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Everything posted by BadLandsMeanie

  1. They should just give it up and run Taylor any chance they get
  2. That sudden change from joy to pain with the stupid persistent penalties on big plays, that is hard to get used to.
  3. Yeah but usually I have it on in the background by now while I do some chores. I am stuck glued here watching this one :/
  4. Probably unfortunate that they are giving us some hope here
  5. Hey thanks no worries. I am here to learn! So thanks for teaching me some stuff. I you tune in next year when I get the all 22 back. I will say that for me it sure didn't look like Richie got owned. But, I am biased I did not expect that he could be owned by one guy. So maybe I just saw what i expected instead of what really happened. Thanks! To Rubes, CSB and Marty, I agree entirely in principle. And one of my pet peeves with the Bills is they always tended to make the excuse that they needed the right players. But they never had the right players, because they always changed coaches and schemes. But gosh the other side of me is winning my mental battle right now. It says that the way to play to Tyrod's strengths always boils down to to featuring the running game. I want to see him pass. I would like then to design whatever they have to, to tailor it as best they can, to allow Tyrod to throw frequently. And then if he can't, we need to just accept that a quarterback has to be able to throw successfully when the other team is expecting him to throw. I hope that makes sense.
  6. I think Lynnn did ok with him. But what Lynn did, and I said it then, was nearly impossible. NOBODY comes in after an OC was fired and just turns it around that same season. At least as far as I know, that is extremely rare. And now Lynn has what appears to be an offensive juggernaut running on the Chargers. I wish we coulda kept him somehow.
  7. Thanks very much for saying so. You are very welcome. You make Very good sense Sir. Thanks for adding the great perspective. I understand you completely and even mostly agree. But I think it can be hard for these guys, some of them. I think it would be for me even. Because once they get in ahead space where the offense is a magnificently beautiful system and a work of art that can run like a well oiled machine, it is hard to give that up. It is SO cool when it works. Tyrod is more sand lot football. You got guys who can't think lightning fast and can't see all there is to be seen, but can run. It is a different thing and I can entirely understand why a coach wouldn't think it was as good. You are welcome. I feel better about him too. Except I don't know where they are going to come up with QB for him. It will have to be someone who can think very fast and see the field. Thanks very much! That's very kind of you. Thanks John! I mean no offense but I think stats can be cherry picked so that each of the 32 teams leads the league in something. But yes there is a lot worse that can happen. And the Bills might just get slaughtered, outright slaughtered, without Tyrod at QB next year. Because their pass protection *insert expletive*. I tel you though, and I am willing to be shown, but I can't think of 3 plays over the years where he thought fast.
  8. Well, first let me say I am not defending Dennison. I would have to watch all the games to do that and it would take me, umm, 2 days a game times 11 games, 22 days just to have a fair idea. I am just saying that to me, it wasn't so clear as I thought it was, that Dennison sucks. Because the scripted plays at the opening of this game would have torn the Chiefs a new one, if the Players didn't screw things up repeatedly. You can blame the screw ups on coaching also though. But it kind of seemed like players fault to me. As for the defense, simple is good until teams figure it out and dismantle your simple defense. I think simple defenses are good if you have great athletes. But maybe not so good if you don't and I am not convinced we have great athletes on defense everywhere. We shall see!
  9. I don't remember Except it wasn't at the right hash. He would have had to move that way, BUT, it was a play action fake. so he easy could have stepped that way when pretending to hand off the ball. Ok I am glad you have the video. I don't have it any more. But, when I watched it I didn't think Richie was pushed to the right. He was stepping that way to keep that guy on his left. Take another look please and see if you don't see what I mean? It may well be Richies fault to be where he is but I didn't think he was pushed there. Then watch Tyrod just stand looking towards Dawkins. Tyrod had time to glance at the line and Tyrod of all QBs has the agility to just hop over into the throwing lane. So it would have been nice if he did. See if when you watch you don't see how it could be that way.
