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Everything posted by BadLandsMeanie

  1. I believe that they will keep 3 because for roster and drafting they seem to think like me. Time will tell.
  2. Well, just to say, I don't think he is awful. I think he was set up to look awful by very bad coaching and game planning.
  3. That's no way to talk about your mother. I was going to be a real weenie and say I don't know what you guys are all so excited about because I am probably the only guy in this thread that will get to meet her But then I remembered I don't get to go into the hot dog tent at camp any more. Anyway Ross Tucker was tweeting at AJ would be sad because he won't be getting paid very well because he missed out on the first go-round rush for qbs. So far as I know Tucker had the scoop AJ being the one coming here. It is an interesting "co-incidence" that the Bills keep bringing in players with super hot wives. It has to be pure chance. Just like it was pure chance that Sean McDermott came to coach the team with the hottest owner -wife. All very remarkable.
  4. I want to laugh at this but I don't want to get in trouble.
  5. Matt Cassel is on the list? I though he was debilitated by concussions and could barely leave the house?
  6. Yuks aside, that is two Pats so far who had been willing to take less money to be a Patriot, who now have left for a market value payday. I wonder if this signals the end is near for Billy Bellichick?
  7. If it makes you feel better read this from Tony Grossi on Twitter. "Also, because of pressing business w free agency & Joe Thomas, Browns GM John Dorsey skipping pro days of Baker Mayfield & Josh Rosen. Borowns GM didnt go to
  8. You make me feel better about myself. I thought I was obsessed! Wow you make me seem halfway normal Thank you Sir!
  9. Did Fatty Fatty Boombalatty declare for the draft?
  10. My sources tell me that Bridgewater has a leg up on the Bills job.
  11. Ladies and gentlemen, With options vanishing, McDermott and Beane need our help. They need our guidance. Oh sure you picture the steady confident men we all see on TV. But after these past few days I picture a pair of sleep deprived red eyed half crazed men vaping and surrounded by empty energy drink cans. Who can they turn to? They can turn to Theodore Bridgewater Junior. That's who. Does anyone have the skill to set this music to a slide video of Teddy Baby in action?
  12. Way to chum the waters ******* (OP) This is a very, very, VERY, obvious troll post folks. Just to type a sentence and watch you all get busy.
  13. Am I wrong to think being short in the weather at the Ralph is worse than in a dome or temperate climate?
  14. Well, I'm totally confused now. The closer we get to the draft, we went from people saying this may be the greatst year for qb's in 20 years, to them being a group of slobbering oaf who really can't be trusted to cross the street alone, or who are organizing rebel groups to take to the streets, or who are destined for state prison, or who are already as good as they ever will be no point expecting them to learn and grow, or who .you get the picture. All I can hope is that the Bills know what they are doing because I no longer have any idea except that I think Mayfield is to short to go number one. Short is short at least that isn't an opinion subject to change.
  15. I'm glad the Chiefs did this. It will give us something to quibble over until the Bills make another move we can talk about. It will never end if the saying is true "There is a sucker born every minute". But for me you never know. He could finally string together a few productive seasons at the top of his game. I hope so he hasn't been that big of ajerk that I don't wish him well. I did suppose he would have to take a "show me" deal someplace before he got the big money though.
  16. No Wonder KC are always runner up. How stupid can you be?
  17. Wow this is awesome man! Okinawa is 13 Hours ahead of us! You will know the news a half day before we do!! You gotta keep us posted on the trades and free agency news!! We will send you chocolate or bullets or whatever you guys need over there in return. Deal?
  18. Yes. That's why they call her Sewsie
  19. Oh yeah? What is in a May Field? Flowers. Where else are flowers? At funerals and on graves. Choosing Mayfield will bury McBean.
  20. I think if they pick at 12 they will get Allen
  21. Me too. I will always like Newton because of that. That was funny and it was also brave. I loved that! Take away the penalties and you have a Patriot.
  22. Some say in whispers that it has to do with the activities of Beane's non-identical twin, Baldrick Beane. He avoids the public eye. He moves in the shadows and is rarely seen. Back home they called him "The Mean Beane". I must say no more.
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