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Everything posted by BadLandsMeanie

  1. "Right now, it's a short-term deal," Whaley told Sports Business Daily. "It's something to keep me busy.... So you hire a new guy and he tells the press it is just a short term thing to keep him busy til he finds something better. Same old Dougy!
  2. There is a crown on the field, it is just much less of one. The first two rows of seats at the Cap are now covered. Siting in row 4 will be fine. (I was in row 6 opening day) The problem will be people who refuse to sit down in the seats in front of you. There were two pricks in row one. On opening day. They didn't get kicked out til after half time. (And they were too close to the field and the police officers on it for the guys who very much wanted to beat the hell out of them to get away with it unseen )
  3. Thank you Bocephuz. I enjoyed this. Oh one thing: I think he is the only one currently playing who can do things like that. Is there someone else you know of who can do those dodges he does? I love watching him do that. I watch and I think to myself :"He is not dodging my neighbor Bubba down there. These are the best athletes in the country and he makes them look like the fat kid on the playground." Also I don't know how he sees people coming up behind him sometimes. You know the plays in games where you see a QB standing there and there is this guy barreling toward him from behind and the qb has no idea he is coming and you just brace yourself for the impact wondering if the guy will try to kill the qb or will settle for just a decent sack? Tyrod knows those guys that he can't see, are coming and I can't figure out how. ​I will say for the first time, out loud, that I was looking to see if somebody somehow signals him from somewhere along the sidelines. I didn't see anyone and I didn't even see anyone or anything that could possibly be it. I am not sure why I added that in except to say, I don't know anybody playing who can do the things he can do about being elusive. Do you?
  4. So a team has a very good player, that they are nevertheless trying to get rid of , because of what an ass he is for them to be around, and here come the fins trying to get him.
  5. Naw. I think the comments belong here. I think they are fine and fit the topic.
  6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WstMF8U93Tw
  7. In the weird category, Poyer gave his intercepted ball to the equipment guy to save for him. I was watching and I think the equipment guy may have switched to another ball to save for Poyer. No idea in the world why someone would do that, but it appeared as though he might have.
  8. I think I saw Taiwan Jones do a remarkable thing. He was on kick coverage and he ran down and got into what appeared to be a bar room brawl with a Jet blocker, and then he still made the tackle. I haven't seen a replay yet, and nobody else has mentioned it, so I am not sure if my eyes were fooling me.
  9. They were a little "Off" They did do some good running. Fans subdued because we are beating the team that will have the #1 pick next year, pushing them further up ahead of us in the draft. Its bittersweet and conflicting.
  10. That would have been a disaster! What would we have done without Cyrus Kouandjio? Good thing Doug Whaley was on the job. Seeing EJ's greatness, he was not taken in by Carr's false promise. He stood tall and Kouanjio he cried! And boy am I ever glad he did.
  11. They should get you to do the pregame speech!
  12. (For historic purposes) On this day, September 4th, 2017, BadLandsMeanie agreed totally with a post from OldTimeAFLGuy.
  13. Time spent "Waiting for Whaley" ..... 64 games Time spent waiting for Bean to have results..... 0 games. The person being unreasonable here, is You. Not everybody else. Not everyone who disagrees with you, but You. Why in your world does Whaley get 4 years and he STILL deserves more time in your view, but Beane gets none. He gets nothing, but YOU KNOW he is NO GOOD. Because you just do. Right? Is that the size of things?
  14. This is such a distortion of reality that I am not sure if you are actually serious?
  15. Yeah Ima stupid one too I reckon. You just wait some team gonna snap up that Douglas Whaley quicker than a bee to honey. Now I myself am thinkin' he were the stupidest GM at drafting and at getting along with people in the whole league. And there was that thing folks noticed about how he couldn't talk. You know, couldn't string his words together like a normal person. All of the mistake making and draft busting and the babbling and that there GIANT contract for Marcel who ain't the most serious young man, why that stuff will just plumb fool a simple bumpkin like me into thinking he just ain't very good. But now we gonna get to see how good he is when the other teams swoop down to have Douglas Whaley run things, and then you can rightly tell me you told me so.
  16. I didn't know flowers liked fish food. They feed and water the Bills too. Who puts the manure on the Bills though?
  17. I think Marcell is what you would call an "Oaf" I am sure he isn't the only Oaf in the NFL. Far from it. The trouble is the Buffalo Bills have made him the most highly paid Oaf in the NFL.
  18. So I guess the message is that Colin should be free to speak his mind, but Shady should not.
  19. To me it is just another excuse. If Tyrod can cut it he needs to be able to cut the mustard without depending on one particular player.
  20. The games left me feeling kind of sick overall. So yeah you picked the perfect ones to miss! Lets hope Baltimore is better.
  21. I figured he could smell the Bills stink from wherever far away he is?
  22. Good point. But don't forget they fired the OC after 3 games I think it was, last year.
  23. I think whatever Rosen's personality is, and however smart he is supposed to be, he hasn't been smart enough to keep some of the more annoying or controversial parts of his personality secret. That is not the best thing to do if your aim is to be taken way high in the NFL draft.
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