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Everything posted by BadLandsMeanie

  1. Ok we agree on that. But maybe not so easy to do that in one off season especially because one of our needs is a left tackle.
  2. Indeed. I am more focused on the part where the QB must be able to move very, very quickly. I think because I am focused on that, I noticed Tyrod doing that today quite a bit., Because he had to. So I think my question is more specific than your reply here.
  3. I am seeing the opposite thing. I see him as being very nimble today. If he moves on I would hope it is so he can pursue a championship with someone. We are rebuilding.
  4. Here is my question. The Charger game with Peterman in there was totally out of control. I think what a smarter, better quarterback would have done is know when to curl up in the fetal position. There would have been less interceptions and more punts. Do we want to spend 2018 watching the new qb curl up in the fetal position, and then we punt? I don't think the regime could survive that. So my question is what do we do if we do not have Tyrod or someone as nimble as he is, which is nearly nobody. Maybe there is no QB that nimble active or coming out in the draft. What do they do when the game s are out of control? If they can't put him in, what do they do? Are we thinking they can shore up that line for sure, and also get a new qb, ready to start, in one offseason? I guess it can be done but I am not so sure the Bills can do that.
  5. You obviously have no respect for tradition.
  6. I'm not picking a side in this discussion. But unless we get another VERY nimble QB, he won't live to be 30 behind this line.
  7. We have always kinda been that way through the years. I learned to never bet on or against the Bills!
  8. It is funny that the feared hostile Arrowhead Stadium crowd, is hostile towards the Chiefs today
  9. I asked myself that plenty of times while I did it. Why am I doing this?? So I know the answer! It is partly for what you say. I wanted to see why this collapse happened. A big part of that was to see if they quit. Also I wondered if they were being bullied. Which may sound strange. But in the past when the Bills did not have players who retaliate against the shenanigans that go on in piles etc, some teams would take advantage of that. (they were not being bullied except Bosa did poke Dawkins in the eye. but that could have been an accident, at least mostly)(One of the things Spikes used to do was take care of problems like that if it was an offensive player) Also in the past I have seen pretty clear evidence that other teams had our signals or game plan or somehow knew what we would run.(They knew the scheme that is for sure. Maybe better than some of our players do. You can get that off film so no cheating there. But I don't think they had anything else except knowing when the ball would be snapped in the shotgun) Or, some wondered if some players let the Chargers get at Peterman on purpose? (The answer is no) But for some reason I really had to know what was happening. And nobody in the media will do all that work. They write about stuff like how tyrod should handle his anger at being benched, and if McD will admit he made a mistake, and if he is "in over his head" and if he has "lost the team" and all kinda soap opera stuff that I personally could write in one hour just out of my behind,which is what I believe they do. Or even if they do write something that is supposed to be analysis, it might say something like 'Even extra blocking did not help Peterman" and say the Bills kept an extra blocker in, which they did. But not say that the blocker did not help with Bosa on any of the hurries or sacks. Not once. Which again tells me somebody told them yeah we kept a blocker in and they wrote it. But did not watch to see if that was legit, which it wasn't. If it is important to a person to know if the extra blocker *actually blocked anyone* which they did not, you have to look yourself. Sorry for the rant there! I knew if I wanted to know what was happening, I had to do it myself. I did want to know very badly. So I did it myself, is why I did that
  10. I wish they would do it for two reasons. Most importantly would be, so I don't have to do it. Second is if they had a smart person doing it, it could make the team better. A smart media could genuinely point out things they do not know. I would ask if I could. Mularkey had a radio show and I would call in. Sometimes he would take my point under advisement. Sometimes he would explain or teach me something, and sometimes I was just wrong. Like one time I called in and I was pretty annoyed and I was polite but I am sure I sounded mad. I asked him why he was looking at a big card with plays on there on the sideline during a game. The snark slipped through when I said "Don't you know your own offense?" He explained that they have lists of plays for certain circumstances drawn up in advance. And all the depends on quarter, down, distance, who is in the game, who the opponent has in the game, what they saw on film, and odds, and so on. So I learned something and then it made perfect sense to me why he did that. Nobody could do all that in their head in 10 seconds. Thank you for that. Lifts my spirit! woot woot.
