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Everything posted by BadLandsMeanie

  1. Happy Easter from the Easter Billny Bunny!
  2. OR, they think that is what we will all be thinking, so they are switching it up.
  3. What if we are all in hell and the draft never gets here?
  4. Yes. It is hard, or impossible to word things nowadays without inflaming someone. But yes that is what I was trying to say. Maybe there is no conspiracy where teams and coaches would much rather lose than have a black QB. And there is no magical quality black athletes don't have that makes them so they can't often be elite quarterbacks. IT might be as simple as they are playing basketball. The elite athletes in the black community who have the size and other attributes needed to play QB, are instead playing basketball. They don't play football because they don't want to. Not because they can't. Not because nobody will let them. But because they would rather play b-ball. That is a legitimate possibility. It isn't stupid. It isn't racist. And it isn't political. But I am pretty sure it will be called all 3 things. It was for me I had't thought of a theme song. I don't suppose you can produce it for me?
  5. Yep that is why I used that word. And yes I do. Thanks dulles.
  6. Hello everyone and welcome to Frankly Speaking. Frankly Speaking is straight talk about The Buffalo Bills, the team that put the “We” in weenie. This topic is a perilous one but I will go ahead and say what I think. I hope everyone will please allow me the kindness to believe me when I say I am on the level and I have no agenda here aside from suggesting an idea. That is the truth. Please read what I say before forming an opinion about the post, the idea, or me. This post is about an idea I have that I think is worth considering when we look at the ethnicity of NFL quarterbacks. I will begin by mentioning that almost nobody can do it. Almost nobody can be a top NFL QB. At most there are 16 above average quarterbacks out of every male in the US who would like to do that job. So what does that amount to? One in a million eligible males? One in two million? I don't know but it is a very, very small percentage. A short incomplete list of what a man needs to be a prototypical NFL Quarterback is to: Be 6'2” to 6'6”. Be solidly built enough to take hits. Be able to understand the defense a team is likely to throw at you. Be able to track a lot of moving players (receivers and d-backs etc). Have a mental picture of where your teammates are supposed to be at a given time. Know what they are going to do. Be able to do all that very quickly. Be able to repeatedly throw the ball on target very reliably. So picture the group of men who can do all that at a very high level. Now take away everyone from that small group, who also has the skills to play professional basketball. Who do we have left? Expanding the viewpoint beyond the football world to include American sports in general, it seems to me the overlap between body type and skills and drive and dedication needed, is between quarterback and basketball player. The rest of the NFL players are too big and heavy, or too short, or can't throw. People start to track into the sports they dedicate to when they are 11 or 12 years old or even younger. It is way easier to find out you are good at basketball. All you need is a ball and a couple of friends. And you can play all the time. Football is more like joining the Marines and you need all kind of people and playbooks and equipment and a whole giant field. And you get to play half of a what, 8 games a year? So you work all year to play 4 hours of football at the high school level. I like basketball it is fun to play. So maybe that effects my idea here but if I had been good enough at it there is no question I would have gone that way. I don't know how much it matters at that point but playing for the NBA is way better in terms of money and practice and not getting injured and pay and longevity. NBA players make something like 3 times the money and they don't have to end up with their head held on by bolts like Manning and limping around or having their legs broken off and stuff. And they get to play much , much more instead of training nearly all the time to play what amounts to 8 hours a year. It would be a dream come true if I could QB the Bills to a championship. There is nothing I would like more in the sports world. But the NBA? I would be an NBA player if I could choose. And I kind of hate to say it, but for me it wouldn't even be close. I like to watch football way better but playing basketball is very fun and I would do it in a heartbeat. And I think that is what they do, like I would do. I am not saying there are a ton of people who could be good QBs in the NBA. Remember almost nobody, out of everybody, can do it. But I bet ya there are 5. This is not meant to be anything but to convey an idea about mental picture. LeBron here doesn't even look but he knows where to pass the ball. Plus it is just a fun clip all on it's own. Thanks for reading I hope it was ok to say.
