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Everything posted by BadLandsMeanie

  1. No bowing is necessary. I think omniscience means I know everything, which believe me, I do not. All I am saying is I wrote what I saw. You are talking about his past history, which I know very little about, and did not mention in my post. So in my opinion, unless you also looked at the film I saw, I am not going to learn very much from you about what happened in the film that I had written about. If you just want to say that given the man's history, you don't believe he played great just because I say so, why not just say that?
  2. It was on NFL.com all 22. I did the trail membership then dumped it because you have pay for the whole season. Plus it was kind of ruining my life. I spent a LOT o ftime watching that stuff. It really interesting. I will get it next year but I will plan for it and try to have time for it. Anyway, I don't have film of it. I wish I did. It was cooler on film. So, for now you are stuck with what I saw. :/ I don't think Hughes would have got by without Coleman's help. And there was a big hole that closed because they could not get rid of Coleman, And they could not peel Hughes off Smith, because they could not get rid of Coleman. And then they tried to push Coleman down or out of the way, and they could not do it. I don't know what Hughes was doing he was engulfed in the Chiefs. Then I watched the rest of the game and saw they they never pushed Coleman out of the way, ever. Even with two men on him. They did not try 3 that I saw. Maybe 3 could get him to move. Also Coleman can just push the line back. It is slow. He can't dart around the side. But when he pushed at the line it went backwards. This allowed everyone else to do their jobs. I would love to see Richie and Woods try to push him. That would tell us a lot. But we will see how it goes for Coleman in the coming games. If it was me though, if I could play one NFL game like he did there, those 14 plays, that would be enough for me to be proud of how I played for the rest of my life. That was a very big game and he was a man among boys when the team needed him. Or so it looked to me!
  3. This reminds me of a story Mularkey once told. Before here, he was on a coaching staff that kept trying to get rid of one player. But for years they couldn't. Because the guy could do something the others couldn't. I don't know if that applies to Coleman but I don't think he would make a great special teamer for example. Maybe he isn't as versatile as they want. Or something else like other have mentioned. Maybe he hasn't declared for The Process or whatever it is one has to do to become one of the Procession. But if he continues like he has I think they are stuck with him because otherwise everybody is going to get fired. They can't just keep giving up 300 yards and 50 points a game and expect to be here next year. Thanks man! And you are Very welcome! I don't know how they rate. In some sense I figure things will probably level out somehow. Because what I saw was unbelievable. It was like a little miracle or a storybook. And that kind of thing doesn't last and maybe not for the Bills in particular, most times. The contrast was also made much greater for me from having watched what the Chargers did to our line the week before. I will be watching the Pats game and hoping for more!
  4. It also stands to reason that when the Bills defense had melted down resulting a 3 game losing streak and headlines questioning if the head coach was even able to do the job (In over his head), and that the defensive coach needed to be fired, that maybe they wouldn't have turned to the next random schlub they saw walking by, to help them out with the main problem of all. Which was we were being crushed in the ruining game. It stands to reason they had a reason for picking him. But that is just me right? They just grabbed whoever. Ill ask another question. Did you even see him play? IF you watched the game, did you watch 98? Did you notice him, at all? Here's another question: Who sits and watches a whole game in slow motion and rewinding as necessary, focusing only on the Bills DT position? Did you? I think the answer is me, and the defensive line coaches for the Chiefs and Bills, and also the Patriots who are coming this Sunday. So not to disagree with you, but if you are not among those who watched that, then I will go ahead and believe what it was I saw with my own eyes. But don't you let that change your opinion any. I am starting to get the idea that I seem better informed when you and I don't agree! That is a sore spot with me. As you say, NOBODY ran them over. Then they got rid of them and I watched teams run through the hole where they used to be, for years afterwards. All the while Donohoe denying it was happening. Im stil not over that. But it was awesome while they were here!
  5. But, the title isn't true. A win puts us at 7-9 which is by no means a sure thing we are in.
  6. Yep. That is one thing that makes it so surprising. And the 14 plays were 14 plays in which they could not run the ball up the middle. That is what I saw.
  7. This post of mine below could be seen as very vulgar. Don't look if you have good taste and maturity. Tom Brady has been throwing balls deep in our backfield for 15 years now. A climax is overdue.
  8. I am looking forward to the Pats game to see how 98 does. That will tell us more about how he does against a top notch offense. It does make to me! I feel the same. It was a joke.