  11. I will answer this a little more. It was very unpleasant. Feel it in my stomach unpleasant. But I have an advantage in a way because I think certain of the Bills organization deserve to eat a little humble pie. Some little, small, private, callous rude or ungrateful stuff they did. Stuff nobody of the general population cares about. So while I did feel sick, I also have a snicker about it now and then. Mind you even if I could have petty redress, I would never have wanted this. That would be like somebody tosses their dog's poop on my lawn, and I set their car on fire to get them back. But still a little tiny, unworthy piece of me, thinks it is funny. That helps. As for the other, I hope to God it isn't a locker room thing. To me that would be way worse. That means we will have to push the reset button completely, again. That would be awful. I am glad I saw no evidence of that and I hope I never do see or hear that.
  12. You are welcome. And Bills fans traditionally respond to adversity by clamoring to get rid of our better players. Example in this game Wood and Incognito were our best linemen by a LOT. But there ya go. I don't why it is like that but it is. As for the not recognizing or same page, perhaps some of it. But the ones I pointed out in particular the passing defense ones, were just crazy. Like crazy insane looking. I won't look it up but guessing Allen had two touchdowns and 90 yards already on us. And we open the second half by the cornerback just running away from him? He just ran and paid no attention to him at all. I tried with the pictures but I wish I could show you the film of it. It was like he was one of those 5 year old players where they look like a helmet with legs. And he saw a butterfly and ran off to see it. That can't be explained by just a miscommunication or something. There has to be some reason I suppose but it was very, very strange. Thanks. And I have no idea what has changed aside from Dareus. And I don't wanna look at all that film! It would take me a week. One thing though, at least for the Chargers, they were playing so much better than their record. They looked freaking awesome. And not just for beating us but for how well their Offensive line played in particular. But also every one of them was on their game and looked like a single unit. Thanks Getto! Before this game I had no idea how bad the pass blocking was. No concept of it. I knew they were not top notch but I had no idea 2 seconds was too long. I was shocked completely. Good one that you knew.
  13. I didn't see it like that. It could be of course but not so I could see it. For me in particular, Shady would be smarter business-wise to not be taking the pounding he is. And he was still in the game at the end. I respect him a lot for that but I do hope he stops and saves his bones once we are out of it for sure. I do think I noticed a lack of a "Snarl Factor" for some part of our guys. Like Richie Incognito takes shots at people (legal clean but not fun) until the whistle. Or on plays that go the opposite way, in which others watch, he runs through his side pancaking guys. Why? I think he thinks, it is because he is Richie Incognito and we are the Buffalo Bills is why. I noticed some bigger guys, linemen on both sides, who seem to try hard but are also businesslike and professional and just get ready for the next play. Thoise are god things to be but there should also be some snarl like Richie has. I am worried that McD is too sort of process-logical to take the snarl where it needs to be. Well, maybe not this bad, but two years at least I would guess.
  14. I suppose I could have worked the suspense angle better And yes it is a worry that our best guys are mostly older ones. I agree with ya Beast. Except to say, that the weird and hard to explain or understand gaps in both the running and passing defense, make me wonder a lot about the coaching. Especially because McD is a defense guy. Nope you aren't. There is no other conclusion once you watch the Chargers linemen just dance our guys off to where they want them. Say what you will about Marcell but that just isn't possible to do to him.
  15. Sorry it defaulted to that. It is annoyingly large on my screen too. But i cant seem to fix it. Ok I fixed it with help from my smart roomate. But if it is too small now, you are on your own! That was not a fast thing to change!
