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Posts posted by BadLandsMeanie

  1. 21 minutes ago, Shaw66 said:


    It means that for a guy who can throw 60 mph, when' he's throwing the ball 30 yards, the ball takes one second from his hand to the receiver's hands.   For a guy who throws the ball 50 miles per hour, it takes the ball 1.2 seconds to get there.   That means that the guy who's throwing 50 has to release the ball two tenths of a second earlier than the the guy with the better arm.  That means the guy with the weaker arm has to DECIDE TO THROW two tenths of second earlier.    That means the guy with the weaker arm has two tenths of second less to see whether a linebacker is dropping into coverage, a safety is closing, whatever.   That's a huge difference.   



    Yes and no. What you say is true but guys don't want to catch a ball that is going 60 miles an hour. So this really only applies on the long ball as in your example, when it has had time to slow down some.


    And to be a pain :D there is also the arc of the ball to be considered and the calculations of wind resistance and deceleration on a 60 mph versus a 50 mph one. I have no idea if it is different, but it could require adjustments to your calculations there!

  2. This year The defense has carried the team a couple of times to pull out a win.


    The kicking game carried the team for at least one win.


    The running game carried the team for at least one win.


    When it is the passing games "turn" to carry the team, nothing happens.


    We may be 5-4 but in my opinion we lose nothing by switching up because the passing game has never carried the team to a win this year.

  3. 1 hour ago, WideRightRevenge said:


    That is the best clip in terms of showing the play / open gaps I've ever seen .. is this a one time thing or can this be found all the time?

    Do you mean the clip or the gaps?


    Tom Brady does this all the time. He is the best there is at it.


    The clips I dont know it is very well done though.

    1 hour ago, Billsfan1972 said:

    Wow one pass, good blocking and soft coverage......


    TT never completed a pass like that?


    Geez talk about grasping at straws.


    Now again if the bills were 3-6 or 2-7 sure scrap it.  But when in a playoff spot coming off two pathetic defensive performances (yes bad O too, but Defense lost those games), this is a joke.

    No, Tyrod did not. He can not do that. Tyrod is unable to do that.

    Look, probably I can't do that either I am not saying he is stupid. You have to think and see very fast and Tyrod can't do it. Or won't I don't know which.


    What is so terrible about not having to watch the Tyrod to Tolbert connection  for another week? I don't understand at all really.




  4. 3 minutes ago, unclepete said:

    And when Peterman is average tobanove average like Trent Edwards. Or flashes like Fitzpatrick we’ll be wanting to see more from him. 


    Look at how Wentz did last year or Goff. They’ve developed. But after 8 games we didn’t know what they were. Gonna take time to develop a young QB. Would rather give Peterman and a rookie time to battle it out in camp and ride it out with the winner for a season. See what we really have. We should have just started Peterman if we thought that highly of him like the Seahawks did Russell Wilson 

    OK you have a point. But I didn't watch Wentz or Goff.


    Rookies make mistakes and often make stupid ones. Even jim kelly made costly mistakes his first year as a Bills.


    Did Wentz or Goff look like they were unable to understand? Like they could not be made to understand? Like they could not think quickly enough, could not scan the field quickly enough, could not recognize coverage?


    JP, EJ, and Tyrod appeared as if they could not be made to understand. And that they could not read the defense quickly. Not to me, like they were making mistakes doing it. They looked like "can not".


    Trent Edards certainly could and was worth waiting and seeing. Until he started to REFUSE to make certain throws. Just like Tyrod has started to do. He just wont do it. Time for the bench.

    3 minutes ago, Jauronimo said:

    The horror! I can't even fathom going to the playoffs, making a run, and coming up short one game away from the Super Bowl.  You're right.  Tis' far better to have another season over before it snows. 


    Let the drought continue!!  The best part about preparing for future success is you can do it indefinitely.  Lets stick with the problem we know rather than roll the dice with post season losses.

    OK but the only place we are going to the playoffs in, playing like we have been, is in your mind. That is where we disagree. We were on the fast track to nowhere and the mirage blew up. That is how I see it anyway.


    How about we wait and see how Peterman does before we decide they have made an error?

  5. 14 minutes ago, unclepete said:

    I agree but you win with what you have. Not switch in the middle of a playoff run. We still could get a QB in the first round if we make the playoffs. We don’t have enough time this year to evaluate Peterman.  

    If I may say so, I think 7 or 8 games is enough to get a pretty good idea.


    Especially since Peterman comes in with experience running an NFL style offense. Most new guys nowadays have no clue because of the college style offenses.


