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Everything posted by BadLandsMeanie

  1. Send the Jerseys to Josh Allen at one bills drive. Include a picture of the kids, and a letter, and a postpaid package so he can send them back. Put the kids first and last name on the jersey with a safety pin and paper or something so if they get mixed around somehow he will know the right ones to mail back in the package. Do that now. Then, when camp comes, have the kids wear the jerseys. Go to some of the first practices. New guys almost always sign a lot when they first get here. The enthusiasm wears off fast though. High profile guys will be out there for an hour or more if the team doesnt grab them. So they dont have much time before they can'tr afford to do that. Also McD is a dink when it comes to pleasing the fans at camp so be on your toes. So you want to be at the first second or third practice. You have to watch and see where the players go after practice. Follow where Josh Allen goes. Somebody wil have a TV interview with him. See where they have a camera on him and a reporter. get near there. There will be a big crowd along the fence or rail. See which end he starts on. The see if an adult will let the kids squeeze in front of him. If Allen sees their little face he will make sure he signs for them. Have a mini helmet or autograph ball or whatever for the kids because they will already have their jerseys signed. That way if it goes wrong they still have the autograph. And if it goes right they can show him and thank him and they will have something to say to him. Also bring your own sharpie leave nothing to chance. Also have something for random players to sign too. You might get a few autographs while waiting for Josh to get there. Last if any of the kids are little and cute, get them to wave and smile shyly at Kelly Pegula. She is the youngest daughter. she likes kids. So if they charm her she might help hook them up.
  2. I think you are trying to belittle my post, but you support it instead. I said most will shirk responsibility, your remark says that same thing in a different way. Maybe if they owned up to it and were straight with him, they wouldn't have just got burned for 12 million dollars. Maybe they could have agreed on half that or even less, if they had not made him put a gun to their head to get some recompense.
  3. Standing Ovation! Great idea!
  4. In a general sense I would suggest that we end the practice of suspending the rules of civilization in the parking lots. Threatening to attack someone for example, would be punishable just as it is everywhere else in the Nation. Throwing objects or liquids at persons because of which shirt they have on, again, punishable. Public intoxication to the degree that an individual is unable to speak or walk without great difficulty, or maintain sanitary practices with respect to bodily fluids and excretions, again would be treated as it would everywhere else. Harassment of others also would be dealt with just as everywhere else.
  5. It is not a surprise that an NFL team lies and shirks responsibility. That is how they are, sadly.
  6. Not profound but: In the lower bowl the seats are held together with bolts that are too long. They stick out at knee level and I jab my knee with this if I am not careful. Whoever did that job used bolts that were plainly too long. Also some kind of resolution between standers and sitters. I am sitting in a $350 seat down in front and a couple kids drink and 20 want to stand the whole game. Refuse any requests to please sit down. Im not 20 ? Im my day we had batteries we could throw to settle the matter but nowadays they take away all the good projectiles at the gates. This two jerks got kicked out at halftime but everyone behind them had to put up with that for the whole first half. They should just nail it down if you can or can't stand all game and where. That way I would know to buy a seat or not and where is all Im saying.
  7. I think Fairburn will be moving to TBN
  8. The Protests With the Mostest! Protest the Process It is Not Easy to Create a Slogan in This League
  9. Et tu Wawrow? I can't believe you got me. I had ZERO suspicion. Well played Sir. ?
  10. 1) Yeah you are 2) Ok 3) You didn't keep at it yet. Im hoping you stop But I would only want to be so empowered long enough to stop you. It's a very lousy job. I do not want it for longer than 5 minutes. 4) Good.
  11. Why don't you leave him alone? Why don't you drop the moderator talk? I know the pattern. You believe that taunting a moderator makes you look brave. And rebellious. It makes you feel brave. Makes you smile. While all the while you are essentially cowering behind the restraint he must have as a moderator. You have been at this for at least days now. Goodness knows how long for real, I have only begun to notice for the last few days. Next you will accuse me of kissing up to a moderator. I know how this story goes. Just so you know, if it was up to me I would give you one clear warning to stop, And to not even go anywhere near doing what you are doing. To make no cute attempt to skirt the warning. And then if you did it again I would kick you and your 11,000 posts out of here. Because that is probably where this will end anyways. No normal person carries on like you are. Argue and debate if you want, but leave the moderator part completely out of it in word and in deed. That's my opinion. We now return to our regular schedule programming.
  12. Hey may not have deleted it himself. It may have been removed. I understood his saying a "horrible moment from a person's life" to be about the victim. Which Graham is using. Maybe she isn't happy to be used as a pawn here. Maybe she would prefer that the events of that time of her life are not dredged up 20 years later by a wierdo reporter in this context. Unless he asked her. Do you suppose Tim Graham asked her? Nope I am not. Thanks.
  13. To me I think it is plain that he is moving background conflict at TBN into the public eye. It is for sure a shot at Carrucci. Maybe the others just got in the way or he wanted to smear them also. A man who has his professional life linked to his twitter account does not tweet without thinking. Unless he is very incautious. The original tweet is now "unavailable". The plot thickens!
  14. She had a physical injury that just doesn't happen in a fight or by falling down or walking into a door. She was a very credible victim.
  15. 2 things. I didn't fish for it, it showed up in my feed. Because someone that I follow, liked it. Someone you would know about. Who then thought better of it, and un-liked it. For your punishment for your snarky tone, I will never tell who that was who unliked it once they realized the implications. :I The other thing is, not knowing Tim Graham said that, doesn't mean it did not happen. It was said. So when looking around in the world, if somebody sees something that they don't agree with, it doesn't make much sense to tell them not to look as a solution. And I am not bent out of shape about it. I imagine Carrucci may be. But to me it is interesting. Not upsetting.