  16. Purple box is match-up on one side of the line, blue the other. To me it seems like Bills blue side has the stronger hand because purple is three on 3 with a backer way back. There is less that can go wrong and not have it be bad on the purple side. Then the red arrows are the Chargers motion guy, and our backers are following him that way. So they are already stronger on the purple side an they just made it more so by moving 2 linebackers toward the blue.. You never know for sure but this is a strong hint what they are up to, Here we see what is coming. Red arrows are the Charger back and the pulling lineman. Blue arrow sketch is our linebacker who decided to go inside. Why did he do that? There are 2 linebackers over that way in case this is a trick. But plainly you scan see where the run is almost surely going. But he runs inside. Blue circle is our linebacker who was engulfed by the Charger lineman away from the play. You can see our guy's legs sticking out is about all. Red arrow is where the play went. You can see the QB and running back are lined up pretty good for that gap. Here is the touchdown run. Blue circle is 52's gap and he just goes ahead and covers it. I don't think he should have. He took himself out of the play. I wonder if they are just being robotic and doing what is drawn up and that is that? I don't know. Notice the the lighting bolts on the Chargers helmets actually tell you where the hole will be. The hole will be one of two places. Blue circle or red arrow. Every lineman's bolt points away from the gap they are making, which is the Red Arrow. If I was coach I would tell linebackers the follow the play call unless the bolts point to something different. But 52 covered his gap and that leaves 58 to save the touchdown. Instead of closing the red arrow gap, he ran up and engaged the guy with the blue star over his head. A guy who is already engaged with a Bill. So the linebackers are going to close the wrong gaps. Which is a problem. In sum, They put two on Kyle when he is in there. Then mostly just push the other lineman where they want them. And then our linebackers cover the wrong gap. That is what is happening. And for sure they could not do all that when Marcell Darius was in there. It is 54-17 with 8 minutes left in garbage time so maybe not a lot more to see here. Tyrod is scanning the field now when he needs to. But the Chargers starters are not on the field so he doesn't have to worry about Bosa. I think maybe Tyrod does not scan the whole field, as he is accused of and that can be seen when you watch him, because he knows he has no time to do that. I think that maybe he won't do it because he hasn't time, because now that Bosa ain't out there he seems to be scanning just fine. I think I don't know anything at all about Tyrod at this point. They say Tyrod does not stand in the pocket and Tyrod does not go through all of his reads and Tyrod does not throw before the receiver makes his break to the spot. All of which are very bad. But, there is no pocket. And there is no time to go through his progressions And as best I can tell there are a fair amount of times when guys don't know what they are supposed to do, or they are supposed to do something that is bad. So how can he throw to a spot if that is true? I don't know if he can really do those things or not, is what I get out of this. OK thankfully the game film is over. As I mentioned I am no expert. I don't know the vocabulary and don't know quite a few of the formations. But three things I would feel confident walking in off the street and addressing with the team would be. The tell on shotgun hike. Stop doing that. (Peterman's was like clockwork and I am not sure yet if Tyrod does it too) To the linebackers. When in doubt watch the Arrows on the Kansas City linemen's helmets. The gap they run thorough will be the one the Arrows point away from. See how that works out for you. To Mills. You are going to lose this job sooner or later. This man Bosa was getting by you, and he and those like him will cost you 20 or 30 million dollars and your feeling of being a good football player. Those are your consequences. What were Bosa's consequences? The way you played the DE either gets by you and hits our man, or he doesn't. And then he just tries again next time. He doesn't have any consequences for failure. Give him some. That isn't dirty or wrong. It is fair. Until the whistle blows you can hit him. The play isn't over after the ball is thrown. It ends when the whistle blows. If he is off balance or sideways to you make him pay for that. Maybe the next man won't think you are quite so amusing as Bosa did. “They can say Funny Funny Mills". Or they can say, "I think Funny Funny Mills just tried to kill me out there.” That is what I would say to Mills. Ok, that's what I got. I hope somebody got some bit of information out of it.
  17. Hello, This took me a stupid amount of time. If you like it, I still won't do it again any time soon. And if you hate it, don't worry I won't do it again any time soon. But don't be too mean because I had to watch the film because I just had to know for myself what is happening. But writing it and the pictures and all that stuff took hours and hours. And I only did that part to try an contribute something because I already learned it by just watching. I watched all the game film of last week because I wanted to know what is happening. Now I think I do, pretty much. I include pictures whenever I have to, and there turned out to be quite a few. I am not claiming to be a football expert. Summary of main things I learned: Nobody quit that I can see. There was no evidence of losing the locker room. The Chargers beat the scheme sometimes. When they did not beat the scheme, they would beat the man. On defense especially the Bills did some very strange things that I can't explain. They were very costly. Dareus being missing does for sure make the run defense worse. If there is one person standing