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Everything posted by BadLandsMeanie

  1. I hate the hockey time. Somehow I always seem to be in my car during hockey time.
  2. Well, I think you are right about what the Browns fans are thinking. But to me technically Tyrod wouldn't have been better. He would be the same and the whole team would do better because of other people. To me the one thing Tyrod did that was absolutely vital was stay alive. He made our line look better than they are. Or so says I. I know he holds the ball longer so its harder to keep guys out. But still, as best i could tell, an ordinary human being behind that line would not have survived the season. I want to know what Dawkins looks like for example with a QB who can't slip away like Tyrod did. I don't believe in Dawkins yet.,
  3. I agree it is the opposite of every off season I can remember.
  4. Wow you just made me realize that I think the Browns may take Barkely at #1. Which I think would be crazy. But they have to know they need strong running game to have a chance of success with Tyrod at QB. Hmm, Very interesting.
  5. I don't think anyone, not one player, from the 2106 draft is on the team now. But we went to the playoffs last year. From that I can figure that teams can and do recover from gaps in the draft.
  6. Your conditions are just a bunch of stuff that you made up. But you wrote it like it is some kind of universal truth. You create a problem because most of those conditions will NEVER happen, ever. The one single thing of all of them that could happen, happens every ten or fifteen years. Sure thing generational talent. Last was Luck. Never. This one I think is the worst one: "There is minimal need and competition from other teams for that player, driving up the cost of the trade to you." We wait til nobody wants a sure thing generational talent at QB. The only way that could possibly happen is if we are an NBA or a Major League baseball team.
  7. You might want to let go of that. We are talking about the present and future.
  8. Wow look at this from Bucky Brooks. He compares Tyrod to Brady and Rodgers. http://www.nfl.com/videos/nfl-network-total-access/0ap3000000920486/Bucky-Brooks-explains-how-Tyrod-Taylor-trade-changes-Browns-draft-approach
  9. I don't know the facts. How could it go wrong? Is it very likely the Browns will back out? I don't know what the rules are. Beane would never be so stupid as to announce something that wasn't a sure thing, would he? I mean how awkward would that be, to have Tyrod come back?
  10. I think most of the Tyrod fighting was rooted in people wanting to defend their predictions that Tyrod would turn the corner. So when he didn't play up to them they had to turn to explanations why they were still right. And I think Tyrod saying it was because he is black didn't help. Oh well we are on a new chapter and I wish the Browns good luck!
  11. Maybe premature to update this until it is official, but reports are coming in that Cousins is going to the Vikings
  12. Your typo is spoiling your good joke
  13. But what will those guys cost? I don't know but I am asking you guys because I think it matters how much they cost.
  14. But then I got to thinking and I said to myself, you know Meanie, it is inappropriate to throw a party because Taylor got traded. So I am going to hold a ball instead. I'm sorry the devil made me do it. I will accept whatever punishment I have coming to me.
  15. lol. Well ok then. I can live with that. I thought Canadians were supposed to be so polite?
  16. Every time I see that picture of a nose of yours, I expect a low effort critical remark. Im usually right.
  17. It's a very good idea. It is important to me. And it is very interesting to track all this Qb action. 1ManRaid are you one of the sort of posters who just hops in to shoot down other posters with smark alec remarks? Don't be that.
  18. I knew there was something about you, a keen look of intelligence in your eyes. A clear headed thinker, able to cut through the murkiness and fog of the babblings of press and posters, and to look and find out facts! And then the bravery you show by chiming in and not in order to join the unruly mob of hecklers what I got in here. I salute you sir! Of course your facts are fantastic as usual. I will also add some less substantive points than yours but they reflect some more of my thinking. First I will say lots of posters in here maybe are thinking about what they would want as fans, instead of as a GM. Fans want a chance to win. Somebody like McCown maybe gives us fans a chance to have our cake and eat it too. But in Derek Anderson, here is a guy who they kept on as a backup in Carolina for 7 years. Before a one year stop in Atlanta he was in Cleveland for 5 years before that. That means teams kind of like having him around. Now I don't know if Anderson is smart or not. I don't know if he is a good mentor or not. And I don't kow if he is a decent enough option to play half a season or not. But McBean knows. When I think of me as being McBean, I am thinking that when I trade up for QB (which they will do), that is the single biggest move a GM can make. It might be my only time doing that. It might determine my whole career. So who will I bring in to mentor this kid. Who will I bring in to maybe start and then step aside and still teach the cub to hunt without being a negative presence in the locker room? Somebody I don't know??? Not on your life. Not me. McBeane might but I sure as hell wouldn't. I would bring in somebody I know and trust. So bray all y'all want. My thought is a wild guess. But it isn't stupid. It's a legit possibility. For the reasons I have posted and the very good reasons Hapless posted.
  19. Ok wise guys but if we turn out to be right you owe me and Nasty Nate an apology!
  20. You shoulda said something before I posted it. But I probably wouldn't have listened so it wouldnt have helped me. Who is Jimmy Pickle?
  21. I think they can win 8 games with him and the other trades and their draft picks. So Browns fans will be tickled pink. Not that bad a move for a regime that is pretty dad-gum unpopular.
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