  7. Yeah but teams that wait five years to admit the obvious, are the Buffalo Bills who never win. So what I mean by mistake, is insisting you are right. When everybody can see you are wrong. And doing nothing about it. Teams that wait 5 years between taking longshot bets, are the Buffalo Bills. Teams that use the 9th overall pick and the next year's 1st round and 4th round pick, to trade up to 4th overall, to get a wide receiver, but use 16th overall pick to get their franchise quarterback, are the Buffalo Bills. It is most certainly the fault of the Buffalo Bills that they haven't had a QB for 20 years. It isn't bad luck. So yes betting on one is WAY better than not betting. I totally agree. But the Bills haven't been betting for ages.
  8. I don't think this is your kind of post! I figured you may have looked at this, shook your head sadly at what the Bills have done to me, and moved on But in case you have some time on your hands and are brave, here is the link. https://www.twobillsdrive.com/community/topic/203539-aj-mccarron-is-now-my-favorite-quarterback-because-i-am-my-mothers-son/ I think you might be right right about the 10 or 12 guys. I also think there is nobody who can predict who they are. Which is our problem. But what bugs the beejeebers out of me is somebody like Nix who is STILL convinced he made no mistake on EJ. Make a mistake move on, try again. Ok by me. Make a mistake and refuse to admit it and pass on quality prospects for years, that irritates the heck out of me. Thanks. I heard he said he would play at league minimum for a year if he was a guaranteed starter. I don't buy the story that he couldn't beat out Dalton exactly. This is because I know teams don't often replace an entrenched starter unless they are forced to. Because just like with with Tyrod you lose all kinds of credibility if you are wrong. Dalton is pretty good and it isn't worth the gamble unless you are certain they guy coming in is way better. Even Brady only got put in because Bledsoe went down. So I think that McCarron very well might be as good as Daltonn or better with a bit of seasoning. Time will tell. Hey that is very, very kind of you. Thanks BuffaLoko! Clever name by the way!
  9. Quick research I did shows that Buffalo 93.4 inches has about twice the average snowfall of Minneapolis 55 inches. The record snowfall for one continuous storm is 28.4 inches over 4 days in Minneapolis. In Buffalo it was 88 inches over 5 days in 2014. That is seven feet of snow. Which is why I think my low tech low cost idea is a good one to consider. Which nobody will We put a metal framework up there that stays there year round. You put your lights and a spot for cameras or whatever else you want up there. Then you have sections of fabric over that metal framework. Like a big top tent. You can project ads on the roof from inside or outside I suppose, to help pay for it. Then, you actually furl the fabric roof up, like you do with as sail on a mast when you don't want to use it, whenever a bunch of snow is coming. Pretty much leave the roof off (furled) for the whole winter if you want. Most of us like outdoor football anyway. And you don't have to build a roof that will support 7 feet of snow which will cost a gazillion dollars. But you can have protection from the rain etc for 3 seasons of the year as you wish.
  10. Here's the trouble, You don't cite any of your claims. Besides Mark Procrilantz who was plainly trying to take credit for himself AFTER the fact in an embarrassing way. After the terms of the lease were understood and reported, which was as I recall very shortly before the actual sale of the team, he stepped in to try to take credit. Before that we didn't hear from him. But afterward we have him proclaiming that he is the hero and he going to write a book, about him and the lease. He seemed to have lost his mind if he thought everybody was going to run out and buy a book about a local politician taking credit for a lease. This in contrast to a lawyer hired by the Bills telling us in advance that once we understood how Mr Wilson had structured that lease, that we would all be grateful to him. Well , maybe not all of us. And you keep avoiding the inescapable hole in your proclaimed retelling of the events, how did the county pressure him? He held all the cards. Now I dont expect that you will change your opinion because you have it for your own reasons and very plainly are not relying on proof or facts. I am saying you are full of it to anyone who might be thinking that you are doing anything but telling lies that you wont defend because you cant. You instead just step around available known information and common sense, and keep babbling away. So happy babble. I like Spongebob. And I am not wearing pants.