between us and the first or second overall pick, it is Tyrod Taylor. We are a bad team. I don't know how we won those other games. I am not sure if they are giving rookies more playing time or what. But that could be part of it. Good players I noticed are the usual suspects: Richie Incognito, Kyle Williams, Shady, Wood, Tyrod and honorable mention to Tre White. Read on if you wish. This is hard to re-watch, but I made it through first quarter before I had to take a break. I will skip most of the Peterman stuff because it has been heavily scrutinized already. In sum what he did wrong ...I stated to type what...and then a song on the playlist I'm listening to coincidentally had these lines at the exact moment was typing this. And they fit when I change a couple words. Adapted they are: Vincent by Don McLean And when no hope was left in sight, on that starry starry night, you threw the ball as dummies often do... I think what Don McLean is trying to tell us is, Peterman didn't make any plain poor reads or poor throws that resulted in interceptions in the first quarter. But he didn't eat the ball or throw it away when the chances were very slim. He has more guts than brains as they say, at this point in his career. Bosa is very strong. On one play he just shoved 320 pound Dawkins almost like he was you or me. When they ran behind a pulling Richie, he was a beast and he pancaked guys. Otherwise, the Chargers are tricky and they either beat the play, or beat the man to shut down the running plays. Bills passing defense it was one of two ways. Again, the Chargers are tricky and had some clever switcheroos. But mainly it sums up as A) Rivers is very good. B) After about one second you can see if their play scheme has produced an advantage. Like two receivers covered by one back, or, a receiver on one of our plodding slow linebackers. When this happened Rivers never missed it, and hit the guy who had the advantage. C) If the play was well covered with no advantage, then Rivers and the Charger he threw to beat the man. The running game was similar. They were good at getting two on one blocker, or getting our guys tangled up, or maybe more often their man just beats our man. So, either their schemes were better or their player was better. Nothing more than that from what I see in the first quarter. 2nd Quarter: On Peterman, The 5th and last interception. He was hit a split second after he threw it but the ball was away. The hit did not appear to effect the throw. But, his receiver was running down the sideline and then stopped and turned around after the ball was in the air. So either Peterman had that play wrong or the receiver did. The ball didn't sail like it appeared to. So that one is 50-50 depending on if Peterman or Thompson had it wrong. They did not show this in TV that I recall. (Later having watched all the film, I have come to believe that maybe they generally do not show the really bad mistakes on TV.) For the Bills defense it was much the same. Either the scheme or players were beaten. Like for the Chargers running plays they seemed very often able to get the Bills linemen engaged and turned away from the running lane. But it got a bit worse because from time to time the Bills defense did things I don't understand. Like one play the Chargers had our linemen engaged and handled with a clean running lane all set. We had a free linebacker who was the only chance to stop the runner and our linebacker ran up and engaged a Charger lineman, instead of going for the ball carrier. I don't understand why he did that. Later there was this pass play that went for 30 yards. They had a nice bracket on this guy. But all I saw on TV was this guy is very well covered He runs off the screen, and then runs back on all by himself. So I looked at the all 22. Hyde comes running up towards the Chargers line, and past the wide receiver. Hyde is blue arrow, Gaines is black arrow, receiver who was killing us this game, what was his name? He is the red star. Red star then just turned inside away from Gaines and behind Hyde, caught the ball and went 30 yards. Gaines expects Hyde to cover inside but Hyde seems to expect Gaines to do it. Gaines didn't even try to follow the receiver inside until he saw what Hyde had done. (Red star is Keenan Allen) Why did Hyde do that? The only possible reason I can think of is he thought he could jump the route. But he was easy to see, and against Rivers this was suicide. In sum my impression is that the Chargers are tricky, they function as a unit and know what they are doing and have better athletes. I saw no quit in the Bills or lack of effort. But they seem like not great athletes who don't always seem to know what they are doing. 3rd Quarter. The first play is another where the Charger receiver runs off screen being shadowed by a Bill and then runs back on screen all by himself and catches the ball. The announcer only says something like “Keenan Allen is having quite a day”. But why was he all by himself? So I have to get all 22 up and running the first play in to see what happened. Pictures and description. [url=https://imgur.com/QJgIDwl][/url] 28 runs with his back to Allen. Allen starts his turn, 28 still running. Allen finishes his turn, 28 still running. Allen running back to get ball. 28 still running. Allen catches ball ten yards downfield for the first down, 28 has turned but is actually still back peddling backwards from 12 yards away. Allen has turned around and is running full speed the other way. 28 is a couple yards further away because he just now started forward.