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Everything posted by BadLandsMeanie

  1. Incorrect. Those were on the field of play. Alonso's was even arguably, poor judgement. Even the very dirty hit on Aaron Williams last year was at least during a play with the clock running.
  2. I love this post. Some people, like yourself, also use their head for thinking and learning. Some use it more just for talking, without the thinking or learning activity.
  3. Dont forget the waters are muddied. Goodell is up for contract renewal. Is Kraft a supporter? Will Kraft turn on him if Gronk is suspended?
  4. I can't write it here but there is a term for Pats and Red Sox fans. It starts with Mass
  5. I hadn't put that together. I did wonder why the video surfaced after so long a time had gone by.
  6. Oh man I forgot that one too. And then after the game Gilmore taking selfies with Sherman, holding each other's jersies. At least we got rid of effin Gimore.
  7. I certainly did Ok, well Jones is a big thorn in their side though. And he doesn't have as good an angle. His guy wasn't the victim, he is the perp.
  8. Only defense I got for them is it was on the wrong sideline. But this is a little weak.
  9. Near as I can tell Jerry is a , well, not a smart man and not a fully developed adult and not careful about what and how he attacks. He just flings poo basically. Plus he isn't an owner he is just media. I couldn't do anything about it in Jerry's place either come to think of it. Owner is different.
  10. You did that before. Are you his secret toyboy or something? Well, I am sure you don't see it that way. But be careful. He may have his eye on you. And you see all stories about TV and movie people. Just a word of caution.
  11. Ok it is worse in the film for sure. But he was trying to break his shoulder. Gronk was trying to break Tre's head. I would take the McMahon hit over what Tre took. Also Tre was down. And he was out of bounds! Gronk's was worse all round. If that is the dirtiest Gronk holds the title now.
  12. The one in the gif there is nothing at all compared to Gronk. What is that from though?
  13. I am down with a year. I don't think it will happen but I would be pleased with that.
  14. In Pegula's place I would not speak publicly yet. I would call Goodell and lay it on the line that he gets 2 games off, or it is war, and I will be fighting VERY dirty. Dirty enough that he will probably want me dead. But I have bodyguards. So it needs to be 2 games.
  15. I thought you went to the game? Are you home already? or did you stay the night? Bravo. Nice post Shaw. This part was an especially good insight I think. I hadn't considered that. "Taylor’s made a career, so far, of not taking risks with the ball and avoiding interceptions. When you don’t take risks, you don’t learn the difference between good risks and bad risks. Taylor clearly didn’t understand the difference on that play."
  16. This is another angle in a Reddit post. You can see even better how intentional it was that he was trying to hurt Tre White. https://www.reddit.com/r/buffalobills/comments/7hcb94/gronk_cheap_shot/
  17. If he goes un-suspended, the league headquarters should then get down on their knees, bow their heads, and thank the creator that I am not the owner of the Buffalo Bills. But you may be right and the Bills brass will probably quietly take it like lil puppy dogs. But I would be evil.
  18. It should be 2 games.
  19. Trample him! Dilly dily!
  20. I remember just a little. I think the guy slashed him in the face.
  21. I think of you as more like a turd in the punchbowl. But overall I believe we are on the same page with your value and purpose here.
  22. If I was the Sheriff I would arrest players for assaults like that. He actually could have killed him doing that.
  23. Aaron Williams is right. Football is a physical game. If a team lets other teams attack and injure and intimidate their team mates, some teams will do that. As long as the Bills allow other teams to behave like that, they will NEVER be winners. Ever. The will know their teammates do not have their back. Literally in this case. They will never be a unit. They will never be a real team. They will never stand the test. They will never be winners.
  24. But has she been looking through your health records?
  25. Yes, I get it. He is in fact the only player against whom rule infractions are not called. He is the oiliest one. Well, I'm frustrated now too!. I guess whatever I did to him because I'm frustrated by this, would be understandable too? Like, not right, or legal, or fair, or reasonable, but you know, understandable. Have I got that right?
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