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Everything posted by BadLandsMeanie

  1. And his name is kind of derpy .
  2. Well, I will grant you this. I was stupid enough to get mixed up in an exchange with you. So maybe you have a point.
  3. I can support Shaw's position. First, of course he would consider Buffalo. Because if he is not a foolish person, he is most concerned with what kind of offensive line he will have. That is number one for a QB. We haven't got a top Oline but we are getting there and more importantly McDermott and Beane have not shown themselves to be liars. So if they tell Cousins they will get him a good line he can play safely behind, he can believe them. I don't know if he is foolish or not but if he is intelligent that is what he will be looking for. I also am not sure he is a franchise QB because I personally haven't watched the film on him. But assuming he is, he isn't nearly as expensive as people think. It could actually be cheaper to pay him. Follow along please before you jeer me. To trade up to grab at the top of the draft lets say it will cost us 3 first round picks, or, 2 firsts and two 2nds. I will do this with 2 firsts and 2 seconds. TL;dr for this segment is this. The drop off from Gilmore to Tre White has been pretty much zero. In 2017 Tre White made 2.5 million, Gilmore made 14 million. To pay the market rate for a corner back like that costs 11.5 million more. Do that twice with 2 first round picks and there is Cousin's salary. If we give up all those picks we have to pay free agents to do those jobs. The average mid 20's first round draft pick makes about 2.5 million a year. The average mid round 2nd round pick makes around 1.25 million a year. Say we hit on 3 of 4 of those picks you can figure we are getting 30 million dollars worth of players for 5 million. There is the 25 million for Cousins right there. Or we can trade the 2 firsts and the 2 seconds and gamble. We might get a legit starter or or 50-50 chance we get a bust. To me the safer and maybe even cheaper option is to get Cousins and then keep picking up good prospect Qbs in the 2nd or around in there. Use the picks to help build a stronger team. And we can still afford some good quality free agents.
  4. Headline will probably be about the officiating :/
  5. nobody cares that I pointed out that Taylor's last play and injury wasn't his fault.
  6. I love it. I like LeBron more now.
  7. I once found my answers there too. But then I got so I was asking too many questions, just because I liked the answers so much. So I got expelled from that school of learning so to speak. And I have had to live through this 17 years without one drop. It has been brutal!!
  8. On the last play when Tyrod got the concussion, when I look close, I think that was a facemask. Watch at 30 seconds how Fowler gets one hand on Tyrod and his head whips around. What is sadder is that it looks to me as if Tyrod would have had the first down. Miller actually had Fowler on the ground, and was on top of him. Unfortunately Miller got up off of Fowler, which allowed him to get up and slam Tyrod Taylor to the ground. So another way to describe that play is that Tyrod Taylor either couldn't see , or didn't have a clean throw to Thompson, because Ducasse and his man were in the way. Ducasse's man can be seen raising his hands to block a pass by the way, when he sees Tyrod looking that way.. So Tyrod instead makes a break for the first down because he knows he can get it. But he was tackled and injured because Miller was kind enough to get up off of Fowler so he could then slam Tyrod to the ground. I actually don't like Tyrod Taylor as a starter. I hope he is not our starter again. But when I watch the film I often see the people around him doing stupid things. And then Tyrod gets blamed for it. So, it seems to me that if we get a new guy, he also will have problems, if the people around him keep doing stupid things. As for the Peterman talk. I might be crazy because I am not discouraged and I do not see his year as having been "disastrous" as one reporter described it. Here is what I think based on what I have seen. I thin Peterman can see the receivers, where they are supposed to be, in his head as the play unfolds. He can turn from one side the field to the other and look right at where the receiver's route should have taken him at that point. Tyrod cannot do that. What Peterman cannot do, is also track the defenders. Or see where they are and what their trajectory is. And we have seen what happens. Tyrod can do that part. I think if Peterman can get to where he understand where the defenders will be and quickly understand which way they are moving etc. then he has a chance to to be a pretty darn good QB. That is encouraging to me. And I am not all upset he can't do both of those things yet, because it is very hard. But at least he is trying and he has got some of it right.
  9. I could survive 17 years of honest effort that failed. I won't survive 17 more years of excuses why they do not do what they need to do, and why it is not their fault they they haven'y done what they needed to do. Personally I won't listen to any more of that stuff, at all. Lucky for me with the new guys, I am pretty sure I won't need to listen to that kind of stuff any more. Wait, come to think of it, I am not entirely sure I mentally survived this one. So how do I answer?
