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Posts posted by BadLandsMeanie

  1. We have come full circle Shaw back to the point where your colum is better than the game.


    I had a bad feeling before this game but man I  had no inkling it could be THAT bad.


    I don't understand how things went this wrong so fast.

    Especially because everything I thought they were, they are not. Not scrappy, not sound fundamentals, not smart, not well coached, not physical, not knowing the assignments, none of it. It just evaporated so completely I wonder if it was even there to begin with.


    Do you have any idea how things could crumble so bad so fast?

    I could only come up with a couple possibilities.


     Dareus would certainly have helped but his leaving couldn't make THAT big of a difference.


    I am wondering about his Hatian connection though. Maybe there is something to Voo Doo after all. That team looked cursed.


    Or, I am wondering if the light bulb finally went on for Tyrod when they got rid of Dareus.


    Woods, Watkins, Gilmore, Darby, and then Dareus. Maybe when Dareus went, Tyrod finally realized that they are getting rid of all the good players. And that if he wants to stick around Buffalo he had better start sucking and he better start sucking fast.


    Now he can only hope that he didn't start too late and that he is sucking bad enough to save his job.





  2. 1 hour ago, Gugny said:


    I think I'm gonna scale the outside lights back a little this year.  I usually do real garland on the porch rails (draped) and light them myself.  It's a real pain in the ass and the older I get, the more I hate the cold.  Plus, that **** ain't cheap.  We shall see.

    Take a look at the laser lights they have at Walmart :) And probably elsewhere. 22 bucks and it projects little red and green dancing lights on your whole house.

  3. Well, the players and the league  need to expect more problems and controversies like this. They are leaving the door open so people will walk through.


    When I look at the play I see some pretty confused and sluggish looking linemen. If I am allowed to use the word, a couple of them look stupid. But I don't see anything deliberate.



  4. People were thrilled at first. But then, with team performance not rising to expectations, and numerous late game losses on interceptions, and a bickering controversy around the team, nobody complained. We all still adored him. We only pick on Tyrod but Kelly got a pass.


    This is sarcasm. 

    People recall NOW that we were all just enthralled but look it up Level even said that people were calling for Frank Riech.


    Its what  we do :)

  5. You guys are thorough!





    In what can not help but be an irritating suggestion, for which I apologize in advance:


    For the parking lot attendants I wonder if a sign reading as follows would be a tiny bit easier to read and also aid there memory a little bit.




    then the two bills drive



    Or maybe it makes no difference at all or is worse. I let you, the people who actually do things, decide.




  6. 15 hours ago, Shaw66 said:

    I won't remember, because I can't remember anything these days.  


    But I would suggest to you that although stats aren't the be all and end all, to say you're concerned about Taylor's consistency but don't cite stats is to leave "consistency" un measurable.   How are we supposed to have a discussion about consistency if not with stats?   Am I supposed to be convinced simply because you think he's inconsistent?  What does that mean?   

    Well, I am not expecting it it but "because I say so" would be agreeable to me..


    You sir can prove much of anything you wish with stats. Or so says I. Also Tyrod just has a way with stats that don't match up with my eyeballs. My eyeballs arent what they used to be, but they could be right.


    Go ahead with your math if you wish. But haven't you notice he is not consistent? Some games he can throw some he misses easy passes, and so on?

  7. Ok heres what i got


    Here's the one now :


    Pete Rosen is a screenwriter in Los Angeles, lifetime Buffalo fan, and may be found blathering daily at twobillsdrive.com.


    Here's my edit:


    Los Angeles screenwriter and film maker Peter Rosen focuses his lens on his hometown Buffalo Bills in TBN each week.  Talk football with him any time at twobillsdrive.com.



    I put Peter Rosen because it has a better rhythm than Pete Rosen. The rest is self evident for better or worse.

    • Thank you (+1) 1
  8. I say get rid of the "blathering" line.


    Reading the piece, "blathering"  is redundant.


    I kid. Those pieces are about as different as they could be. I'm still adjusting to, how to read them and at a different pace than other sports articles.


    One thing for certain is they are not bad articles. They belong there.


    So I legit suggest that you get someone to make a positive blurb and get rid of the self-effacing blathering part. I get it. But I don't think it is time for that yet. I think you should legit tell the readers something positive. If I think of something while I do my chores here at home I will write it in the thread so it can be properly ignored according to tradition.



  9. Oh I almost forgot. Thanks for mentioning the cheerleaders Shaw.


    Nowadays the younger fans say they don't see what cheerleaders add to the game. 


