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Everything posted by trolls_r_us

  1. Thurman said about 5 times on his Twitter that Owens was NOT one of the players.
  2. Schopp is just acting out because when it was "Schopp and the Coach" Chuck dominated the show and Schopp was his little lackey. Now Schopp runs the show and Bulldog is his little puppy that he kicks around and beats up on the air when he's not insulting callers.
  3. true... but still.... I love Thurman and all but half the time you wonder if he's screwing with you
  4. Twitter confuses me sometimes... I wish it showed all the posts because it makes no sense seeing the response but not what the original person said....
  5. look... Thurman talks about a pet goat living in his garage every monday on WGR. He's an odd dude. IF you don't believe me, listen online.
  6. notice that even to this day NOBODY disses Bruce Smith. He was there today. Just saying.... EDIT: I also wonder what Thurman considered a "dis."
  7. we won ONE GAME people! Time to calm down.... Almost doesn't count for last week. If it did, Jauron would still be the coach.
  8. Poor sportsmanship? Screw that. You put the game away when you have the chance. Haven't we seen enough "miracle" comebacks to know that it isn't over until it's over?
  9. right... of course it's dumb and will never happen Let's bump this thread in January and take a little look-see
  10. guys like Shanahan don't think "ohhh but big bad Belichick is in the division..." Instead they think "cool, I can prove I'm BETTER than him twice a year" We're talking A-type personality with an extreme competitive edge in Shanahan. You want to BEAT the best. This is something the Bills sorely need.
  11. Dungy was asked about coaching in 2010 and was "adamant" about staying retired. Remember, he left the Colts.
  12. those are the coaches I would want that are likely to be fired....
  13. Dungy said a few days ago he is not coming back to coach anywhere in 2010. He likely is done for good like Marty. Dungy has a great job right now.
  14. I'll be honest... I want Shanahan as much as anyone but partial ownership? That's going too far.. And he is NOT getting that in Dallas or Washington.
  15. Sullivan makes a living out of bashing the Bills and the NFL in general. I doubt he has any real sources in a league he devotes so much time to bashing. People might even feed him false info just to laugh at his "scoops." I know I would. Schopp and Sullivan are still bitter about Buffalo not getting MLB. Can you imagine if we had a MLB team here? Talk about NO HOPE of ever winning a title...
  16. LOL That is the BEST post I have read in a LONG time! Also so true....
  17. Guys like Shanahan have a way they do things, and they DEMAND excellence. Man would that be nice to see on this team. No more "good old nice guys" running an intramural ball club for other "nice guys who try really hard." I think these young players we have would respond very well to a firm hand and a sense of direction, both of which have been severely lacking.
  18. In the end, you don't want a guy who really doesn't want to be here, especially at that price. I'm NOT saying he doesn't, but if that isn't enough, then we're better off not going there.
  19. To put it bluntly, Shanahan considers himself a HOF coach. Let's just say the Bills, Cowboys, and Redskins come calling. The Cowboys are the Jerrah Jones Show, and everyone knows it. The Redskins are also run by a meddling owner in Snyder who has a puppet GM. Then there is the Bills. A 91 year old owner hell-bent on a Super Bowl win. A great fanbase and football town. The ULTIMATE underdog story if you could win there. If Ralph is truly willing to pay 5yrs/50 million, AND give Shanahan full control over football operations, then its essentially his team. He won't have that in Dallas or Washington. Then there's this intangible that would likely appeal to a guy like Shanahan: you win a SB in Buffalo and you did something NOBODY else was able to do. He would be a GOD here and easily a 1st ballot HOFer. To some guys, that is the ultimate motivation. This isn't MLB: every NFL team has roughly the same resources. Ralph HAS spent some good $$ on players, it's just not been spent wisely. Shanahan isn't you normal "I just want to golf and get the easy gig" type guy. His Denver teams beat Brady/Belichick in big spots. No reason he can't win here.
  20. hmmm.... Gruden can work a few days a week for 17 weeks, then spend the rest of the year doing whatever he wants, and STILL make the salary of a top NFL coach. No constant criticism, no 17 hr days, none of the weekly grind, nobody calling for your firing.... PLUS you get a marquee game every week (well most weeks)! That would be a tough gig to give up.
  21. Andy Reid, Jeff Fisher Both of those guys could be out there depending on how their teams do this season... I would love either of them here!
  22. Yup. Time to ship Ralph a case of pomegranates and 2 cases of blueberries. Super foods all the way! LA can take the Jags. What a JOKE that fanbase is.
  23. I'm sorry to pile on, but the typical teenage internet tough guy wording would be "PWNED," not "OWNED." I'll bet you're humiliated now, either way. I hope you get through this.
  24. The media reports are not making it sound career-threatening at all. Let's hope it just looked worse than it was. That happens quite often. Also, NFL players get top-notch care, which will help.
  25. No doubt, the entire team is a mess.... It is not ALL Trent's fault. Who is saying that? I think Fewell was the best choice to promote as INTERIM HC. Who else was there to chose from? April? Van Pelt? Please... Sadly, the reality is that Trent is a decent backup QB in this league. As a starter, he is not good enough. Obviously, neither is Fitzpatrick, which is why he has bounced around. We need a coach AND a QB next season if we're going to win.
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