If I hear this ONE MORE TIME I am gonna throw my Bills helmet through the television set!
IN CASE you guys haven't noticed BY NOW, the sports media in this country, especially ESPN, LOVES to build up the fact that, THIS TIME "the Patriots CANNOT WIN" "no chance...." "they have finalyl met their match!"
But they do this ONLY SO when the Patriots DO WIN, we can all be treated to 15 minute montages of "inspirational magical plays" with Mariah Carey's "hero" playing in the background, and smiling female reporters can do sit-down interviews with Patriots players asking "how do you guys do it?" "you are jsut so amazing!"
I think I just threw up a little in my mouth.....
Seriously, this crap is just what the media wants.... Here's the formula:
1) the pundits start saying "ohhhh no, this time they're done.... colts by 20!"
2) The Patriots just do their normal "oh we get no respect" thing
3) the WORLD CHAMPION DYNASTY defeats the never was group on MNF this monday
4) tuesday will be HELL. EVERYONE will be just AMAZED! WOW! HOW in god's name, did this group of re-treads and scrubs (who also won 3 super bowls but whose counting?) SOMEHOW rise up, and overcome ALL THE ADVERSITY, and defeat the COLTS, the UNDEFEATED Colts, the GREAT, awe inspiring COLTS, on MNF?!
WHOA! What MAGIC! what PASSION! what dedication and HEART!
Here's a sit down interview with tom Brady and Teddy Bruschi (We're not worthy!), describing just HOW they accompished this HEROIC and AMAZING feat:
[15 mintues of sickening "hero" music and "how do you guys keep doing it?" questions]
Then, the ESPN guys talk about hos magical this team is, and how "they just seem to overcome...."
This is really sickening.....
THEY ARE A DYNASTY, remember?!
In my view, they WILL WIN every big game, so it isn;t magical, wonderous, or heroic if they do
THEY SHOULD WIN, especially AT HOME, on MNF, against their whipping biy Peyton Manning
But we all know waht angle the media will take.... If the Colts win, then fine, they should.
But IF
IF by some magic.... some MIRACLE!
and knock off the UNDEFEATED Colts on national TV?
Well, friends
that's the stuff that LEGENDS, and HEROES are made of!!!!