  10. Hi folks here come the last few shots I have from all 22. I watched mainly the first quarter or so of offense. I will say more later but for now I can tell you my main impression was the if I was offensive coordinator I would probably be drinking quite a lot. I only have two plays to show you plus a couple of extra points including an honorable mention for a Chief player. But they sum up the general idea I got from watching. On this play when watching the game, I just figured Tyrod is a bit short and the guy batted the ball down and that was it. I only have two pictures but I can show you what went on. Deonte Thompson is very open with miles of open space in front of him. (purple line). Tyrod threw the ball along the back line. The linebacker circled I red got and hand on the ball and that was that. But I noticed Richie's man got by him (red arrow) so I wanted to see why. [url=https://imgur.com/fJoV1Hm][/url] Looking at the film I saw Richie (blue arrow) was very plainly blocking to protect the purple star behind him. (blue line shows how he was guarding) So he was surprised when the chief dashed by him to get after Tyrod, because he did not expect Tyrod to be there. So now I know either Richie or Tyrod had it wrong, and that is one reason why the play failed. Either Tyrod was not where he was supposed to be. Or Richie was not blocking like he was supposed to. I don't know but look how that play lines up if Tyrod is standing near that purple star. He has a giant passing lane (yellow line) and Richie's man never got by him. Look at it from the back side. [url=https://imgur.com/JInS2u2][/url] Now I said I think this is on either Richie or Tyrod. But I think it is more on Tyrod because he at least had Richie right in front of him. He could have seen where the blocking was going. even if it was wrong. Except he didn't look. But no matter which one, it for sure isn't in Dennison. This play unfolded beautifully. Just perfect. And Thompson is even further ahead of his man than shows because the man behind him wasn't running full speed yet. So I am Dennison, my play works as perfectly as possible, I have a guy capable of doing this (100 yard kickoff return for Bears) WIDE open with a passing lane you could drive a truck through, but , the Qb doesn't use it. And I get blamed. Which is why I would drink. There were a lot of things like this in the first quarter especially. Offensive plays that unfolded like in a diagram. Excellent excellent prediction of how to exploit the defensive scheme, but somebody somewhere on the Bills offense screws up a simple task and everything is ruined. All I am saying here is after looking at what I looked at, I am a lot less sure Dennison is to blame like it seems he is. (**Snark alert** Like it seems he is to the reporters who make their living writing about football and write that he is to blame because the offense is not doing well. Which any one of us knows that. But to look and think? Not gonna happen. Good thing I do it) So as not to leave an unbalanced impression of Tyrod. He made some good throws in this game. And he got out of this, in the picture here, he got out of it, and completed a pass. [url=https://imgur.com/ZHENKXW][/url] The Kansas City linebackers were a plague the whole game. It was all 3. I think they had some good coaching it was smart stuff not just about being strong and fast. Here is the other play I just wondered about something on and tracked it down and learned a lot. This one is about the “chess game” within the game. [url=https://imgur.com/Koa2hOt][/url] Wood (blue circle) is running out to block for Cadet (Blue arrow). He can block Yellow arrow or Yellow star. He runs to get Yellow arrow, and yellow star came and dropped cadet. I asked myself why did Wood do that? Why did he run to get the man who was twice as far away? And why didn't Clay, red circle, take care of Yellow star to begin with? And it turns out Yellow star had defeated the whole play, before it began. And he did it in as simple a way as you could imagine. Follow along and see the chess game! The Bills linemen had been calling out all kinda signals before the snap. It was exciting all the pointing and getting set up. Very impressive an interesting to watch. Then they get all set to go and yellow star, who had been standing at the red X, just walked down further. That is all he did. Tight End clay is Blue arrow. [url=https://imgur.com/bvJjFb8][/url] [url=https://imgur.com/RV34VKs][/url] Now from the front view. White star is where he was, Yellow star is where he is now. They had already set the blocking assignments so Mills' man is shown by the black line. OR, Mills screwed up. As you can see if each man just took the guy on from of him, as shown by the red arrows, things shape up as manageable. But that isn't what happened. The black star is the first down and as you can see from the Blue circle, at this point it appears as the though the Chiefs are going to be completely unable to stop the Bills because there is a giant hole right in front of Cadet with ample blockers. Because