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Everything posted by BadLandsMeanie

  1. Great. I will ask Shaw and if he says OK we are on! I just have to hope Peterman isn't a late camp cut next year because then he could technically be out of football on opening day if nobody picked him up fast enough. Oh, it is Bills opening day ok? To keep it firm because they have the whole Thursday night thing early start etc. So it is Bills opening day, wheather he is on the Bills or another team, whatever day the Bills season opens will be the day ok?
  2. Ok! Now you are talking. I would suggest Shaw66 hold our wagers for the next year :). Would he be acceptable to you?
  3. $100 Who do we know who can hold the money?
  4. Oh. Well you quoted a different post I didn't connect that was the same poster.
  5. I get that you stand by your assessment. But it is an easy assessment. For example I could proclaim right after the draft, that I have run my analysis and I am sure that the Bills will not win the Superbowl this year. I could then support that with a lengthy thread, in a know it all kind of tone, as if anyone at all on the planet aside from McDermott's mom, was forcefully saying the opposite thing. And as true as that would probably be, people probably wouldn't want to hear that noise just after our draft . And really anyone who wanted to dispute me and see what happens, would be in a very weak position based on the odds. Same as you here. You "boldly" predict the hugely more likely outcome. 5th round pick won't be a starter ever. Who can take that bet? Your post is off topic in this thread. The thread is about his off-season work not if people think he will be a starter of backup. It seems more just like you are saying "I'm right. I'm right. I'm right." Well I say you are wrong about one thing. Peterman will be in the NFL in 2019. I would like to place a bet on that with you. We can get someone to hold the wagers until opening day 2019 What do you say?
  6. Here is my trouble. Your smug and abrasive tone. Quite a few posts in this thread are like that. And you are so absolutely sure. I don't believe that you alone have the power to be absolutely sure how a young QB will turn out 5 years from now. I think you over state your case, over estimate your prowess and skill, and do it in a caustic kind of way in this thread here. I am not saying you will prove to be wrong, just that you are less believable by a lot, because of how you say things in this thread.
  7. I dont know if the 6ers are the very first but yes, the phrase was popularized by them. The thing is McDermott's line was "Respect the Process". But everybody says it as Trust the Process like the 6ers do.
  8. What does everyone do at the outdoor part of the event that draws so many people?
  9. Middle linebacker because they are key to both the running game and the passing game. And they can pass rush also (Like LT did pretty often). DE is very important, but to me they are not as big a help against the run game.
  10. HR is here. Any of you guys want to increase your life insurance benefit?
  11. link that works https://www.wkbw.com/live2
  12. I see what you mean but if your front office can't be trusted, that will come back to bite you. Really if Houston wanted to make a better deal, they should have gone ahead and done that before draft day. They could have had a gentleman's agreement with Whaley instead. I wonder if they had a reputation where Whaley couldn't trust them?
  13. I personally think that McDermott did actually believe that Tyrod could be the guy. I don't think that was a lie. In the Harry Potter books, there is a mirror that shows a person their heart's desire. I think Tyrod Taylor is the human version of that mirror. You see a franchise QB just on the brink of breaking out into the sun! Now he will be that for the Browns.
  14. Agreed. But you have to remember they have no first round pick. So teams talk it up to offset their fans feeling left out. The praise from the team is a bit over the top for a guy who has started one game. My guess is it is partly hype. If I remember right the Bills declared JP their first round pick the year after they picked him for that same reason, to offset the let down feeling.
  15. It doesn't look like Whaley. I don't think that is Whaley actually.
  16. Im still worried that they will move Training camp from Fisher.
  17. Ok but they wanted him to take a pay cut, or he would get cut, right? So if he gives the money back it would be like he said not and got cut wouldn't it?
  18. If it got me that signing bonus back I would release him sure. Otherwise no way.
  19. McDermott went to school with Rosen may be why they picked him up.
  20. For real he was an English major?
  21. No I don't. But at least that seems to have a point! At least to me.
  22. If there is a random thread about how odd mock drafts are, I didn't see it. So that is my excuse in advance if you get annoyed! But first, I just found out the guys at the Draft in Dallas, have to wear one of those goofy draft hats when they get picked! "New Era unveiled each of the NFL’s 32 team caps, which will be worn by draftees when they shake NFL commissioner Roger Goodell’s hand. You too could wear this stylish cap, featuring a cool new design, including a popular Bills slogan on the inner lining. " Oh well. Price of fame I guess. It is just sad that the first thing they have to do is put on that clown hat. Moving right along. The more mock drafts I see, the sillier they become. I never paid that much attention til this year, because this year is so much more complicated for us. And so much more important. But it is all just some guy pretending. They make a pretend draft. There is no news to it at all. At this point they can't even say who the first overall will be. But it gets announced with excitement that some reporter has a new mock draft! And then I go and look and I am either excited, or mad, depending how it worked out. Finally it sunk in that it makes no sense for me to do that. There is no draft but the actual draft. I don't spend time looking at somebody's pretend games during the season. Why am I doing this for the draft? So I am not going to any more. I hope.
  23. Wow I would be sick if I had just given him that giant contract. He is a nut. Maybe he will play just fine though.
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