  9. Yes. Isn't that weird? On one hand like some posters mentioned, we can fault the Bills for not having someone available to fill in for Dareus right away. On the other hand, not a bad job to have this guy ready on the shelf to bring in. Same for Cadet the running back actually. He isn't bad at all for a guy they pulled out of thin air mid-season. As far as I saw, they didn't have him in early. They put him in once the Chiefs started to have run success. Then once they started with him, he would be in on running situations. But this game they had Kyle and Coleman, mostly one or the other. So the Chiefs couldn't just gash us when Kyle was not in, like the other teams had been doing. Then toward the end he was in less because the Chiefs were passing a lot. Mainly I think the trouble is Kyle doesn't play every down. He probably can't at his age. So now we have somebody else good against the run they can put in when Kyle is not in there, whereas before we did not.
  10. We have a Super Coleman doubter. Mods, we have a Super Coleman doubter who has found their way into the thread here. Can fine folks you handle the situation please? Thank you.
  11. Yes of course. I think though, that if every 341 pound lineman could block like he does, we would not have had record setting yardage racked up against us the 3 weeks prior. I think he is a VERY good blocking 341 pound man. So it is more his blocking ability I am taking notice of
  12. Hi Folks, I was watching the game on all 22 because I had to cancel by midnight tonight or pay for the whole season. I got stuck on just a few plays trying to figure them out. I will make a post on those later. But then see I was running out of time so I just started to let it run and watch it instead of rewinding and rewinding like I had been doing. This is a play where they sacked Smith. I saw a Bills player somehow just run right through the Chiefs line. Like not through a hole in the line, but seemingly right through it. I watched closer and then, I saw this image go by. I says to myself, what the heck was that? Did I see that right? How come all those people are there but I only see one Bill? Here you can see what I saw and wondered about. There is another Bill in there you can see his legs sticking out of the bottom of the pile.. So, 2 Bills, 4 Chiefs, and one football in that picture. Now I will show you what happened. If I sound a little childish, inexperienced, and excited, it is because I have never seen anything like this before. Here is the beginning of the play. The slippery Bill 55 Hughes, (black arrow) is on the left. Deandre Coleman (blue arrow) is the Bill with two linemen on him. Now Hughes (trying to go along the yellow line)has two guys on him. One of Coleman's men has shifted over to help with Hughes. Now Coleman (7 Star Turbocharged Superman Arrow) hold his man off with one arm, slides over, and attacks all 3 of the Chiefs linemen. Attacks all 3. There are only 2 Bills players here. Only Hughes trying to get away, and Coleman are in this picture. Now Hughes has got free and is after Smith. Smith will make a break for the big hole in front of him. Deandre Coleman sprung Hughes, but is now well blocked out of the way. Now Coleman did make a mistake here. He hasn't noticed that he is blocked. He just pushes his man back towards the hash mark, making the hole smaller, and Hughes got hold of Smith but was unable to tackle him. Three Chiefs lineman are pushing Hughes who is behind Smith, and Smith forward, in the middle of that pile there. Coleman is pushing back. Here is the side view. And, the Chiefs lost the contest! I'm no football expert, but I was so, encouraged and stoked and proud and excited because I personally have never seen anything like that before in my life. I watched as many of our defensive snaps as I could after that, just focused on the line. Here is what I saw. They were able to run towards the middle on us towards the start of the game. The Bills then rotated Coleman in there more often. They were then unable to run up the middle on us. Eventually the Chiefs gave up trying when he was in. On passing downs the Bills would put 92 Washington in. He can penetrate for pass rishing or getting after the running back sometimes.. I did not see Coleman penetrate so I think that is his limitation at least at this time. On running downs they were just flat unable to run in the middle with Coleman in. They got nothing. You can double team this guy and he still doesn't budge. Last week I had looked at the Chargers game and I wrote that the Chargers could push everyone but Kyle Williams around,. They could push Kyle Williams with two players, but that makes it harder to run using 2 guys to move one man. This guy Coleman, they could not push him with two. To me I think it is a sure thing that our being gashed in the running game just stopped, just went from record setting yardage to being shut down, was Deandre Coleman. So there you go.