  10. I have found that you can repeat the facts over, and over, and over, but it doesn't change anything. They keep saying the same things. The facts don't enter into it.
  11. a notch down from Aaron Rodgers. Looks right to me.
  12. I will try to reply here to everybody though I have only quoted two. I don't know the answer. I think it is a reasonable question though. We don't like Tom Brady but I am put to mind of something he said quite recently. He said "If you are going to compete against me, you are going to have to give up your life to do it". And he was talking mainly about how much studying he does and how much film he watches. He was exaggerating a bit I think because he does have a wife and family. But I think he means give up his life like a young doctor or businessperson, or lawyer. or anyone who puts in a lot of extra time at their job gives up a good slice of their life to do that. I do think somebody has to have an ability to process all that information in a second. But I also think somebody who is extremely well prepared has a very good idea what the possibilities are and can narrow them down, before the ball is snapped. I also think the league has created this circumstance by changing the rules to heavily emphasize the passing game to make the games more exciting for the fans. I think that has backfired to some extent because now only a few teams have a realistic chance at competing because so few teams have QBs who can run the offenses. And teams are very bad at predicting who warrants the investment in time and training to become that sort of QB. I have thought of a test of my hypothesis. If they had offensive coordinators play in scrimmages to see if they can run their own offense. Obviously you cant hit them or even expect that they can make the throws. But if the coordinators could read the defenses and pick out the open man, that would go a long way towards supporting the idea that watching film and studying and truly understanding the game, is a very bog part of being able to think fast enough to get the ball going where it should go. And if they were unable to do it, then it would supports the idea that it takes a very special mental ability to do it.
  13. I think I mentioned that my anxiety isn't about Tyrod. It is about the next guy. Another guy we have to wait 2 or 3 years to see if he will become good. I don't think JP Losman studied film. So I don't want the BUffalo Bills to have anything to do with a guy who is not student of the game. I don't care who he is, or how athletic he is, I don't want him. I am sick of guys who can't do the mental part of the game. As for Tyrod, I don't know if he studied film or not. But let me ask you, what did it look like?? Did he look like he has been watching film over an over an studying defenses for the last 7 years? I sure as fork didn't look like it to me. Combine that with the things he said about not seeing the different between himself and Rodgers, I don't think you would call it stupidity, but something isn't right there. So, if I could bet somebody a thousand dollars if Tyrod Taylor has spent 6 hours a day watching film for 26 weeks each year for the last 7 years, I would take the bet. I would say no way. But I can't know for sure.
  14. You have an impressive grasp of the obvious. I didn't say it that way but yes, I am wondering if it is really true that only 5-8 people on the planet, can play the position competently.
  15. Well, you can read everything I wrote, and see that I did not say that. I suppose one could "read into" what I said though. So I will clarify. Mostly I wasn't even focused on Tyrod. I was more thinking of the future and being anxious that we will get another guy who can't get over the hump and get good at reading and reacting to a defensive coverage. I do wonder how some QB's get "famous" for watching film all the time. And why a guy like Peyton Manning was said to be a "fanatic" just because he watched film all the time. I think it is like being a plumber who gets famous because he does plumbing all the time. I think that is just what they all should be doing. But don't think they do because if they did, it wouldn't get so much attention when somebody does it. On Tyrod, if I were him and I watched 6 hours of film a day 5 days a week during my off time, I certainly would let people know that. It isn't my fault that I don't know if he does or does not. One thing that leads me to believe the he does not is this: There was an article by Kimberly Martin in which Tyrod compared himself to to guys like Rodgers and Carr who are also pretty mobile. “They claim that we’re (himself and Cam Newton) not that accurate from the pocket. I’m not sure why,” Taylor says, before adding of Rodgers and Carr: “Even though they’re ‘mobile’ guys, they don’t necessarily take on the same criticism as others. It probably is unfair.” So if you have a guy watching 5 years of film, 84,000 plays, who doesn't see the reason that those two are considered to be good pocket passers while he is not, what does that tell you? It told me that at the very least, he doesn't understand the job. And personally I can't understand how a man could be watching lots of film and NOT see the things that they were doing better than he was.
  16. This is a great reply and I have thought exactly as you do. But I will cut to the chase. Name a QB who is famous for his dedication to film study, that can't read a defense. I have never heard it said that "Gee, he studies film for hours and hours 5 days a week all year round. But he just can't do it".
