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Everything posted by BadLandsMeanie

  1. That feeling you get when your defensive coordinator is interviewing for his new head coaching job, and then his defense lays an egg in the superbowl.
  2. its going down to the wire! these announcers are boiring they still going on about that
  3. they will reverse it for the pats who doubts it?
  4. Damn!! You the winner! Well done. I had the idea when I was getting the snacks for the game . I got the mind of a second grader! Not bad, but sad!
  5. I made this riddle / joke up myself. It would be a fun sponsorship deal but the Pats would never di it. I will post the answer at 6:15 If you guess the answer you get bragging rights I guess. I can't think of any other prizes. So, What is the Patriots Favorite Snack Food?
  6. I do think winning has some intrinsic value. But that is more of a superstition, kind of, that I thin I have. Or put another way, I think picking high in the draft has more intrinsic value. Here is the thing. And not beat it to death, but I have to shut up for like 2 months after this. How is this different from every other year? Every other mediocre year when we are not good enough to legitimately contend, but we are not bad enough to pick the cream of the crop in the draft? This seems like exactly the same thing, again. And the intrinsic value of winning in all those other years, didn't do a thing for us. And I am worried that we will get the 4th or 5th best QB in this draft, and we will be locked into that for ten more years. The Tannehill zone so to speak. I enjoyed the party, and I had a real good time. Now I am hoping McDermott and Beane have the hangover cure for me, just like you did. As for the OC, I had no idea he made that much money at Alabama. Thanks for the info. If I had known that coaches would wind up making so much money, I would have tried to be one years ago. But then again you spend all your time with men. All day, 12 hours a day, weekends, with sweaty smelly and sometimes even naked men. Nothing against being with the guys but that is way too much of a good thing for me. Naww. Ok forget that money only buys so much. I need more balance than that in my life. See ya next year! Yeah I figured that might happen. He is probably their cheapest option at this point. I didn't see Groy on film because I only watched 2 or 3 games that way. In the 2 or 3 games that i did watch, Wood and Incognito were our only two good offensive linemen. Dawkins looked lkike he might turn out to be good someday but he wasn't now. And the other two on the right actually shouldn't have been playing. So yes to me Woods was a big loss.
  7. Hey thanks Beast. You have never been a tin foil hat guy so I appreciate your information a lot. If they can pull that off it will be a great thing.
  8. Well, I have undergone a transformation lately (and not just because of your kind sharing of vuelve a la vida). But more long term one in my thinking. About the tank. Mainly, I wish they had just moved on from Tyrod if they didn't think he was their guy down the road. What did we gain by keeping him, besides some wins that make it harder to find his replacement? I think they could have used whatever money they saved to shore up the line a little bit, so that whoever they did get to start for a year didn't have to be combination of Houdini and Gumby to stay alive back there. I actually am starting to believe they have to keep him for next year also. Again if they are hopefully smarter than me they will find a way out of that, but they do have to have somebody with some experience for next year. I do actually think that McDermott, like many of the fans, and the coaches before him, looked at Tyrod and could see how close he was, and thought they could fix him. We all fell for that at one point or another. I think he did too. So maybe he didn't know he wanted to move on. (I am really, really, really glad that they moved in from Doug Whaley. But I have to admit he was correct about Tyrod Taylor) Lesser stuff is what did a guy like Gains do for us? Yeah he did good. Maybe added a win to our total. But now he is gone probably. Post fun time at the party, I think it would have been better to get some long shots or undrafted and just see what they can do and hope you find somebody for last year. But like I say maybe they got a plan and it will work out ok. As for Dabol, here is a part where I don't think the same any more and it is just recent. Take a look sometime at all the head coaches from all the teams, of the last 10 or 15 years. When I was doing that I was thinking, oh yeah, I remember him. I remember a lot of them. Almost all of them are gone. Nearly nobody lasts as a head coach. So if they are thinking men they know the odds and they know they have a very small chance of sticking. Of course in their hearts they want to do well. But my new take is it is in their wallets where they feel the call to be a head coach the deepest. I have no idea, but you can figure McD, just as an example, for a 4 year contract at 4 million a year. So that is 16 million dollars hypothetically. Nobody ever says that, ever. But pretty much you land a contract like that your family is taken care of no matter what happens to you. That has to be a big reason everyone wants those jobs. So same for Dabol relatively speaking. Maybe he took this job because he agrees we have an air tight plan to get him a QB and to keep him standing. But maybe he took it because he is making 5 times more than he was last month, and is guaranteed maybe 3 million dollars. And for 3 mil he will take his chances on whatever QB they come up with. I will change my tune a lot if they get us a QB somehow. But right now I can't figure out how we get the ammo to do it. As for Brady, that is over. We can't beat him. He pwned us for over a decade. He beat us about as bad as was possible. Him getting old or injured will not change that and it will be no victory. He won. I am just going to accept that and move on. Now if he is still doing when he is 50....
