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Everything posted by BadLandsMeanie

  1. Happy to see you too 716. And the other refugees.
  2. Speaking for myself, I don't think you should be over it yet. None of us who had a sort of "home" there should be. Again speaking for myself, they acted as if I am of no consequence whatsoever. Like trash to be swept up and disposed of after a game. That's not very nice. But it doesn't reflect on me, or you. It is was trashy behavior from Bills management. A respectable individual does not treat other people like that. What amazes me is how many people will just accept being treated that way. Boggles my mind. Recall the three weeks they left Rex Ryan twisting while the reports swirled that he would be fired. Trashy. We have a trashy management team in place at One Bills drive.. Anyway I am indeed glad Twobills is here!
  3. No. And they won't. They are sneaky little backstabbing cowards. OBD brass never own up to anything.
  4. Here's the thing, if they can't handle a message board meltdown, how are they going to handle a football team? It's just a message board. I could handle a meltdown on that by myself. But what we have is an NFL management team, who can't handle a rowdy message board. That scares me. That board was an important place for hundreds of the thousands of people who used it for around 15 years. It was rude and mean spirited and disrespectful to just shut it down like they did. Cowardly even. If they had been rasied rtight they would have known you give people a chance to connect and reminisce and say goodbye. And yes you have to handle some posters who would have been melting down. Big deal. The Buffalo Bills humiliate and debase themselves and they don't even realize it. Afraid of message board posters going off, that is just pathetic.
  5. You aren't getting my nudes that easy buster.
  6. Do you have information about that? It was budgetary?
  7. Hi Bills Chick. May I ask, by higher ups do you mean team employees? I agree. It's a pretty big deal to me too. And it doesn't seem like just a daily business decision. It seems like a power play, smack down to me, by how they did this. It feels personal towards the board population. Very odd. Pretty much to me it seems like the board sentiment swung from pro Doug Whaley for years, to not so pro Doug Whaley lately, and then it was gone. Oh and hello everybody I just need to know where the bathrooms are and then I will be of no further trouble.
  8. Aww its ok I wont debate it any more because as I mentioned, I dont know that they didn't understand it. But it sure looked that way to me for some of the reasons I put in the post, and because of history. So maybe he tricked them, and maybe he didnt. But don't expect the league bosses to readily admit that they had their asses handed to them by a dead man And the rest if his legacy stuff is less subject to speculation. He did get 1.4 billion for a team that they said was worth $850 million, and importantly,. more than the Fins!
  9. I come here sometimes. I dont often post but I read twobills and always look at the news. I am glad you folks liked my post thanks. On this point, if I may: I agree I do not know the behind the scenes hard facts and details, but I do know the crux of it. One main point is: The state and county provided a total of 95 million dollars in funds and Ralph Wilson signed a lease agreeing to potentially pay 800 million dollars in penalities for breaking that lease, which is insane. The team at that time was valued at $850 million. In essense they said you break the lease we take the team. The league approved that lease. Either that means they routinely approve leases that are bad beyond belief, or that they did not notice it. I think they did not notice it because of the things they said and did. Bon Jovi and Rogers for example had the backing of three high profile owners, and yet had no idea of the provisions of the lease. And the commisioner made remarks that were reported to amount to stating that the league might allow the team to stay, but that we would have to build a new stadium. I don't know the exact words he said, but the reports were that is what he meant. So they approved a lease that made any ambition they may have had to move the team, virtually impossible. And they sure didnt seem to know it. And as you say now that there is a new owner, the league has little to say about those things. Thats why I figure they were hoodwinked. They approved a lease where the penalty for defaulting on 95 million in funding, was 800 million dollars plus possible jail time, and they then talked as if they thought they could move the team and make us build a stadium and they could do neither of those things. And they kind of look like morons for saying those things especialy because the lease forbids anyone from buying the team who intends to move it. And Ralph Wilson milked at least 100 milion dollars out of Rogers for those games, but signed a lease making it next to impossible for him to buy the team and bring it to Toronto. I am thinking Rogers would probably be pretty angry about that. Wouldn't you be? But we didn't hear any howling about it from Rogers.I dont think he knew.
  10. Move a little be Kujo, get around(get around) Get your feet up off the ground Move a little, get around Move a little Kujo, get around(get around) Get your feet up off the ground Move a little, get around" THis might be my favorite part
  11. That was good Thanks for the chuckle
  12. The Stadium is not good enough, or new enough, for the fans who will not pay enough for tickets, to be able to afford a new stadium. So a stadium must be built that is befitting the fans, because they will not pay for their own stadium. That is my understanding
  13. Wonderful! And now for some good points, that will be ignored! (by BadLandsMeanie) Americans are raised from Kindergarten on to respect our tradition of individual liberty. It is distressing to me to see how many people do not understand or believe in it. The right to make personal decisions is even more important when you disagree, not less. There is no health risk, except in your mind, to sitting in outdoor stadium while someone smokes a cigarette 200 or more feet away from you. It's odd to me that nobody expressed concern about the exhaust from the forty thousand cars in the parking lot or sitting in close packed traffic with thousands of cars for hours before and after games. Seems to me that if someone were to be frighted of an emission it would be of that because it is thousands of times more volume of gasses and many times more poisonous. That being said the Bills are also free to do as they choose and they have a right to say they do not wish to have patrons smoking and will not readmit them if they lave to do so. Except that it is not their stadium is is Erie Counties stadium and Erie County's property. And I wonder since they want 100 Million Dollars of tax money for stadium improvements, if the Bills will follow through and refuse to put their hands into the pockets of the New Yorkers who smoke? Can we have that tax just for the non-smokers who are welcome in the stadium?
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