  17. This. Much of the time, Romo knows ahead of time what the possibilities are an explains them to us. And then we watch the quarterback not understand it.
  18. That is just what I am thinking. I bet they do it like you say. Which is to say, not much. Until this morning actually, I believed in the special almost magic talent model. With the Mannings and Brady's being the chosen ones. But now I am thinking more like if they watched enough, anybody could read a defense. I think I could if I had five years. They just don't do it.
  19. Hello, This will be long and maybe boring but hopefully not stupid. This will be about reading defenses and how the Bills might try to predict who a good QB will be which is apparently very hard. I woke up this morning with the thought in my head, “How can a veteran QB not know how to read a defense?” I woke up thinking about football and the Bills QB search and the draft and so on, because there is something wrong with me. I was probably dreaming about it too (because let’s be honest, there must be something wrong with me). Now everybody knows including me how hard it is for QB to learn to read defenses quickly because all you have to do is watch the games and maybe half of the starters can’t do it. And I bought a copy of an older NFL playbook off ebay one time and they are no picnic to understand. I never did get so I understood it fully. So my thinking has always been that it takes a special talent to be able to do that so fast. I watched the game film of the San Diego game and it was plain that Phillip Rivers could read the defense and what the coverages were going to be about one second after the ball was snapped. After one second everyone had made their moves and he (and I with the benefit of rewind and slow motion) could see what the defensive pass coverage was going to be. And Philip Rivers killed us with it. But for some reason this morning I was thinking how they could not know, and my line of thought then went along like this. Figure if a guy treats the NFL like he has or had a full time job like you and me. The team pretty much owns them from August to January. So that is 5 months and figure in some weeks of vacation I will call it 6 months of being with the team full and vacation time. If a man treats the other 6 months as a full time job, he would have five 8 or 9 hour days per week. I thought I would call a typical day being 2 hours working out and 6 hours of study. Say in one day he sits and analyzes two games of offensive plays. So he spends 3 hours on each game watching and studying and coming to understand the offensive plays in that game. There are about 130 offensive plays (65 each team) in a game. It might go slower at first but that gives him about 3 minutes per play to study it. This is not a heavy workload here we are just talking about 2 hours of fitness and then the rest of a regular workday sitting in an easy chair watching football plays. So if a man did that 26 weeks per year for 5 years, he would have seen 130 plays per day Times 5 days per week Times 26 weeks Times 5 years = 84,500 plays. The defenses are complicated but they are not that complicated that a man shouldn’t have a pretty good idea what is going on after having seen it Eighty Four Thousand times. And that doesn’t even count all the time they spend learning and being taught for all the months they are with the team. When I think about it like that, it doesn’t seem like a stupid question to wonder how in the world could somebody not understand how to read a defense after seeing 84,500 plays?? (not counting training camp and practice and all that). I don’t think you would have to be a genius. Do you? Next I think about Peyton Manning. Here is a guy who won a Superbowl when his body was failing him and his head was more or less held on to his neck by bolts. That guy could read a defense and he is known for doing his work and watching film. I hate to mention it, but Tom Brady is known for doing his work and watching film. So maybe it is not a coincidence and is a very important trait for a quarterback to treat his job like a full time job, like you and me have, and do his work every day. Getting back to the Bills I hope they look for a player who has the physical ability, who is durable, and who can throw with accuracy. And to pick between the guys who qualify on those dimensions, by getting the guy who is already mature and responsible enough to just go to work every day like a regular Joe. He doesn’t have to be a Superman phenomenon. I think maybe he just needs to be a guy who gets up every weekday, brushes his teeth, eats breakfast and then goes to work. I have some hope that McBean will be successful picking up a guy like that because that is the sort of player they have been very focused on. I hope McBean have been very diligent looking very closely at each of the guys to see who is the one who got his homework done and took care of his responsibilities. That way they will have accurate information to go on come draft day.
  20. The way you wrote it seemed to me like you were summarizing the articles. So I can believe you that the staff made no effort to help a premiere talent to achieve his potential, which would be totally against their own self interest, or I can dismiss it because you offer no evidence and also seem to be trolling. I will leave it to you to guess which way I think of it.
  21. I read both articles and neither one mentioned anything like this. Can you support the statement you just made? Where does it say that? Or is this just a troll post?
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