  9. I don't think I am overly despondent? I got regrets though! I do wish we had a better draft position than we wound up with. Anyway I think that McBean has a VERY big challenge ahead of them this offseason. It might turn out to be exciting how they manage the draft and free agency. That is what I am hoping for. But I for one have no idea how they will manage to get us a legit QB prospect and a line that he won't get killed behind. If they can do that I will be way more positive
  10. Well, the majority vote in the poll people are telling me to shush up and I will after this thread dies :> At least until after the draft. But right now... and brace yourselves in a moment I will mention he who's name must not be spoken. McD did a lot with a little I think. He got a decent performance out of a roster that was churned a lot. And he and Beane did a lot of things just as I would have. From the draft to just getting rid of the guys who didn't get it. The guys who thought they were doing us a favor just by being here. Get them the eff out of here. They did that. So there was a lot to like there. He brought in Poyer and Gaines. But Gaines is probably gone unless they want pay him. But still they did well bringing in defensive talent. Offensive talent? Not so much and look at the contrast between Tre White, a fantastic pick, and Zay Jones, so far not so good. More on that gap between defensive expertise and offensive expertise later. Now, Rex Ryan went 8-8 and then 7-8. He would have been 8-8 also the second year if they hadn't benched Tyrod that last game and put EJ in to do what he does so well and lose the game. So it would have been two 8-8 seasons. McDermot won One More Game. He went 9-7. And now we have sunshine, unicorns and rainbows. They won one more game than the hated Rex Ryan with his dysfunctional "clown show". Also we still got our traditional twice yearly keestering by the Pats. Just like always. Except this time they tried to kill one of players. We did make the playoffs on a heroic play, by Andy Dalton of the Cincinnati Bengals. Then we lost the playoff game because we scored 3 points. I enjoyed the end of the year as much as anyone, but gee, where is the ongoing euphoria coming from? Some guys here have made a decent case that we might be able to cobble together a starting o-line that might possible be serviceable. I hope so but then where is our depth? We have to use our backups and hope they can be starters. These guys always get hurt, who will be the backups? And sure we can hope that whatever QB they get that some other team is getting rid of, will be better than our Qb who we want to get rid of. I hope so but it coud be just another guy we get to be our Qb, who somebody else got rid of. Just like always. Next I come to, this regime has shown pretty close to ZERO ability to run an offense or find offensive talent. I suppose it could have been worse, maybe. But if you take away Shady we didn't have an offense, we had Tolbert. And Shady was already here. We can give them credit for not trading Shady away I suppose. But seriously, based on this year it looks like Sean McDermott has no idea about running an offense or sizing up offensive players or coaches for that matter. He looks like what he was when we hired him which was a great defensive coordinator. Sure he fired the OC, but he also hired him. And any way you slice it, how the offense turned out is the head coaches responsibility. That is what makes him the head coach. And he TANKED on that part of it. So this is the brain trust that will pick our QB? Who will draft and bring in free agents to shore up our offense? McD and Beane. That have done terrible at that end of things so far. So there is reason to be queasy and uneasy when one sets aside the euphoria and enters hang-overland.
  11. I hope the line works out like you say. And I actually don't remember what her face looked like. But she did have some charming attributes.