(after backpedaling) 28 actually never did get there. The other Bills got him. This play went for 18 yards. This is how open the guy was from Rivers' viewpoint. Back when my brothers and I were teenagers we might have given our Ma a cushion like that depending on our coverage scheme. But Ma didn't own a pair of cleats so she couldn't turn that fast, and my little sister couldn't throw the ball with the velocity that Phillip Rivers can. I don't know how many catches, yards, and touchdowns Kennan Allen had on us already at that point. Why oh why would the Bills do this? For this one I cannot think of anything at all to explain it . But I can't believe it is about players giving up or a lost locker room because it is so out in the open. Looks like on the Chargers first score, they ran successfully when Kyle was not in, and did not when he was. They have two guys on him so on passing downs he can't often get pressure. But on run downs the extra guy on Kyle costs them. I think they may even be calling less runs when he is in. We have one reliably good defensive down lineman, Kyle Williams. So they put two on him and then have their way with the rest of them. When we had Dareus they could not do that. I know Dareus did not play all the snaps. But I bet he was playing the running ones. Also, when teams knew we had Dareus, they could not just make the running game plan center around taking out Kyle Williams because they couldn't know for sure we wouldn't have Dareus in there. Hughes is not having a good game so far. He is being handled pretty easy. Here comes Tyrod. They run a real nice sweep here with everybody pulling, even Mills did a good job. Now McCoy behind Richie which is always dangerous. McCoy got through the hole untouched which is real bad for a defense, and then turned that into 34 yards or so. Here is Tyrod's first pass play. Jones' defender falls down. Tyrod still has the ball. But he doesn't even glance that way. Very unfortunate because it looks like a probable touchdown. But Tyrod was having to get rid of the ball fast so I dunno if he should have seen it or not. Would have been nice though. What's his name Bosa was on Richie this time. Nothing doing. The difference. Bosa makes his move and gets away, but Richie is fast and catches him and shoves him while Bosa is sideways to him and Bosa is just out of the play. Bosa has no footing to resist that force. With the others, Bosa gets to one side and they are much too slow to do anything and Bosa is gone. Here's the first funny thing. Our receiver made a pretty good diving catch but about 5 yards beyond the end zone. Like WAY out. The Charger looks at him and holds his hands up in a touchdown sign. Wise guy. Mills is doing better against Bosa. He is dropping back way quicker, like he knows he has to get the lead out now. But also Tyrod is way harder to get hold of he moves too much. Mills is too soft on Bosa. 3 times now Mills could have pile driven Bosa into the ground and landed on top of him all perfectly legal. (Somebody correct me if I am wrong but the play is still running) Bosa pulls all these spin and dance and ballerina moves trying to get by. These sometimes put him off balance and in Mills place I would kill Bosa when I had him close and off balance. Not just for revenge, but I would love the revenge too. But more so I would teach him that if he wants to leave his feet or get off balance to get by me, he better get by me, because if he doesn't, he is going to die. I think this is either bad coaching or Mills is too soft hearted. I haven't seen Tyrod miss seeing any open receivers so far. Now is Tyrod's stripped ball that the chargers took in for a TD. There was nobody open and Tyrod held it too long. But it was 4th down and I don't blame him. Most of our pass patterns seem very unlikely to get anyone open, They are too plain and easy to defend. They Chargers cross people over and stuff. We are just lining up guys and they run straight down the field. This game so hard to watch. 4th Quarter. What a tonic it is to see Richie Incognito going full bore at some guy, on the extra point even. 4th quarter, down 47 to 16, Richie is attacking hard whistle to whistle. It is actually Clemens in there now but they are still moving the ball just fine. I wonder how they just get guys to gash right through us repeatedly. I took a look. I see what the coaches talk of gaps is about. Just my own way of looking at things here. This is a run formation. You can tell because for the Chargers 2 wide receivers is not normal.
  18. I have spent about ten hours, at least, on the post i am making. And it hasn't been a joyous ten hours I had to look at that chargers game over and over and it is no fun. So yes, a new post that includes stuff about the defense is coming and I will make a thread. for it. That really needs to be ok!
  19. I am making a post that looks at some of this. It should be ready in an hour or so I hope in case you are interested. But the take home is as far as I can tell they have not quit. It is for the reasons described by the other posters in here. Plus some very odd things they are doing sometimes.
  20. Good thing we drafted Cyrus Kouandjio in the second instead of Carr! Otherwise we would be having to pay him that big contract.
  21. QB has a 15 year shelf life. If they have been smart and responsible they have also stocked the O-line. These are the things that take so much time. Finding a QB and then developing and maintaining a cohesive line. Greatly simplified but on the whole true as I see it, everybody else you can draft and start soon, or buy.
  22. I am noticing that the things you say hold up to scrutiny. Dilly dilly!
  23. That is weird. I didn't know he ever anything of substance. I had stopped listening to him. Anyway I saw the same thing McD said there.
  24. I am reviewing that last game I will have more answers tonight or tomorrow. About White though, as far as I see he doing a good job out there. It just doesn't come up. Like, nobody writes that the Chargers scored 47 points on the Bills, but be of good cheer because Tre White did ok. Well, actually I am maybe the first to put that way. Be of good cheer McNubbins. Tre White is doing quite well! Anyway more on the D from me once I get through the 2nd half of the chargers game. I will make a post in the next day or two.
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