the Chief inexplicably just walked away. [url=https://imgur.com/ZeRuS4U][/url] Unfortunately, Mills blocked the man on the black arrow. This cut Clay off from Yellow star. Yellow star then just hid there a second, totally free, Woods run right by him because he had no reason to believe yellow star would just come running back freely because he had 3 blockers down that way. And then back to the beginning picture, Yellow star runs up and dropped Cadet 5 yards short of what appeared to be a sure first down. [url=https://imgur.com/Koa2hOt][/url] I don't know if Mills screwed up or if the Chiefs defeated the scheme here. That then is the end of my adventures in film for now! The Chiefs linebackers did that kind of stuff all game they were a plague. I am not so sure Dennison is the problem here. I don't know if Tyrod is getting a fair shake or not. He does make some good throws. He is mobile enough to stay upright when most would not. But I can understand how an offensive coordinator would covet a QB who made less mistakes that disrupt or derail plays. Especially if it is a big play you have researched and set up with other plays. It might be the wrong decision, but I can understand it. I like watching the chess game and I personally see pretty close to none of it when just watching the game. I learned that for a play to work, most times, every single player has to do their job correctly. I think that if a team prepared so thoroughly that they knew what sort of error each opposing player was likely to make, and were well trained enough to adjust the game plan on the fly to call and execute plays that took advantage of substitutions, that they would win a lot of football games. All teams plan that stuff in advance and practice the plays they think will work. But if a team's coaching staff was extremely smart and could adjust the plays if a man goes down or rotates out, and the players were able to execute plays they had not practiced that week, I think that would be a tremendous advantage. To adjust depending on the odds that man would make the small mistake that derailed plays. And I am wondering if that doesn't describe the Patriots. Just a theory I have no idea if it is true, But I had that idea watching how a small mistake by one man ruins a whole play. Ok, last, here are props for a Chief who did a real clever thing. Just one picture. The Bills snap the ball and the guy just sort of hangs himself on Richie's (blue star) one shoulder. He didn't try to get through, this all happened in an instant. Ball snaps, boom he positions himself on Richie's shoulder. Coming up out of his stance Dawkins (green star) hit the Chief like he was supposed to [url=https://imgur.com/hZzJj0S][/url] And what happened was Dawkins hit pushed the Chief into Richie who fell down, the Chief fell down, and Dawkins tripped over them both and fell down. The Chief took out two linemen, right out of the play, right down to the ground. And I am sure he did it on purpose. It was really good football. It wasn't a block in the back you see, He was pushed. Nuttin he could do. The rascal. He is the enemy but I had to admire that one it was beautiful. Ok there you go.
  11. This is getting ridiculous. Nix's picks were his, Whaley's were Whaleys. Having poor outcomes in the draft is not just bad luck. You can't say "Oh if only a few had gone better, he would have been ok". The JOB is to have things go right. Anyone can have them go wrong. You can not sensible say that it is a bad rap and unfair to rate a GM on how his drafts go, because anybody can guess wrong. No Gm I am aware of,gets to hire the head coach. They all need owner's approval. Except Bill B because he hires himself he is the GM, and Jerry Jones, because he is the owner and the GM. The story with Whaley is always the same. He leads the search, he is all on board. Then when it worked out bad, it wasn't him he was only being polite.
  12. You are just making this up, aren't you? When Nix was GM, it stands to reason he was responsible for the picks, because he was. It was his job. You need to back it up with something besides just saying it if I am going to believe it. Until then, the picks and trades made under Nix, were Nix's. And the picks and trades made under Whaley, were Whaley's. That is the only sensible way to think about it without convincing information otherwise.
  13. It was the #9 overall pick 1st round , and the following year's 1st and 4th round pick, for a wide receiver. Resources that would be more typical of a team after a franchise QB. For example the Chiefs just made a similar trade with the Bills, to get Mahomes. (A QB) It was a weird thing to do. It was a huge gamble. When a man does something like that, he has to be right. It didn't tirn out to be worth it by a longshot mostly because of Watkins injury history and his not being any better than 3 or 4 guys picked after him, when he was healthy. You can't just take a huge risk against all prevailing wisdom and practices, have it turn out poorly, and then say that's just the way the cookie crumbles.