  13. Yeah but the weird thing is , he got him. Talib was holding has face after
  14. Oh. Well that doesn't describe me I am pretty sure! Thanks for the extra info. That little guy was VERY fast and very shifty. Is he little? I don't know but he moved like a little guy.,
  15. Your point taken on the first part. They sure did go far to set up a run play. And kind of risky too. I won't disagree. But I do understand why they are greedy to get wood and richie out on front of McCoy any way they can. As for Lawson, well, I don't want to watch that play again. It made me shocked and sad. He was so lumbering slow. I will just go ahead and take your word for it pal.. It is the easier path. But from what I saw, which is a very limited sample I know, but from that, I see a tackle not an end. In the Bills shoes I would be thinking about putting 20 pounds on him off season and sticking him where Marcell used to be. I am going to quit the all 20 as soon as I watch this game to save money. (All 20 hasnt come up yet)But next year I think I will just get it from the start. Personally I don't think I really even see the game til I see that. It is sort of like watching through a paper towel cardboard tube without it. On the other hand it takes a good bit of time. But I hope to watch this next game before my pay deadline hits because I think Tyrod is maybe getting a bad rap on this game. (and for those who don't know, I am not a Tyrod advocate. But I do like to know the truth of things when I can)
  16. Head coach is a tough racket. Pretty much the fans don't like you unless you win a superbowl. But if you win a superbowl, then some of your own coaches and players won't like you, because they will think you got too much credit. Pretty much you can only count on your family to like you for who you are. Except they don't like you because you are never home and only care about football.
  17. Ok thanks. It was sobering for me to see how he is out there. I didn't want to mention it but at the end of that play he wound up trying to tackle a Bill because things move so fast for him, the Bill was where the runner used to be. They will move on from him eventually I suppose, and when they do, the press will say it is because he wasn't their pick I bet.
  18. One more thing and I will stop. Lawson is not playing well in this game. He appears to be quite slow. I can sum it up in one picture. This is a sweep on 2nd and 5 and it went for 10 or 15 yards I forget but it went a good long ways. Lawson is the blue and white arrow. The pulling linemen just ignored him. They ran right by him and so did the running back. They ignored him like he wasn't even there and they were right to do so.
  19. I think I figured it out. Justin Houston there, 50, didn't bite on the fake. He is just looking right at Shady. Shady was supposed to go that way but 50 ruined that plan, Shady sees this, and runs the other way. That is what I think happened there.
  20. Is this the play you mean? I think so because I doubt they ran a play like that more than once! It looks to me like something went wrong on this play. I can't see downfield because the all 22 isn't up yet. But there were only 2 receivers probably nobody open. Mainly I am keying in on Richie and Wood there at the blue arrows. They let their men go and then headed downfield to block, ...for nobody. Shady is running the other way. Red circle guy was the 2nd decoy and I think he was supposed to get the defense turned that way, and then McCoy was supposed to run behind the seal there at the blue line and he would have had Richie and Wood in front of him. But Shady ran the other way for some reason, something he saw, and as you can see his bast case is probably to get to the LOS. BUt he didn;t even make it because Dawkins lost his man who grabbed Shadys jersey and we lost yards. It seems like it maybe had some chance of working, whatever it was they were up to.
  21. They did play Milano more yesterday. I hope he helps. Mind you he has made some bad mistakes. In one of the pictures his error cost us a 21 yard TD. But at least he is a rookie and will get better. So I hope he gets some reps. Thank you very much! That was a real nice compliment I appreciate it About the rhetorical, I don't know they played with huge cushions most of the whole game. I think that is just fear. Phillip Rivers plus fast receivers = fear. Thats the best I can make of that. Actually I thought Poyer did pretty well that game. Even if that is wrong I want to keep having my illusion on that one please. At least for now. Thank you Sir I am not insensitive to your pain. I share it. But this made me laugh. Thanks!
  22. Ok Coach. Here is one more post right away! I don't know how often but I wonder too. The thing for me is, I think nobody playing cornerback could think that was a good idea or made any sense. So even if the play call was working out wrong, I think they would have to have enough flexibility to adjust and not just run away from their man. The more I think about it and see the pictures, I don't think Gaines even knew Allen wasn't behind him any more. Gaines was looking back over his shoulder at Rivers the whole time. I wonder if the Bolts saw that he does this, and put in a play to take advantage of it. Unfortunately there is no way to ask this staff any questions. They are behind layers of people. And the press are seemingly unaware or uninterested in things like this and would rather keep writing about Tyrod Taylor . It is very frustrating for me because I would really love to hear the reason that happened.
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