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Posts posted by BadLandsMeanie

  1. $24,553.99 plus tax.

    I think it was more about it would get lost in the sauce. Not sure though.



    I am thinking more along the lines of we have a game Thursday, which will have some sauce of its own, and your game was played Sunday.


    I will keeping my eye on this "Barnet" character for you Skippy. You keep being the sweet innocent fellow that you are. But Barnet won't get any of his monkey business by me.

  2. Its supposed to go out late Tuesday aft but Josh emailed me and said that just before they were going to put it out the trade happened. So he decided to run it in the morning.


    Thanks for the answer.


    I guess that works I will read it when I eat breakfast or something.


    I'm glad he emailed you.


    I guess it makes sense to somebody but from here, I don't see how they can run out of space? Like there is no paper in that online newspaper. Do they run you stuff in the paper-paper too?

  3. Great write up here Shaw. Thanks I enjoyed it.


    I hoped the rain would stop before night set in.


    Pure poetry. Here you use the rain is a symbol for decades of piss poor performance and night of course, is the symbol of death.

    I hope the rain stops before my night sets in too Shaw.


    “They're all gone, and they have not been replaced with household names. And yet, the Bills look like they're better now than they have been any time since the Bills started acquiring that talent.


    I think it is partly the Team mind-set as you say, and partly that our perception of how good these players were was altered by the publicity machine.


    “The rain kept coming, but at least beyond Syracuse the traffic thinned out. Passing trucks was tough, with all that spray clouding my vision of the road.


    I liked all this rain stuff. It was real to me because I was in that same rain yesterday, albeit loading and unloading my groceries. But I know it was a cold and rotten gloomy rain. And that part where it clouds your vision of the road on a long drive, I know that exact feeling. And that stuff drew me right onto the story with you.


    “I think the people in the lower bowl stood for the entire second half. And they made noise. That was impressive.


    I actually hate it when the people in the lower bowl stand the whole time. Jump up when something cool happens or when in defense on third down I say. Different strokes.


    “The mens room was empty except for one kid wearing Raiders gear. I know how it feels to drive through five hours of crap after your team has gotten stomped. Ive done it for years. I didnt feel sorry for him.


    I laughed out loud at the punchline there.


    “Holmes, by the way, seems to live with his toes inside the sideline. “


    The weird thing for me is, of everything that happened, Holmes bopping his toes down like he did there was the single most healing thing for my soul in this game.


    I loved the look and the win and I am confused about how good this teams seems to be and that has unsettled me in a positive way.

    But the toes down inside bounds. We practiced that as kids my friends and I, imitating what our player heroes did. And for at least the last 15 years now I have watched Bills receivers not do that, or maybe do that, or maybe not, or act like maybe they never heard of that. They just keep running and turn a completion into an incomplete. We have lost games because of that. Because of something my pals and I understood and practiced when we were 10 years old.


    I didn’t even get angry about it any more. I guess I had thought the part of my soul that had hope the receivers would be willing to fall down to get a completion nowadays, had died. But Holmes and this new bunch who do actually do that, brought that tiny part of my dead soul back to life.

    It made me happy. Like your post here. Thanks Shaw.

  4. I don't think so. Just because he didn't intentionally make a racist comment doesn't mean it didn't come from some bad place that needs to be addressed and fixed. He didn't make a mistake by giving them more credit than they deserve but less. This wasn't the first dumb thing he said. It's taken as a Freudian slip more than just a mistake. If someone called me a slave to my boss it means nothing to me. If someone called a black guy the same thing it means something different to him.

    What if a black guy said it to a black guy?


    Of course. I know many who regret voting for him as well.


    He also lost the popular vote to an awful candidate, and his popularity has been plummeting ever since. He hasn't delivered anything and is completely spiraling right now. Sorry, I just can't buy that he's the favorite in 2020 at this point. His own party doesn't want him.

    IM not a Trump supporter. But if I may since you touched on something I have noted.


    If you are a Democrat, you don't have a party. The Clinton Machine controls "your" party. I believe that is just a known thing isn't it?