    And I say "What they add, is that they add cheerleaders to the game". And they don't understand what I mean. And that makes me uneasy and  wondering what has happened. 


    So thanks pal I appreciated that you enjoyed the cheerleaders because I know that at least there are two of us left..

  10. 1 hour ago, Shaw66 said:

    I'm sold on him meaning I would plan on him being my starter for the next five years.   Meaning, I wouldn't trade up to replace him with a gilt-edged rookie.   Meaning, if a QB I really really liked turned up late in the first round on in the second, I'd probably take him. 

    Taylor looks much better to me this year than last year.   I think he's playing like a top 15 quarterback.   As much as I'd like to have a top 5 quarterback, the chances of getting one are slim.   

    I don't buy your measure - he has to air it out for 400 yards in a head to head battle like Wilson and DeShaun Watson had a couple weeks ago.   That can't be the measure of your QB, because it's too arbitrary.   To have one of those duels you have to be on a team with good to great deep receiving threats, like Houston has.   Your team's run game has to have failed., so you're throwing 45 times.   

    I don't mean I don't want one of those guys.   It would be great.   

    I look at it differently.  I think it's a sucker bet to keep looking for the Hall of Fame QB.   If you have to look for a good quarterback, and when you find one you have to figure out how to win with him.  What's a good QB?   I think it's a guy who's regularly in or around the top 10 QBs in the league.  When you have one of those, he's the guy you ride, trying to build a winner around him. 

    I've been saying since he finished his first season in Buffalo that Taylor COULD be the guy.   He did an awful lot right that first year; the only thing he didn't do was pile up yards, because his team didn't pass.   The last two games he's looked improved to me, and that's what makes me think he's worth riding.   The last two games he's been finding open receivers, open enough, and delivering catchable balls.   Against Tampa he was conservative and threw a few balls out of bounds.   Against New York there was little of that.   He looked like a top-10 guy on the TDs to both Jones and Thompson.   His throw up the sideline to Holmes was beautiful.   He was consistently making throws that I admire when I see Brady and Brees and Rodgers make.   He just looks good.  

    I think he's looked better in the past couple of weeks because he's playing in a well-designed offense and he's starting to get comfortable in it.  And I think it's likely to get better now that he has Benjamin to throw to.   I like speed guys, but I also like the big guys, and the Bills have gone from Watkins and Woods - not tiny, but not big guys - to Matthews and Benjamin, with Clay coming back too.  I'm expecting to be very happy with the second half of Tyrod's season.  

    I said it a few weeks ago.  Tyrod's contract is going to renegotiated in the off-season, and he's going to be five years, $100 million, minimum.  With five picks in the first three rounds, I'm expecting the Bills to draft at least  two offensive linemen.

    Well, you know football. I don't agree with you but I consider your opinion could be right.


    I actually hope you are right since we already have him. But if it was up to me I wouldn't pay him 20 million a year for five years unless I had ways out of it. And I would keep one of the first round picks and just keep trading it at a profit if possible for the next year. That way I would have ammo if a real good prospect came along.


    I hope they do draft oline because I am always in favor of drafting olinemen.


    PS this new board went down, but it saved my post here so I didn't have to retype it. pretty cool.

  11. NIce post as per your usual Shaw. Thanks.

    About this part:

    "At the risk of starting a firestorm, what I really liked in the Jets game was Tyrod Taylor. Well see what the second half of the season, but Im pretty much sold on him."

    What do you mean by sold? He's the future? I figure that is your meaning.

    For me, I have never once seen him in one of those games where both sides are airing it out. You remember the ones where team are coming out with four wide and just going at it. I have never seen him march the offense like that, repeatedly, for a half or whole game.

    Granted Tyrod does a lot of things well. But until he can throw well, until he can orchestrate and succeeded in a consistent aerial attack, I won't be sold on him. And I haven't seen him do it one time so far.

    Would you give 2 first round draft picks for a solid franchise QB? And would you give 2 first round draft picks for Tyrod?








  12. It's there when I looked. ;) Right at the top. Although as the day goes on and new stuff comes on there it will begin to slide down. Go Bills.

    Ok it is there now. Thanks. It was not there before I said something.


    Note how you now have the top spot with a big photo.

    Consider it a free sample of what an Agent, such as me, can do for a fellow like you.


    I can now go and enjoy the article that they tried to suppress.


    Go Bills! Go TBD!

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