  12. Since I haven't been voted to shut up just yet, (it is 50-50 right now) I will take my chance here. What eats at me the most is our O-line. I think Woods injury hurt us really bad. Dawkins was maybe adequate at left tackle. The we have Incognito who is good. Next a hole at Center where woods was. And then a very weak right side of the line. I don't see how we can put a rookie behind that line. And I don't see how they can fix that line enough to make it secure, while spending picks to get a QB. And I can't see Cousins coming here to play behind that line. That would be kind of crazy if you ask me. Pretty much you need a guy like Tyrod who is very evasive, to stay alive behind that line. So I am thinking in my vision there, the guy passed out or dead in my bathtub, symbolizes whatever poor sap we get to play QB next year, that isn't Tyrod.
  13. It was so great to end that playoff drought. Just seeing that word, drought, and knowing I won't have to look at it any more, is still a nice feeling. But now is the morning and and the house is a mess and there is a stranger asleep in my bathtub and I feel like death and the girl I met and got lucky with left a message that sounds like I had asked her to move in. Look at the freaking picks we have, all these quarterbacks and we legit might not even get one. Did we really have to, have to, "end the drought"? It sure was fun but damn now we gotta pay. On the offensive side of the ball, homer enthusiasm aside, we had incognito and Wood and Shady. Now we have incognito and Shady and they are both pretty old. Besides that we need pretty much everything. And we get a new OC and a new offense and new whoever else they decide to hire when he picks his staff. On defense we are in a little better shape but we still have needs and also we got coaches fired or retiring for obscure reasons. The D-Line coach didn't come here just to retire. Anyway, should I shut up? And just let's enjoy the afterglow? Or should I keep looking and see who is in the bathtub? I am kind of worried he might be dead in there now I think about it. I don't hear any snoring.
  14. Hey cool thanks. I saw the one a month or so ago. That was a half hour one so I am looking forward to this.
  15. I was a little disappointed because all Arians did was rattle off the same names. That's not really news. Then he says "I could go on and on", but he doesn't. Him going on and on would have made the article interesting because then he wouldn't just be parroting what every other Tom, Dick, and Harry is saying. But we get no new information at all. I would like to give Ariens a swift kick in the pants. That reporter should have told him you are not a head coach anymore. Everybody doesn't hang on every word you say now. Say something interesting or STFU Ariens. Just kidding.
  16. If John Butler is so great why he get his butt fired in Houston?
  17. That was interesting. And it does shift the focus to what is more the point, how did that happen? How that was allowed to occur is significant because it may foreshadow organizational problems or it might give insight into the personalities involved. Your article would have made a good article. I can only guess what had happened. Based on how Eric Wood has handled his WGR radio appearances and pretty much every interview I ever saw him do, he should have handled that just fine.And I am sure he wanted to have it be a nice time for all. So I have to figure he was suddenly put in a position that he didn't have to time to adjust to and put a decent spin on it. Someday maybe we will find out what went on there.
  18. Agreed. But it can take a while before you know which is which.
  19. I agree fully. I think for sure, for certain, some and probably most of those picks were on Peterman. What he needed to do was recognize that the situation was nearly hopeless and to tuck the ball away and go down or throw it away if he had time. He did not do that. Like every worthwhile rookie QB in his first game that I ever saw, he thought he could do it and he tried. I want the rookie QB who makes the rash decision to go for it. So long as he learns, that is the kind of guy I want out there. Peterman also took a heck of a beating out there. A good sound tooth rattling beating getting pounded several times. It didn't phase him one bit and he didn't flinch one bit. Obviously he has to do better and to recognize when hope is gone and do the right thing as he moves ahead in his career. But the gonads, the toughness and the will to win I saw when I reviewed that game film are why I say I liked him better after I watched it, than I did before.
  20. Hi, I just thought I would mention that on the last throw, I think that was a miscommunication rather than just a terrible throw. I watched that play a bunch of times and to me it looks like Peterman lets the ball go, just as the receiver stops and turns. So to me it looks like Peterman didn't know the guy was going to stop and turn around.
  21. I think Peterman can turn out to be ok. Here is something weird. I watched the film of that game repeatedly. I came out of that liking him better, than I did going in. So there. That kid has some Gonads to quote the great Perry Fewell. It remains to be seen if he has some brains. But he has guts that is for sure. My jury is out on him.
  22. Because you seem to lack insight and perspective on yourself, you probably don't realize, this makes you someone who has nothing better to do than whine about a Bills fan complaining about a local newspaper.
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