    Why don't you guys react to that? Or , like, even seem to notice it?


    It is true that Republicans did NOT want Trump. But since they hadn't established air tight control, they had him shoved down their throats anyway, because of VOTING and Primaries.


    Y'all got "caucuses" .


    Your problem is bigger than Trump because you don't actually even get to choose your candidates in a fair and honest process. And as far as I see in the press at least, Democrats are oblivious to that.



    Anyway was just asking I don't mean t derail the thread topic.

    I have not read all the replies in this thread but...


    I have seen that some think that this is just a common phrase that the Texans players are reacting sensitively to.


    Well, consider the fact that the meeting was called to discuss the players' protest to draw attention to racial inequality and the vast majority of protesters are black.


    Who then are the inmates? Google the incarceration rates by race yourself and you will have to agree that this is not just a simple turn of phrase.

    I think it is , if you don't think of black people as inmates.

  6. A Polish immigrant went to the DMV to apply for a lisence

    First, of course, he had to take an eye sight test.

    The optician showed him a card with the letters

    'C Z W I X N O S T A C Z.'

    'Can you read this?' the optician asked.

    'Read it?' the Polish guy replied, 'I know the guy.'

  7. I need more information before I can decide what to think of the players reaction.


    If McNair has been a mean standoffish owner who uses people including his players, and they want to use this misstep to stick it to him, that is at least understandable.


    But if McNair has been a fair, reasonable, decent man to them, and they are excoriating this 79 year old man on the national stage for his use of a common expression that is awkward in this one context, then the players are racists. They are doing this to him because he is white.


    I don't know which it is.

  8. Not sure how true this is but it is pretty plain.




    Risk Factors

    According to the U.S. National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, about 70% of American adults always drink at low-risk levels or do not drink at all. (Thirty-five percent of Americans do not consume alcohol.) About 28% of American adults drink at levels that put them at risk for alcohol dependence and alcohol-related problems.


    Overall, there is no difference in alcoholic prevalence among African-Americans, Caucasians, and Hispanic-Americans. Some population groups, however, such as Native Americans, have an increased incidence of alcoholism while others, such as Jewish and Asian Americans, have a lower risk. Although the biological or cultural causes of such different risks are not known, certain people in these population groups may have a genetic susceptibility or invulnerability to alcoholism because of the way they metabolize alcohol.

  9. https://www.cbssports.com/nfl/news/adam-gase-says-hes-fed-up-and-done-compromising-with-unprepared-dolphins/


    There isn't necessarily just one problem the Miami Dolphins need to address after their embarrassing 40-0 loss to the Baltimore Ravens on Thursday night.

    Head coach Adam Gase made that clear in a tangent of a press conference on Friday, where he addressed a litany of issues with the Dolphins and repeatedly remarked how "fed up" he is with his team, according to Hal Habib of the Palm Beach Post.

    thanks great post

  10. This is the dumbest thing I've read since the Anquan Boldin thread.


    It's a common phrase, with a colloquial understanding, which was stated incorrectly. There is no inference of racism.


    This is just more horseshit from idiots looking for things to be offended about where no offense exists.

    I agree.


    I think it is also counterproductive to what things they are trying to accomplish, to behave so stupidly.

  11. Consider application of the law. It's not that people shouldn't be punished, but they aren't punished proportionately. Non-violent offenders are more likely to go to jail if they are a minority.




    Equality doesn't mean we all have the same everything, it means we're all treated the same regardless of what we look like or how much money we make. That has never been achieved, but it doesn't mean we shouldn't strive for it.

    Take the money out of it and see what happens to that statistic. I say a well to do person of any color is less likely to go jail than a working class person of any color.

  12. Here's what's behind the paywall today:


    - Kyle Williams puff piece. Apparently gave a spirited locker room speech.

    - Lorax and Cedric Thornton have diabetes in their families. Or know people with diabetes. Or both.

