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Everything posted by BadLandsMeanie

  1. Yes I thought so. But maybe the trolling isn't what it used to be. Back in my day nobody would have missed the opportunity to suggest that you wished to threesome with another man present rather than an additional woman. Then general merry-making would have ensued. But come to think of it, maybe nobody would think that would be humorous, or even unusual nowadays. Hmm. Perhaps I should have kept mum. Mum it is! Carry on Sir sorry to distract you!
  2. No Scott. Im not going to do a bunch of busy work for you. It was plain to see a number of times. If you watched and remembered, you would know that. So I am not going top waste my time researching the specific instances just to prove reality to you. You will just carry on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on about how you were right about Tyrod and that most all of the fans (at this point), the press, and the Bills coaching staff are all wrong. And you are right. Tyrod is a decent starter, because you say so. I know that is how it will go so no point in trying to change your mind.
  3. You would be better off being more specific when you say something like that.
  4. I am obsessed with this draft. It is terrible. I see it as I am not used to having so much to lose. Other drafts have just been fun for me really. I just had to see which cornerback back they took and then pick a dark horse from the rest of the guys we drafted and root for him to be a steal, and be happy. This year we have a big chance to not be grouped with the worst teams in sports any more. No more. We have a chance that, for me, I didn't waste my life rooting for this team that didn't care as much as I did for almost that whole time. What makes it bad for me is that I think Beane has an extremely difficult task. Extremely difficult and to get it right he has to be both lucky and a near genius. He has to pick the right quarterback and then somehow keep him safe and learning on a team that at present has a decimated line, perhaps the worst in football, and a stripped down depleted roster in general. He needs linemen very badly and yet he will probably have to spend a bundle to get his QB. And he has a defensive coach who will probably be clamoring for a linebacker, and he can't kill him to shut him up. You put a young QB behind a bad line and psychology aside, they can take a beating that will compromise their athletic ability for the rest of the lives. That's the truth. People ignore it. It isn't just about being brave and tough, your bones and cartilage get damaged permanently. Put another way one QB gets hit hard twice a game. Another gets hit hard 5 times per game. So one guy gets hit hard 32 times in a season the other guy gets hit hard 80 times. 80 times a 300 pound punisher of solid muscle bashes you to the ground and lands on you. Someone will will say oh no he wont get sacked that many times. I know that. I am saying hit. Got the ball away but got hit can happen 80 or more times easy if you have bad protection. That eats at me, and I have no idea how Beane will get out of that circumstance. So for me this isn't just a matter of if we can get a good QB and who will it be. It is more complicated and harder even than that. So I check all day long, even though that does nothing at all about it Today I got my hair cut. Which always relaxes me I don't know why but being in the barbers chair is one of my most relaxing times in life. Today it was amazing! I told my barber this was the most relaxed I have been in at least 3 weeks and I told her why. I said usually I just enjoy it but today it is like therapy. She made a joke saying by next Thursday I might have just an 1/8 of hair left. (from getting daily haircuts)
  5. I saw that. It was a real shock. And a shame.
  6. Apparently, about how cool it is to have a middle linebacker.
  7. That is true to an extent. I could live with him if they also had an offense designed to pull Tyrod in the 4th quarter of games we are behind, in favor of a qb who will throw the ball like the game being on the line is more important than his stat line.
  8. I don't recall the expression "turning heads" being used for football players much if at all. Maybe I just missed it.
  9. Looks like some are making fun of you. But I had that thought same thought immediately. The usual practice has been more to give the Bills more home games early because of the weather.
  10. I'm not comfortable with your premise.
  11. I agree whole heartedly except to say the Hapless is clearly more wrong than I am.
  12. That quote isn't of me. About your other points: I prefer to think of my straw men as you call them, as summaries that capture the heart of the matter. As for the football stats from his 3 games that you cite, you really have to include considering that those were his first 3 NFL games. Right? And what was he asked to do? Probably not a lot. They probably wanted to do anything but put the games on his shoulders. Are you citing Tyrods stats as a 43 game starter against those of McCarron is his first 3 games? I don't know but if you are, I won't go along with that. I think you would need to compare McCarron against other guys in their first 3 games to make a useful comparison. I personally would have to see the all 22 film of those games to have a firm idea how to interpret those stats. I give you no argument about the O-line advantage Tyrod had the left half of an O-Line if you ask me. And as it stands now McCarron will have 1/5 of a line. So he is probably going to be crippled, and in that sense will be a downgrade. But until he does prove to be lesser, I will give those jacked up loud mouth poopy headed braying jackasses the same respect as I give any pundit picking on my Bills based on flimsy evidence. McCarron is a Bill now. And the same respected crowd convinced everybody our secondary was a tire fire last year didn't they? Ha! Suck an egg I say to them!
  13. I think what Tyrod brings is the running as you say. But for me all that does is make the losing more entertaining. As you point out, th elast good chance t see McCarron pass was when at Bama. There is no good way to know what he is like now and if he has got better in the last 4 years. So McCarron to me is some chance, versus no chance. I thank having a chance is an upgrade.
  14. Are they saying you should draft a guy high in the first round based upon the knowledge that it isn't impossible that he can be taught to throw accurately?
  15. AJ isn't a downgrade, he is an unknown. In my opinion Tyrod is magic. People argued he was a rookie when he was entering his 6th season as a professional. People argued that he was still learning, had had little time to develop, and would soon turn the corner, for 2 /12 years as a starter. To me he is the Teflon Don of football. AJ McCarron started just 3 games, in his second year in the league. He threw for 212 yards with one touchdown and one interception in his only playoff appearance (again in just his second year having had only 3 starts in his career) Tyrod Taylor threw for 134 yards going 17 for 37, with no touchdowns and no interceptions after 7 years in the league and 43 starts. So how come Tyrod is still developing even now with the Browns, and will show everyone so say some. But McCaron is a done deal, finished product, "downgrade"? Why does that make sense, to anyone?? I would rather have the chance, however slim it may be, that McCaroon will pan out to bring us to the next level, instead of the guy Taylor, who is as close to as sure thing not be that as a man can get.
  16. I would like them to dig me up and do this to show me celebrating when the Bills win a Superbowl someday.
  17. My information is indicating that he will plummet. People won't know why. But he will drop , drop drop, to the bottom of the first or maybe even into the 2nd. Im not insisting he will but that is my best guess at this point in time.
  18. Sooo, what if your battery dies? No game?
  19. You could be right Muppy. DE might make the bigger overall difference. I watched JJ Watt just take over a game one time. I would go LB because they factor in every play. But a DE might make the bigger difference in the end. Hmm, maybe I would flip a coin?
  20. I don't think it would count against you as a suicide. I think it would go in the books as your having been tortured to death. You might even posthumously get the nod as The Patron Saint of Bills Fans. But I hope you stick around
  21. I love this response. And yes "pissed" doesn't describe what I would be if that happened either.
  22. Fair enough BUT, lets leave the "53" out of it please. He has to be on the roster, not practice squad, agreed. But if they increase the roster to more than 53 I still win if he makes a roster.
  23. I think it is because they need a guy who will work with a rookie qb and won't be trying to undermine him, or not help him. Mc Carron will try to beat the guy out, but if he doesn't he will be an asset to the rookie. I'm not somebody who believes that they just took McCarron because he was the cheap one left. I think he was one of the few that they wanted.
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