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Everything posted by BadLandsMeanie

  1. Thanks man. About how one perceives the Jills, let me say this. I don't know how old you are, but for me the way I think changes over time. That is true for everyone if all goes well as they get older. So for me the differences between how I think now versus when I was 30 , are as clear as how I thought differently at 9 versus 19. I am just in a different place. And for me I don't sit there wanting to bang the Jills. That isn't to say there are not women I know who I spend a good fair bit of time thinking about that very thing, but not the Jills at games. I still recall one of the last times I saw them was opening day, the sun was out, there was an air of excitement. The Jills had these mirrored mylar pom poms and the sun was sparking off them as they did there thing and their shiny hair was flying and they were just so skilled and so full of energy. They were at their magnificent peak of youthful power and health and they DO move so well and artistically I just was enthralled. Much the same in a way as I love watching how shady can move and evade and flash down the field. Just prettier and feminine. But you have to be older to see that you get me? Like for an athlete we can admire how they are great at any age because we are admiring their athletic skill. For the Jills it is their youth and fitness and movement and beauty. But for me I needed to be older and have those things start to go away in order to sit there and see how amazing it is to have that. Getting back to how one grows to think differently with age an experience, if all goes well. If that "process" had happened as it should for the people who ran the Bills, the whole thing with the Jills would never have happened. There was or is something wrong with the management of a team that acted in away that let that happen. They did not grow up in some ways is the very best I can do to characterize how they behaved. It is not the 20 year olds that caused the problem, It is the people who are supposed to be mature adults who did this. That is as plain as it could possibly be to me. But again you have to be my age and think like I do, to see it.
  2. I like how you don't think before you talk. It must be very liberating
  3. Gee its an hour long. Two of my favorite reporters though.
  4. I am going to start keeping tabs of how many players we have had who started to act strangely. Koujiando, Watkins with his flat earth and god "Ahmen", Zay, now Ritchie. I am wonder if I am forgetting anyone. And I wonder if it is more than one would expect. Then I remember how the Bills got in trouble for handing out all kinda pills without keeping track of them. hmmm
  5. Says you. And you happen to be incorrect. Like anyone at all in the public eye, the Jills make an effort to look their best. But they have always been dancers first. And they have always been extremely good at that. Which is one of the main reasons I enjoy them. And is also a reason they do not always look like beauty queens like some other teams do. The Jills slaughtered those type of squads when it came to the cheering and the showmanship and the athleticism. You are right that you don't have to be in the modeling industry to criticize their appearance. You have to be an ill mannered, poorly raised, insensitive, jackass. (speaking plainly as I know you would want me to) I'm not trying to make enemies in here but I really don't like the bullying and I won't just ignore it all the time. I hope you understand.
  6. Well, I would have McCoy #1. But minor quibble aside, you have astutely highlighted our current situation. It is not good. I expect you will be rebuked for pointing it out.
  7. You are not reading it correctly. Nowhere do I say Kaep's cause is vile. How about you read things carefully before you lash out? What about you doing that? Protesting for something vile would be a guy throwing out a Nazi Salute during the anthem to show solidarity with imprisoned American Nazis who's only crime was to blow up a synagogue. get it now? Would y'all be on that man's side? If the principle holds true for one it needs to hold true for the Nazi also. Would you still be up in arms over that player's right to self expression at games? I'm convinced that was what Baker Mayfield was doing, protesting Trump's bad behavior, but he has been misunderstood. He is a brave hero if you ask me!
  8. The only reason 95% of Kaep supporters are in his corner is because they agree with his cause. Let somebody protest for something vile that they disagree with at a game and they would all change their stance.
  9. Things are only murky because you want to make them "murky". Someone stole from the company I work for last year. I was asked if there is a rule against stealing, or if Ihad a signed documents stating that employees can not steal. I said no. They still didn't get unemployment. Thee is no requirement that you must have written rules for every conceivable thing that can get you fired or make you undesirable to be hired. It isn't "murky".
  10. No. It would be like you saying you won't hire anyone who will bring a gun to work. Good luck. People REFUSE to understand that.
  11. If we get Jackson at 12, does that include his mom? Or do we need to spend a separate pick on his mom who is grafted to his hip?
  12. I think so too. We do not control the top of the draft. That means we will get whoever the other teams let us get. If they let us trade up, we can get a higher ranked QB. If they don't we can only get who falls to us.
  13. Can anyone find the original article? It says it appeared on bills.com yesterday, but I don't see it there. What he is saying here is about if they whiff on getting a qb. He can say, like I told you before, we won't reach.
  14. I was just wondering what if we trade up to #4 overall and then the QB we pick says he won't come? I only remember Manning and Elway doing something like that. It isn't impossible somebody wouldn't want to come here because if you are not a Bills fan it might seem like we really don;t have much of a team here at the moment.
  15. I thought you read it. Don't you remember?
  16. Maybe I am missing it, but what are the 1st, 2nd, 3rd etc projections, projecting? Round? Rank among other qb's? What does it mean?
  17. Is that you in your avatar? Maybe tone down your comments about looks if it is, Francis.
  18. Not bottom 5 eh? Thats a BOLD prediction. Bottom 6 will be just ducky I suppose?
  19. I hope this works out. The retirements haven't being going so well lately.
  20. Perhaps not coincidentally, in the last decade they also just can't seem to find anybody good to draft. All these guys just fail. Maybe because the NFL does just as you say. Stick a guy in or not depending on whatever the circumstances are. Whew! Thank you Mr House (Ballard?)
  21. No. I think Peterman may well turn out to be a good QB. I wasn't using him as an example of a QB who failed. I was using him as an example of a coach who failed. I think that game could weigh on Peterman. He has a monkey on his back. And it turned the bulk of the fan base against him. And it was because they started him in a big game, away, with 3 days practice, and a HORRIBLE game plan suited for a savvy veteran. And then to top it off they didn't even put a spy on Bosa. Bosa keeps getting in, they didn't even have a back just follow him and be sure he was always double teamed. They couldn't have done a much crummier job if they did it on purpose. To put it real starkly, McDermott was a jackass to let that happen. And so I have some concern that it wasn't a single instance of being a jackass, but rather that it will be a trait that the new QB will also get to experience. Ah, you are a bright pupil young Wiz!
  22. How did it work out for Peterman? Based on that, right now I would say no. However McCarron being here is a good step in the right direction because he can shoulder the load for a season at least. On the other hand the most important thing for a new QB is his offensive line. So on that metric it would seem they have no chance at all to develop a QB. We will have to wait and see how the line looks when the games start though. Maybe it won't be as bad. The running game is a plus with Shady. Receivers not so much. And who knows about Dabol. I have no idea. All in all right now, I would say we aren't a good environment to develop a QB unless they can draft Gumby.
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