  14. Mario, Marcell, Jerry Hughes, Kyle Williams, Stephon Gilmore , all on team before Doug Whaley.
  15. OP: I'm surprised to see resigning Marcell in the plus column. My take: Doug Whaley always distanced himself from anything that didn't go well, but claimed credit for things that did go well. Even things he didn't do, like trade for Hughes (was Nix) or trade down for an extra 1st round draft pick next year (was obviously McDermott). Otherwise the story is always he was a victim, his hands were tied, etc. He was the General Manager and the team did not win, and had no stability. Those are things teh General Manager is accountable for. So we get the story that he wasn't actually the General Manager. It was somebody else's fault. He never had a chance, and so on. Give me a break please Mr. Whaley. The mystery leaks that were nearly always beneficial to the executive side (Whaley, Russ Brandon) just as mysteriously stopped when he left. He had problems talking, which is never a good sign. Sometimes he couldn't find his words. This is trouble for a man who is running a whole organization you need to be able to communicate clearly. Other times he said things in a harmful way. After he left he said he regretted that he never found us a franchise quarterback. Tyrod Taylor mind you is still on the team and was our presumptive starter. This is a needless insult. All he had to say was he regretted we didn't have stability at the QB spot when he left. This last is just me, but toward the end, I just couldn't understand how he could possibly not see the issues with EJ. Nobody could be that blind. Then I realized that there is one explanation that fits. If he loved EJ, that fits perfect with how things went. I think he loves him. Tell me more! I know nothing of this!
  16. IT doesn't say where the lunch will be? Like is he still in Buffalo?
  17. Ok but do you watch the Bills Facebook? The howling there went on for months. They still get trolled there last I knew. I would have taken the phone calls over that, because they annoyed many many more people who would otherwise not have been angry, by doing it the way they did.
  18. The irony of it is, for many years the Bills and staff did not know what was being said. They lived in a sort of dream world bubble. Even if they read the boards, the real bad stuff was mostly in private messages. And for a looong time, the people who took the fan rage more than anyone, were the people who ran the Bills board. (The mods there were a mix of good and bad over the years as I see it) They were the available target so they took real abuse even though they were not even employees. And then as Shaw mentioned, the Bills office wouldn't let them or help them keep people out. Even people who were making threats of physical violence against mods, posting their home addresses, places of work, making up lies about them, and so on. They had some scumbags working at One Bills. Anyhoo, once Twitter and such came along the Bills got a shock . Even the stuff that freaks out a player on Twitter nowadays is NOTHING compared to some of what used to happen on the board there on PMs. Anyway I do wonder why the closed it so abruptly. The Jags for one example gave a good long notice before they closed thiers.
  19. He offers no substance. Before the Pats game I hope to be able to show you guys a play or two that made me wonder how much is on Dennison. Personally I started to wonder.
  20. What is interesting to me is that it went down so suddenly. It was like, noon or something on a Wednesday. Just, BOOM , gone. And the didn't even make an announcement for a day or so. (After the phone had been ringing or some such) So, it either went down suddenly for a reason, or they had no reason to just pull the plug with no notice to anyone. Both possibilities interest me. If they did that for no reason, then it was "Billsy". Because that place had I think at most 2 thousand active members. So in a sense, percentage wise, nobody knew it was there or saw whatever ugliness was on it. Then those people went to places like Facebook, with 860,000 followers. And a good many were very angry. All their stuff was gone, fantasy leagues gone, etc. And the backlash happened on Facebook where 860,00 people could see it and it went on for months. So if that was a PR guy's decision, it doesn't get any Billsier than that :). To me it is even more interesting if there was a reason they needed or wanted that board to go down "right this minute". So instead of just being rude or not caring, or whatever, they instead had to have it gone quickly and just yanked the plug. There was a rumor or two about a reason for that but I don't think it held any water. But it is juicy to wonder why they would have to do it that way, of they had to do it that way. Guilty conscience?
  21. Ha! I don't know for sure. I think I would have noticed but you never know. I do think I see part of a Chief on the C in Chiefs in the endzone, lower left corner of the picture that shows the endzone. I know we had all te linemen and linebackers in there, so I am going to guess that the missing bill is with the Chief on the C in the endzone.
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