  11. That was fantastic. Thank you for all work and research and for writing it all so clearly.
  12. I get the feeling he would have to go to a liquor store to find Jerry Sullivan shopping for his groceries.
  13. Well Bado I figure we will not come to a meeting of the minds here. And this is an interesting topic at least to me. But I don't want t spend a ton of time on it because I guess I would rather spend most of my spare time on here talking and worrying about which of the 5 quarterbacks we will or wont get, even though I have zero control over that and would probably make a mistake if I did. So Ralph Wilson is dead and he certainly isn't bothered by whatever is said. No real point in sticking up for him looking at it that way. I do wish the Buffalo News would be a good paper and not always take the easiest lazy way to get clicks. "Ralph Wilson was Cheap" get clicks. They have the best access of all but they squander it being like that. Oh well, again nothing I can do I just don't read it. They will be gone soon anyway I think because they aren't adapting. But one question for you. For one thing it seems to me that if Ralph kept the money in his family, he would be selfish, and if he gave it all back to Buffalo, he did it because he is selfish. You make it sound like everybody knows that ego driven sports owners do this all the time, so that your way of looking at it is right. So I ask, can you show me a single NFL football team owner who gave back all the money, plus I think a couple hundred million extra, to his hometown and to the home base of the team? I don't know but i never heard of it.
  14. We got a saying around here: Those who laugh at Polish Dave, do their laughing from the grave.
  15. Dingus made a really good post. I may have made it different in my memory but he basically pointed out that they key factor will be how these guys work at their craft once they are here. Can they take the heat? Do they listen and learn, do they keep at it? They are very hard to separate on qualifications. They have have different strengths and weaknesses but these guys are all shaking out as pretty much the same overall in terms of how they rank. You can't know what will happen. But if you look at their personal qualities to see who has a track record of working and focusing and coping with the public and the press and all that, then you have a big advantage in predicting what will happen in the NFL. That being said I do wonder if somebody took all of the main measures like this Q thingy and the rest, and combined them, if it would turn out to be useful. Most of all what I get out of all of this is fear! Because when I think of any other profession or business I can't think of one where a regular fan or hobbyist can have a good chance to beat the combined expertise of the industry in picking the direction of THE mission critical choice. So to say if me and Bumbles get together and design a self landing rocket in our spare time that is just as good as Elon Musk's Maybe a little better. Or we figure out a viable way for surgeons to to repair an area of the brain. And Shaw and HaplessBillsFan design a cool new electric car engine just as good as Toyota's is. You get the picture. The NFL is doing their best but really they are almost as close to guessing as we are. The difference between what they can come up with and what can come up with isn't very big. It isn't like my rocket idea versus Musk's. I hope the Bills guess right!
  16. You disprove your own argument. Not that everyone doesn't already know that an NFL team and Buffalo in particular, hold all the cards negotiating with a city. When a team can move nearly anywhere else besides Buffalo, and get a free extra half billion dollars, you don't have much leverage. Buffalo would never have another NFL team if that happened. You know that. And you even include it in your post. But you STILL want to insist that it was the politicians who forced Ralph Wilson into the terms of that lease. You don't make any sense. You are posting things that make no sense, for everyone to see, on a public message board, with your profile name on them. My advice would be to stick to what you know because in your effort to harsh on Ralph Wilson, and defend Jerry Sullivan, you are trashing your own reputation.
  17. On the radio today Donald Brown referred to Tim Tebow in a Jackson segment. He said that Tim Tebow was a college phenom who likewise would only be a QB. He said teams wanted him to consider other possible options but he said no. And now he is playing baseball. So Donald said that he can respect Jackson's stance, he also may be costing himself millions of dollars for two reasons. One is that if you draft a guy at QB who also might become a WR if QB doesn't pan out, you are willing to pick him higher because he is less of a risk. And 2 is that if you say QB or bust, you can be a bust and be gone like Time Tebow, instead of staying employed by the NFL at another position.
  18. How did you find that? I not able to figure out how to look at past years.
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