    - Marshawn Lynch loses suspension appeal (wire news available literally everywhere)

    - Jack Del Rio said NFL coachy things about not overlooking his next opponent (again, available to be ignored on hundreds of sites)

    - Buffalo weather forecast - i don't pay, so I guess I'll show up for the game in shorts and a t shirt. I mean, where else could I find this insight? I'll remind you: this is BEHIND A PAYWALL.

    - Announcers announced for CBS!

    - (separate article) and James Loton is one of them! Did you know he's an ex-Bill? You wouldn't unless you'd ante'd up.

    - you can buy a ticket on Stub Hub for Sunday's game! Section 317, Row 34. It'll set you back a bit though. Maybe you should save $2.99 a month for the next 3 years and go.

    -LeSean McCoy thinks his O Line isn't performing to 2016 levels. Breaking news! I never would've guessed by his greatly diminished yardage/YPC

    - Tyrod Taylor passing heat maps. Let me guess: not too much over the middle. But probably more than before.

    - "Tyrod Taylor was Flawless in comeback win vs Bucs." As in 4-4 on the last 2 drives. (I did have to look that one up, but I saved the cost of a grande americano)

    - Amari Cooper has double the drops of Zay Jones!

    - Lorax has a brother. He plays football. He may play college football in a big-ish program.

    - Deonte Thompson was an unlikely hero last week. Did you know that he caught passes for as many yards as Mitch Trubisky had throwing the ball? And that Trubisky was his QB just a couple weeks ago? That says something. I'm not sure what though. Maybe "we're scrambling to create content to justify this new paywall."

    - did you know that there's a bar that shows Bills games on (gasp!) 50 inch TVs? They leave the sound on too! Guys wear Zubaz. Now you know.


    Ahh, just one day in the desperate life of a Bills Blitz.

    FWIW I enjoyed your post. I appreciate good snark for its own sake. :)





    To KTD : Ok I have read your article there KTD. That was pretty good. I enjoyed it well done.


    Of course you are eager for my suggestions. I won't make you ask in case you are too proud.


    You can take your Commandeer joke along to future posts.


    A remark about how Tyrod has Commodored the Bills with his new and energetic practice habits.





    And then if we have a bad game, he can Commode the Bills.


    No need to thank me.

  13. Thanks. I'm pretty sure it's $2.99 per month for the Bills Blitz during the football season. So it would only be $9 for the rest of the year.



    It is a two-week free trial and then the billing for the first month happens after the two weeks expires. It is billed monthly.


    Thanks for the heads up on the FAQ. Will get that fixed ASAP.



    Thank you both. I was annoyed by the interface signing up, but now I feel better about it and I will go ahead and sign up today when I get a chance.


    KTD this article of yours better be good is all I am saying if I am going on the hook for 2.99 here. It better be DAMNED good.


    Now Josh, unsolicited advice because I can't resist the idea of expounding indirectly to Warren Buffet about how to make money. Poor fellow is bumbling around, searching for answers.


    I have found in other endeavors, and you will likely come to find as well, that Bills fans are a thrifty bunch.


    Now, we will pay for expensive tickets to see a bad team. We pay $30 to park a car and $9 for a beer and $34 for a $15 baseball cap. I can meet somebody new at a tailgate and they may hand me a beer and a plate filled with $15 dollars worth of food that they cooked themselves and they think nothing of it.


    So one might suppose $2.99 a month will be a super easy sell. It won't be. There is a thrifty side to the fans. Very thrifty indeed. But do not lose hope! I am here to help.


    In the olden days my family received a newspaper 7 days per week. But the belief was that it paid for itself. Between the coupons and the advertisements for money saving deals a family could easily save more than the subscription cost.


    I think you could put enough stuff in there to convince your subscribers that they were getting a good bang for their buck. They will be willing for you to siphon 10 cents per day out of their thrifty wallets if they see it as a bargain.


    Do you have coupons behind your paywall? Good ones? And genuine sales advertised on quality items that people will want?


    What about a comic? People love comics. Can you put a sports related comic in there?


