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Everything posted by trolls_r_us

  1. drive around upstate NY... Buffalo, Albany, Rochester, Syracuse, Utica, Binghamton What do you see? Almost endless stretches of industrial decay, vacant buildings, crumbling infrastructure... Drive the 190 North from Buffalo to Niagara Falls... Not only is it ugly as hell but it SMELLS like poison and death... About the ugliest stretch of expressway I have EVER driven on. That kind of stuff wears on people in ways they often don't realize. Most cities in NY State are living off the fumes of their part glory. Couple that with high taxes, no decent jobs, a steady pervasive greyness, decay and pollution everywhere, and constant doom and gloom in the news, and I can see why NY ranks where it does. At least in small towns or college-town type cities, there never really was much industry aside from the college and the local establishments that sprung up because of it. Fresh air, lots of young people, lack of decaying buildings everywhere, and low crime are what makes an area vibrant.
  2. Ralph is probably praying for a Christmas gift of 2 or 3 more wins. That way, we can keep everyone the same and say we're headed in the right direction. Come on people! He's 91! Do you truly believe he is going to OVERHAUL this team? Last time we had this conversation he gave up and ended up promoting from within, remember?
  3. BTW, if I'm a team that knows JAX has such a strong desire for Tebow, I draft him myself and force them to give me a bounty of picks in return.
  4. as a Bills fan, the Jags are our best friend right now. NO WAY Buffalo loses its team before Jacksonville. Tebow to the JAGS MUST NOT happen! Suddenly it will all be about the "savior of the Jacksonville franchise" and all that crap. We'll be BEGGING to hear the announcers gush about Tom Brady. JAX is a JOKE of an NFL market. This is undeniable.
  5. I wonder why Fewell didn't make that list? Mediocre coordinator who is 1-2 as INTERIM HC. But he chest bumps and yells so that must mean he is good.
  6. if this team move, the name "Bills" with a Buffalo on the helmet goes. It would make no sense anywhere but Buffalo. The new city would want to identify with the team, and having a Buffalo on your helmet wouldn't exactly do that.
  7. how many NFL teams will TRULY be able to survive then? Just look at MLB: tons of teams with no shot. It's a 6 team league. IF the NFL goes there, it will be toast.
  8. If the Bills were a person it would be time to start hitting the gym and buy some new clothes, cause the Mrs. is moving out.
  9. reduce the % of overall revenues the players get and we'll actually come out ahead... The salary cap is set so high because the pool of $$ is so huge. When you shrink the total pool, the cap goes down. Of course, it looks like this is the final year of salary cap football anyway. I hope Jerry Jones goes bankrupt and loses his team when the NFL's total revenues plummet.
  10. at least they try really hard for Fewell. I'll bet they're all great guys who love football too! COME ON! Football is not this complicated. You don't need to twist logic to its breaking point to see the obvious: Fewell is not staying on and Fitz is not a real QB. Sure they are not the only problems, but they are not the ANSWER either.
  11. good lord.... Are people this delusional? A few weeks ago Jauron was the worst coach ever, now it's the players all of a sudden who are the problem! LOL This team is not talented, and that includes the coaching staff. Fewell will NOT be the HC here or anywhere else next season. Get real people. Where have Perry Fewell's defense ranked? Hint: They have been crap. "But Troll.... they're not his players" Then stop giving credit to ANY coordinator ANYWHERE, since success/failure is not a reflection of their abilities. "But Troll.... Perry looks alive" It's sad that we have to even have this conversation, but coaches of all sports tend to be animated. This is not special. "but Troll.... " Save it. Time to join the NFL and hire a REAL coach and GM, then sign some better players. Fewell is not the answer, and he will not be a HC somewhere else in the near future. 4 weeks ago he was a NOBODY. Sounds harsh, but that's the reality.
  12. Perry is not staying as the permanent HC. Not happening. He is 1-2. Almost doesn't count for Jauron so it doesn't count for Perry either.
  13. rooting against him makes no sense! IF he can win with this team then he is obviously a pretty good coach! If not, we get someone else. No lose situation.
  14. why would byrd be next to Mcgee? Did he originally have a different jersey #? BTW, fun thread! We need more like this....
  15. Josh Reed is a really nice guy if you meet him in person. Classy and respectful. No way it was him. Ditto for Lee Evans, Jarius Byrd, Freddy Jackson, Kelsay, and Trent Edwards. ALL class people. Never hearda bad thing about any of them, and I've met some of them myself.
  16. lol... Believe me, the NFL knows the score on Toronto. The league knows that Rogers cannot sell enough tickets to fill that TINY (by NFL standards) stadium so they give them away and force their employees to attend the game to make the stadium appear full. Toronto has NO CHANCE IN HELL of getting an NFL team before LA. NONE.
  17. please... Toronto is a joke of an NFL city, especially when LA and San Antonio don't have teams....
  18. Ralph is almost always in the team photos.
  19. Favre is just fun to watch play. I hope he wins a Super Bowl with the Vikes.
  20. What the hell is wrong with sports talk today? It's the same thinking that "Manning only has 2-3 years left... Favre is done..." now it's Big Ben?! Is he even 30 yet? Favre is 40 and playing the best football of his career. I would not start trying to replace my star QB until he was 35 or so, with the expectation that the guy I drafted would sit the bench 2-3 seasons and learn from him.
  21. Also very true. Wood is the type that would probably think "if the Dr. says 6-8 months, there's a chance I'll be ready in 5...."
  22. Fair enough. You make some decent points. My issue was actually more with the people who continue to insist Wood's career is in jeopardy when NOWHERE (that I have seen) was that ever said but on message boards. Some people have chosen to simply ignore Wood's own words and insert their own pessimism. And why would I troll the boards next year about Eric Wood coming back? I have already said he is my favorite current Bills player, which is why I even care about the topic at all.
  23. Thurman#1, My thoughts exactly. I'm looking at what Eric Wood himself said, rather than a bunch of anonymous posters on a message board. He was obviously told he'd be ready to play ball in 6-8 months by his doctors. Of course there can be setbacks. But the ONLY place I have heard anything about Wood's career being in jeopardy is on this message board. Wood is my favorite Bill BTW. Kid is all heart and fire!
  24. Maybe you do know something about the nature of the injury in general. In order to make any real assessments, you surely would realize the necessity of seeing the individual case for yourself. Since none of us on here have, we can only go on the words of Eric Wood himself, since it's his leg that's broken and I would tend to think he might have some idea what is going on with his own body/injury. I see a divide between the "OH MY GOD HIS CAREER IS OVER! I JUST HOPE HE CAN WALK AGAIN!" comments and the actual words from Eric Wood himself, where he says he should be ready to PLAY FOOTBALL again in 6-8 months. That is all. And my screen name is what it is. That does not affect the reality. Isn't this the part where someone threatens to sue me for having a difference of opinion on a message board?
  25. Wood will be OK. Lots of players come back from this injury. Wood himself said 6-8 months, yet some of the resident doctors on here continue to override his statements with their expert opinions.
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