make all the excuses you want for him: he chooses his coordinators, he sets the philosophy, he coaches on gameday. Philly fans are some of the worst in the NFL as far as I'm concerned. Those idiots booed McNabb on draft day, and the guy cannot win in that town. Ditto with Reid. I would gladly send Jauron and Edwards to Philly in exchange for Reid and McNabb. Where do we sign?
  22. number one, coaching. Agreed there. There are quite a few Bills players who are less than thrilled with their coach. Word gets around in a small town. The bottom line is Jauron. Who decided to cut Walker after moving him to LT? Who decided to retain Schonert this off-season, then can him a few days before the season opener? Who was hell-bent on running the no-huddle? Who wanted a "pop warner offense?" It all comes back to the head man and his lack of knowledge when it comes to offense and overall leadership.
  23. we're a QB and a coach away from the playoffs right now
  24. anyone who says Golisano is cheap is CLUELESS. Look at the Sabres cap situation, then get back to us. Ralph isn't cheap either. That is the weak "go to" excuse for fans.
  25. we already have a coach, and he aint going anywhere.
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