    These are old methods but you do not have to reinvent the media or the newspaper model. You just need to redo the medium.


    If you obtain quality ads and quality coupons you will not have to push them into our faces, so to speak. People will look for them just as they used to.


    That's all for now but I think it would be a good start. Between coupons, desirable sales ads, comics and KTD's stories (which had better be good) I think you will have an easier time.


    Also get up to date on your payment options. People use more than credit cards nowadays.


    So big thanks to Scott, and Josh Barnett, the Buffalo News started a new feature for the Bills Blitz called "Voice of the Fan." I was asked to write a column about the game specifically from the fan's perspective. I think it will come out on Tuesdays and hopefully last for awhile. And twobillsdrive gets a little mention at the bottom.

    So all you cheapskates, shell out the $2.99 and give it a read. If you feel compelled, write a comment or let Josh know you think that his idea was brilliant. Ha.

    If anyone has ideas for what you would like to see in the column, tell me here.

    The site changes quite often as to the placement of the articles. It just came out so it is easy to find right near the top. Otherwise it's in the Commentary and Fandom sections.

    Pony up! ;)


    Congrats KTD.


    This is pretty cool.


    I suggest that you take suggestions with a grain of salt (pun intended). If you try to be too inclusive of people's ideas what your column should like, I think you will lose your own vision.


    I wanted to be supportive and even though I had stopped reading TBN sports content when it was still free, I did begin this morning to go ahead and sign up for a month plus the two free weeks just to see what you are doing there.


    Unfortunately the formatting is such that I must enter my personal and credit card information before I am even presented with the terms. For example it is $2.99 per month billed monthly? Or is it $2.99 x 12 for an actual charge of $35.88? I don't know!


    The FAQ link on the sign up page goes to a 404 error.


    None of which is your problem I just want to say why I won't be able to see what you write there but I do hope it goes really well for you!


    If Taylor can play a little more consistently the rest of the season, the need to package a ton of picks for a top 3 QB may not be needed.

    I still think the Bills need to take a QB in the 1st this year. Heck, maybe a Darnold or Mayfield will be there in the middle 20's (hoping we pick in the middle 20's).

    Darnold stock seems to be dropping but I still think he's good....well he may actually stay in school too.

    I think maybe with the focus on the top 3 guys there may be a a good candidate still hanging around in the later first round.

  16. My greatest fear is that they trade a whole bunch of picks to get to the top of the draft and take a guy who doesn't make it.


    That could happen.


    Or they could wind up with stability at the QB spot for the first time in 20 years.


    We could wind up with somebody who we are not settling for because top QBs are hard to get.


    We could have somebody at QB who when we inevitably blame them for the losses, that we are actually wrong about it. Actually genuinely wrong.



    Ah well so far the new Bills seem to know what they are doing. We will see how things work out for us I guess.




    2. I think Sunday we saw the good, the bad and the ugly of Tyrod Taylor, all on display in one game. Theres a lot more good than bad. If Brandon Beane sees a half dozen more games this season like that one, I think hes renegotiating Taylors contract again and using all those draft picks to build talent across the lineup.



    This is my greatest fear.



    That aside, thanks for the RR and the perfect lunch time delivery made it extra special. :)

  18. I was mad at first when I heard about it. But when I watched it, I didn't think it was that bad.


    One big difference to me is that he was very plainly not after the official. He wasn't mad at him, he wasn't trying to do anything to him, and in some way it matters to me at least that the official put his hands on Marshawn first.


    I think the ejection and a fine is enough, or maybe add in a one game suspension.

  19. yikes she didn't say that, I did! I certainly apologize if it offended you. I didn't mean it that way. I was saying it was a diverse addition to the staff that was previously all white males. And I added that they were mostly grumpy. I didn't mean all white males are grumpy. Just those that have recently covered the Bills at BTN. I appreciated the diverse hire. Sorry for any confusion.

    I think most of the white males who have been bills fans for the past 20 years are pretty grumpy.


    But so are the black ones. And the white and black women Bills fans. I think pretty much all of us.



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