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Everything posted by BadLandsMeanie

  1. Get Well Soon Zay! I hope you are feeling better soon! When I saw you at camp you were being nice to all the fans and I thought to myself that you have a very kind face.
  2. Well, he retorted to the wrong person with that question I guess.
  3. IM glad he had the sense to delete it the hot headed doofus. Or somebody took his phone away from him. Maybe he has a got a good girlfriend now. Sammy is not our problem I was thinking about Reid. Can you imagine you just paid this guy 42 million bucks for 3 years and he starts with that stuff? Oh dear, better him than me. At least for that part.
  4. I just googled it up so I can't say for sure. But there is all kinda stuff about it on Youtube. It is kind of like Scientology as best as I can tell except with Egyptians thrown into the mix. And then some stuff about super humans that makes me uneasy.
  5. I think the whole Jesus don't exist any more thing will go over super duper well in Missouri. It stands to reason that the Chiefs fans are gonna be clamoring for Sammy to teach them more about Ahmen.
  6. Because they like to be in the Buff.
  7. Hi. Thanks for sharing your expertise. May I ask the following? You are the Bills (or any) GM, but you still know what you know about testing. You are looking for our next franchise quarterback. Would You use the Wonderlick data as part of your rankings to help you choose? I reserve the right to challenge your answer
  8. The Wonderlic's primary benefit is to Wonderlic's wallet. And it mainly measures the NFL's lack of knowledge about psychological testing. I'm not saying it is totally useless. But it is way more likely to be wrong about somebody's intellect than even just speaking to them for 15 minutes. Or sometimes even 1 minute. I talked to Kyle Williams once for about 30 seconds before I knew the guy is brilliant.
  9. Hey this is a good post. Not bad thanks it is better than I thought. Im not comfy with Unch playing wide receiver tough. I hope we can upgrade there.
  10. Very interesting detail there about how close they look. I get a glimpse of that when I go to camp with Billsfann. He sees that kind of stuff. But he can still be wrong he liked I forget the name but a superb physically, washout mentally and maturity wise wideout who got cut and went to the colts. I would have cut the guy at the first chance. (Just in case you read this Billsfann ) Anyway so yeah. But the QBs aren't linebackers and they have been scrutinizing them closely for a long time. But I think Beane means he has not evaluated them himself, personally, in as much detail as he wants. And he should because it is his head on the chopping block for a pick like that. However I think the organization as a whole has a definite set of opinions already.
  11. I think you have to look at it in context. That is to say, based on what McDermott (who ran that draft) was seeing at the time. So look at it this way a minute. We got Tre White who was a legit top candidate for defensive rookie of the year. So we did not have to pay Gilmore 14 million dollars a year. And we got their 2018 1st and 3rd. Mahomes has played one game. The jury is out on him. When I look at it that way I can't say we did the wrong thing. Unless as people say, Mahomes turns out franchise.
  12. The 22nd this year wasn't worth 780 exactly because we had to wait a year for it. Not saying it wasn't an OK deal but the Chiefs kind of messed it up a bit by not sucking.
  13. They could be putting this out there, working together, to drive the price up for Gettleman. I don't know what we would get out of it but that is one possible reason we are seeing this. So other teams know they have to beat it it.
  14. I am looking at it this way. Last year McDermott came in and a few months later he picked the draft himself and he Pwoned them. (Pwned is a young people's spelling, which by now probably means middle aged people , of the word "Owned" but with an emphasis and a subversive flavor). They will probably do ok this year.
  15. I see Buddy Nix as a guy who needed a QB and drafted a running back. Needed a QB and drafted a defensive tackle. Needed a QB and drafted a cornerback. And then needed a qb and drafted one when there were not any. And then he retired.
  16. He is not very accurate. I would like a quarterback who is accurate with the ball.
  17. So, I am irritated with you. Why? Because I was pleased that Thompson is coming back. But when I read your post, you lied in your title. You said he is back, not that they are working on it. Thanks CBF.
  18. Im glad for the fans who can have good vibes and happy thoughts. My fanhood is more like the PTSD guy who has to sit with his back to the wall and facing the door. My eyes continually dart around the room, looking for the threat. And that is at Chuck E. Cheese's. So go ahead and have your golden sunbeam. But what do we know about Brandon Beane besides that he looks good in sunglasses and he will sell or trade anything that isn't bolted down? And Logic, Beane didn't win the games McDermott did. And there is no Lombardi for cap space, if you get what I am saying.
  19. They always do. Somebody always gets injured. They will play at some point.
  20. Yep. They have a time problem. Which is what the Bills always do. I just had that thought now and I don't like it. But think about it last year there were quarterbacks for just one pick and they didn't take them. Now we need a QB and they have to take one and pay more than they should, or maybe get fired for not doing it, down the road. Just like everyone before them. Too much for JP. Too much for EJ (wasn't worth a first) I wonder what they will do? I hope they know! Meanwhile yes lets hope AJ works out better than expected!
  21. Yes of course. But it is how he put it. And this was his opening remark. People think about what the first thing they say will be. It's a weird way to talk about having new free agents to introduce. Sorry! And I have a joke but it isn't fit for a family board
  22. That is an interesting viewpoint. Kind of like bird in the hand I guess?
  23. I thought his introductory press conference was great. And I'm glad if he feels better having met here and the Bills feel better having met him and worked him out. But I am not going to be as happy as they are if it turns out the never laid eyes on the guy in person before they offered him a contract. Holy cow. I will be waiting to find out more as it becomes available.
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