    And maybe call me crazy but I think most QB's you can get a pretty good idea after  half season. Maybe not about how they will play in 5 years. But about how they will do anytime soon. And I think teams including the Bills kind of lie to us about that, or to themselves. JP was in trouble you could see it early on. EJ was in trouble you could see it early on. The Bills just pretended it wasn't true for years.

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  6. The move cleared about $5 million in 2017 salary-cap space and about $2 million in 2018 cap space, in addition to erasing about $47 million in cap hits from 2019-21.

    In all, the Bills saved about $54 million over five seasons by trading Dareus. The Jaguars owe Dareus about $5 million in guaranteed salary for the remainder of this season as well as $7.35 million of his salary in 2018. There are no guarantees after 2018.


    It is also an unexpected development for a team that might have released Dareus after this season at a higher cost to their salary cap. Had the Bills released Dareus in March, they would have been on the hook for the guaranteed $7.35 million of his 2018 salary, in addition to the $14.2 million in signing bonus proration they had to swallow with a trade. In this case, the Jaguars absorb that $7.35 million.


    That's what I know, from Rodak



  7. 9 minutes ago, Jauronimo said:

    If the season ended today, we're in the playoffs.  For the first time in 17 years, we're in.  And you and the rest of the unwashed masses espouse making winning this year a tertiary goal behind the 2018 draft and evaluating players for next year?  How many winning seasons are you willing to sacrifice for the POSSIBILITY of future winning seasons?  Are winning seasons and playoff berths worth more in the future? 

    Ok, say you are right and we make the playoffs.


    Will you be ok with it if Tyrod and the offense score 3 points in a playoff game? Or the conference championship is where they choose to have their meltdown? This offense melts down sometimes. A couple games the defense scored enough points for a win. Another game we have I don't remember how many field goals. But this offense does not often put the ball in the end zone, even when they are not having a bad day.

  8. Just now, Jauronimo said:

    Assessing rookies and planning for next year when you're still sitting in a wildcard spot is "clear" and "professional"?

    Yes. Plainly they are moving on from Tyrod Taylor. Or possibly they are trying to wake him up.


    Against the Jets we scored 7 points during the portion of the game where it was not a sure loss.


    Against the Saints we scored 3.  When you score 10 points in 2 weeks you have to do something when you are dealing with a 7th year pro.

    Or so I think. 


    I agree with you all who say that we may spend just one high pick on a qb if things go well.  That makes sense.


    Let me say this though. I know Peterman was chosen in the 5th for a reason. And I know even a high first rounder has about a 50-50 chance of turning out well.


    On Peterman's first day at camp, his first day, I watched him reading the defense and picking at the seams in the zone defense.


    Someone posted a vidoe of him doing that from last game so you can see what I mean. He sees what is happening, and the throws to the spot where he knows the gap will be, before the receiver even makes his cut.



    I am no football genius I freely admit. But I have been going to camp for 13 years now. No rookie could do that. And we have had multiple starters who could not do that. Tyrod can not do this.


    On his first day of camp Peterman could. That is very different. I was amazed.


    Maybe he has other big flaws, but I think maybe he might be good enough. And i think the coaches might think he might maybe be good enough too.

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  9. All other factors and possibilities and feelings and opinions aside, the Bills brass are looking at this in a very simple clear professional way.


    They will play Peterman which means, things can go well, or things can go badly.


    If things go well they will know that they do not need to draft a quarterback high next year.


    If things go badly, they will know that they do need to draft a quarterback. And they will be in a better potion to do so because they will have lost more games and will draft higher.


    I think it is that simple. They need to know and they are going to find out





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  10. 1 hour ago, Royale with Cheese said:

    Mainly because if Peterman struggles, you can't go back to Tyrod.  



    Why can't they go back to Tyrod?


    Is he like their girlfriend?


    Once they jilt her, they can't get her back?


    I am so sick of this stupid, absolute horse crap superstition and smokescreen the NFL throws up around the QB spot.. They have two player under contract that can use them as needed period.


    If they are AFRAID to, ok. They should just say that they are afraid. But they certainly can do it.



  11. A tid bit I have wondered about since I read it. Might be something, might be nothing. Adding it for anyone who is still reading this thread.


    From Kimberly Martin's article of Oct 14.


    The set up is these are the names that have haunted or motivated Tyrod since his draft 6 1/2 years ago, 2011.



    "He leans back in his chair, clasps his hands behind his head and looks to the ceiling.

    Then, the names begin to flow.

    Taylor recites them from memory as if reading from a script. But after all these years, he doesn’t need much practice. They will stay with him for the rest of his NFL career – if not longer.

    “Cam Newton. Colin Kaepernick. Andy Dalton. Jake Locker. Christian Ponder. T.J. Yates. Ryan Mallett. Ricky Stanzi,” he rattles off in rapid succession.

