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Everything posted by BadLandsMeanie

  1. I think the only way that first half could have gone worse is if somebody died. So I am glad nobody died. That is the positive from that half.
  2. Where were the low risk passes and stuff?
  3. Im wondering if Tyrod will not throw until he sees the receiver open with his own eyes, is because of this. Maybe the receivers only will get open in theory.
  4. So I says to myself. I says, This will be fun, How bad can it be? Its not like we gonna have 5 interceptions in the first half. Just settle down and enjoy the game I says to myself.
  5. I wonder what Kyle Orton is up to?
  6. So, what ar e some of your favorite Thanksgiving recipes?
  7. THe prior emphasis on the passing game. that didnt go so well. They still had to consider it
  8. I guess having to defend a passing attack helped ole shady out a lil bit
  9. DRY YOUR EYES BOYS AND GIRLS . Daddy Sean is here!
  10. Gee suck it up people too early to go for the exits
  11. Awwww shucks. Bad choice to throw that.
  12. IM glad there is a bright side to all this.
  13. OH hes walking it might not be a killer
  14. %@$$@#%^@ why THE DANG KNEE SHOT? gOSH darn it
  15. It makes up 12 times the difference
  16. I figure this is a stastical anomoly and that 55 is not a magic number. But, if it is a magic number it probably isn't magic for the reason you say. Because look at the numbers in another way. 53 miles per hour peterman speed is 77 feet per second. So it travels 7.7 feet in one tenth of a second, and travels 3 feet in 38 hundredths of a second. The NFL game is fast but a ball arriving 38 hundredths of a second later can not possibly be a deal breaker.
  17. Yeah I think we are opposites and that is the difference. For me, I haven't believed in Tyrod for a Season and a half now. Tyrod Taylor is a businessman to me. He will take care of business and make sure his stats are as good as they can be. And he will get another good job after here because some poor fan base somewhere will believe him about not being treated fair and that he has such great stats. So to me, he kind of was the tank. To me Peterman is the tank with an upside. If he tanks we will lose more games and pick higher. And if he doesn't tank the team, then that is good too.
  18. Likewise my friend. For the record, I say Peterman picks them to pieces tomorrow. They will not expect what he will be able to do to them. They will stop him and stop him and he will just keep coming and wont get discouraged and he will prevail. He is a rookie and teams will figure out what to do to him to mess him up because of that, eventually. But it won't be tomorrow. That is what I think will happen.
  19. And what will your answer be to Nathan Nation when your prediction is proven wrong tomorrow? Hmmm?
  20. I didn't say name a habitually great clutch QB. I said name some *instances* for Tyrod. So, you can't name any at all. Without even looking I can come up with one for Trent Edwards, The San Diego game, away, where he out dueled Phillip Rivers. I don't know what Trent's stats were that game. And I don't need to.
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