  16. Because she subsequently was suing him and it does change one's impression. My understanding though is that they knew one another. They were having a consensual experience until Bennett did something she did not want to do, that hurt her physically, and for which she needed to go to the hospital. Nuff said. The subsequent charges against her don't change that. Bennett did something rotten and received therapy which he says helped him.
  17. Do I have it wrong or wasn't Tim Graham sports editor at TBN at one time? I think he was when he did the Pegula piece in Jan 2017. But I can't get in to blitz to see if his title was editor. Im pretty sure he was. He is a listed as a reporter now. Does anyone remember he was an editor? Or do I have that wrong?
  18. Bennett pleased guilty to something that was pretty bad, and mean, but it was a misdemeanor. Personally I am wondering if he wanted to take a shot at Carruci, or Bennett, why did he pick Jim Kelly's charity event? Why didn't that at least stop him? Why get that mixed up in this? I don't understand that person.
  19. Here's the background. Bernie Kosar tweets a photo from Jim Kelly's charity event that included Vic C posing next to Cornelius Bennett. Graham retweets it with that caption. In another tweet TG claims he isn't taking a shot at Carruci. I think of course it is, and right out on public. What do you think?
  20. By Golly. I'll do it! I wonder if TBN has a direction they intend to go with the tone and the approach of the sports desk. Or if they haven't had time to think much about that since they didn't know who would stay and who would wind up leaving. I also wonder if these guys had any idea that buyouts were coming so they could get set up with a blog or something for the interim? Or if they get to keep any sort of press credential or access? Or if instead they just sudden;y found themselves without a means to publish their stuff and have no real plans yet? Really I hope the changes work out well for everybody. Those who are leaving to do something different, and for TBN to solidify its readership base and financial security. I thought that was a weird thing for Elmer Ploetz to do. Usually when a journalist speculates like that it means they have some idea or reason that they think it is true, but they can't prove it yet. With this it seems like he just made it up out of his head. That kind of stuff doesn't even fly on the message board here. He did correct it in the next article though. And I think the articles are interesting so good on him for that. The speculation I got out of it is about the game programs. With the push for the One Buffalo Ap and the phone based tickets, I wonder how long it will be before the game programs come electronically, paired with the tickets, so they save all that enormous printing cost.
  21. I keep vowing to keep my mouth shut on this topic. But I keep chiming in! ? For the issue of police violence towards black citizens, be it real or not or somewhere in between, I believe that the players think it is real. So they are protesting something that they themselves feel could happen to them. Nothing wrong with that. But I think it should be said that they are acting in thier own self interest here. They think they too could get stopped and get shot for no good reason. Why it bugs me is because I am tuned in to the extremely high rate of death by gunshot wound of youngsters who are black and who live in certain urban areas. It is the leading cause of death in many areas. The rate is ten times higher than for other ethnic or racial groups in the large urban areas. 10 times higher than the already epidemic rate. Many others are caught in the crossfire and killed, including children. Hundreds. But the music our players promote glorifies that lifestyle. So not only do they have they no problem with it, they love it. I'm a big tough guy because i have a gun and will shoot you if you disrespect me. They promote that. A very good percentage of them sing about it, or listen to those who do. They put out team videos of it. They adopt it as team theme songs that play in the stadiums and on TV. They practice to it. They promote their playlists of it on espn and sport illustrated websites (sponsored by Bose) That is all in good fun because they are at zero risk from it. They don't have to live there any more, if they ever did. So that is why the selfless sacrificing freedom fighter image grates on my nerves so bad.
  22. Thanks Bart! The thing is, Josh Barnett reads the board here. So unless he wants somebody to ask the fellas those questions, I don't think he would hire me. He already knows what I would be up to.
  23. I didn't miss it. It was just not relevant to what I was saying. I made no mention of Kaep's first inclination. I was speaking about the widespread protest that became a focus in a widespread way. You missed that. Always with the counter attack bringing in extraneous stuff. Just to argue. Argue argue. What about the point I raised and the topic I was writing about? What about that? Do they look to you like men who are trying to spread the message they say they are trying to spread? If so, how can you justify that it is an effective means, when so very obviously, the issue they are supposedly talking about is a distant second in the national conversation about what they are doing? And what result has there been that is anything remotely close to the one result I mentioned, which was the NFL funding of the newly created organization?
  24. But don't you see that you are deciding if it should be allowed or not, depending on if you think the reason for it is good or not? Not as some kind of stupid insult but just to show the idea, is a Nazi salute OK during the anthem at an NFL game? If you wold support that they should be able to do that, then I would agree that your position is consistent.
  25. Plainly the players and teams primary intent was not to address the issue. It was not to communicate their viewpoint and to build a base from which to improve things. That is very plain. Because if you are trying to communicate a message in a professional way with a purpose in mind, you accept feedback about how your message is being received. They did not do that. They are STILL, not doing that. They got VERY robust feedback that a good portion of the audience was interpreting their message as one of being disrespectful to the flag, or the country, or the military. Or in a number of other ways that are not what they are supposedly trying to accomplish. So if the intent was to communicate they would have tried different way to get the message out clearly AND to build a base. Instead the kept on and divided their potential base. I have learned to pay attention to what people do and not what they say. And what has actually been done is, they did what they did and got 90 million dollars pledged to an activist organization that has been created for the purpose. So it was a shake down in terms of what actually happened, when you take the words away. Those are the actual facts so far. Im wondering what the actual facts will turn out to be moving forward, as opposed to what all sides will say about what happens.
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