    Then, he pauses again.

    “Wait, I’m missing somebody,” he says, before he’s reminded of Blaine Gabbert, the 10th overall pick in 2011, and Nathan Enderle, a late fifth-rounder."


    The 10 names of QBs picked before him. The 10 names that "...will stay with him for the rest of his NFL career – if not longer."


    But he can only remember 8 of them.


    Like I say, might be something, might be nothing. 


    http://buffalonews.com/2017/10/14/tyrod-taylor-unfiltered-win-everythings-great-lose-want-crucify/  (is paywalled)

  12. So far I only have one rational theory about what happened. I don't believe it, but it is the only possibility that has some chance of being true that I have thought of so far.


    Many players think of it, reasonable, that they have only so many plays in their bodies. Obviously there are other factors that may even matter more. But Ross Tucker for example once wrote an article saying he and many other players, truth be told, would rather not go to the playoffs because of the extra wear and tear.


    I am not saying the Bills don't want to go to the playoffs. I think they do.


    But they may have realized at some point that the Saints were going to kill them no matter what they did. And they may have decided to just get through the game with as little wear and tear as possible.

  13. 31 minutes ago, Foxx said:

    yep that was weird out there Sunday. you are correct, the replacement players come to mind.  i was seriously trying to think of whether or not i had ever witnessed what we saw out there Sunday and i couldn't remember one time.  the difference with the replacement players though, was it was replacement players playing against replacement players. granted some teams were stacked but i don't know if that is even a good comparrison to what we witnessed.


    something is afoot. to my way of perception, there i no other answer. i am open to others speculation though.

    Well we will find out eventually but it might take years for something to leak out I suppose.


    I just wish I could find the game film. I really want to look at it and see if I can figure  something out. But no one posted it this week that I can find.

  14. 1 minute ago, Rochesterfan said:



    I agree - there are some bad things, but it would really make a defense think - especially as they are very different.  You would have to be willing to allow TT to throw and run some PA and have to let Peterman roll out, but it could be done. 


    I just think if you are developing a scheme you want to run - get the best guy in there and playing.

    Well, for me, setting aside any trace of predicting how any Bills QB will turn out in the long run, just side stepping that whole thing:


    We had an offense out there behind by 30 points who wouldn't take gambles and just go for broke. If I was head coach, unless it was me who told the team not to try at all to come back and win, I wouldn't want anybody to think they couldn't be benched when something like that is happening.

     For me that means the offensive coordinator on down.


    That one piece is the main part I don't understand about this game, The offense didn't even seem to try any desperation measures.

  15. Tuesday morning I get my cup of coffee I turn to TBN....and no Voice of the Fan.


    This isn't Hollywood glamour boy. People are expected to show up and meet basic expectations.


    Oh, except the team, hmm.


    Ok, This isn't Hollywood or the NFL glamour boy. Where's my VOF? My free trail period ended and I don't read the other stuff. So I am paying 50 cents a VOF here. (not counting the extra in-between one you did)



  16. 17 minutes ago, hondo in seattle said:

    I'm more thinking out loud more than seriously suggesting this...


    Years ago, HOF coach Tom Landry played both Craig Morton and Roger Staubach as QB.  Sometimes they QB-ed on different series; in one game they alternated every play.  


    What if we alternated Peterman and Taylor?  They have such different skill sets.  Defenses try to stop Taylor by forcing him to stay in the pocket.  Peterman, on the other hand, is at his best in the pocket.  


    The disadvantages of having two QBs are obvious and I'll note that the Cowboys went on a long win streak once they decided to stop alternating QBs and stick with Staubach.  But here are the advantages:


    *  We continue to make use Tyrod's amazing athletic ability.


    *  Peterman gets some playing time - he develops his game-time skills and the coaching staff gets to evaluate him in a live-game environment.


    *  We keep defenses off balance.  



    Tom Landry is a Hall of Fame coach. These guys are not maybe is on reason why.


    I am serious about what you said I do think they should try it. Every coach in the league refuses to do this though. They have many many excuses. What it amounts to for me is that they have a superstition that QB is the one job that must not be competed for in games.

  17. 34 minutes ago, Foxx said:

    very nice post, Shaw. outside of your Tyrod blindspot, i really enjoyed reading this.


    BLM, they can't be that bad. there is no way.  somethings afoot here. i think the defense was protesting, there really can be no other explanation. that was man against boys out there Sunday. 

    Hey Foxx well I had spent a few minutes wondering about that. But it seems crazy to me that the whole team could be angry enough about something to just quit trying without any word of it leaking out.

    They looked like replacement players. That was really weird.

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