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Posts posted by BadLandsMeanie

  1. I think Rosen's hot tub picture with a girl in there was his way of saying "Ha! I am the starting Quarterback of the glamorous, high profile, "Hollywood" UCLA Bruins, relaxing in my hot tub with a pretty girl, and you are not." B-)


    What irritated me about that photo is that he  is the starting Quarterback of the glamorous, high profile, "Hollywood" UCLA Bruins, relaxing in his hot tub with a pretty girl, and I am not. :mellow:  


    I think the difference between me, and pretty much everyone else, is that I think it was also pretty dang funny. To me it was just guy humor that has I guess become old school and people don't get it any more. And I think of people in the press like Jerry Sullivan who would just seethe over something like that and I think there are plenty of guys like him.


    What I am leading up to here is that i think people are not taking into account how much flak Rosen took and took in whisper campaigns and every single sportswriter repeating how he is this bad guy and how disliked he is. And pretty much ignored the provable, verifiable statements of those who gave their names and who said he was a good guy.


    How would you be after six months of that? 


    And then, in my opinion, Rosen thinks they got him. He said he figured he should go in the top 3 and that is pretty reasonable based on how he played and what risks he has versus the others. So he may figure the whisper campaign actually got him and actually dropped him down and after 6 months of it, he was mad.


    I don't think it is fair, or even reasonable,  to look a guy in that circumstance of the moment and then say , "Oh see how he is?"



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  2. 2 minutes ago, Nervous Guy said:

    " Performance on the Wonderlic was not significantly correlated with fluid reasoning skills (r=.26) but was most strongly associated with overall intellectual functioning, "

    What does the Wonderlic Personnel Test measure?



    "While scores on the Wonderlic were more strongly associated with crystallized than fluid reasoning abilities, the Wonderlic test scores did not clearly show convergent and divergent validity evidence across these two broad domains of cognitive ability."


    Not showing validity means it did not measure what it is said to measure. You only showed the part saying what it did not measure, the worst. So it wasn't as invalid measuring crystalized intelligence (meaning more or less what we already know) as fluid reasoning skills, (meaning more or less learning on the run)

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  3. 9 minutes ago, C.Biscuit97 said:

    I hold the 40+ year old men who have bashed the character of 21 year olds at more fault than the athletes.  These grown men are cowards, hide before sources, ask these guys if they are gay, & bash these guy’s relentless. It’s not just Rosen.  I don’t blame any of these players getting upset with this.  Some of these NFL exes should be embarrassed.  

    Bravo!! Well said!

  4. 3 hours ago, OldTimeAFLGuy said:



    ....thanks  bud for sharing........his post draft, sulking hissy fit brought out his true colors......putz............bet his teammates can't wait to meet him at the airport......he'll be the one on the VERY high horse wearing a crown..........

    Just about every other draft pick they interviewed said something about making teams know they shouldn't have passed them up. But see, you single him out because you have been told to. The media focused on it, so you focused on it. But watching with my own eyes, and thinking, I could see that many many of the players said that same thing. And again, thinking back, I can remember that being said in past drafts too. It is almost a customary thing to say. Tom Brady has made a career of it.



    7 hours ago, Hapless Bills Fan said:


    Let me put it this way.  I would not put a lot of stock in post-draft stories of what teams were and weren't willing to do.  Example: it was reported that Buffalo had offered our two 1sts and next years for #2.  Now Beane says next year's first was never on the table.  So which is true?  Who knows?  Why should anyone tell the truth at this point?  Them grapes sure look sour.


    It's all gamesmanship.  We haven't found out a thing.  Hearing that the Allen to Cleveland hype was fake shouldn't bother you any more than any other pre-draft rumor.

    For whatever it's worth, here's another story that says Dorsey kept the QB order under his vest until the morning of the draft by leaving the QB magnets turned vertical at the top of their board and in the order in which they'd made visits.  Then: " Late Thursday morning, about nine hours before the draft, he gathered the senior staff to tell them the order of the quarterbacks, and what he was likely to do with the top pick—take Mayfield. He kept the board covered until early evening, and shortly before the draft began, the room knew the QB order. "    BUT nonetheless - Schefter and King were able to get intel? even though it was so close to his vest?  Wow, if I worked for Dorsey that would give me great morale that somehow King and Schefter know stuff before the staff does.  I'd really feel empowered and respected.  And why make such a big deal of the order of the QB, when that doesn't matter because they have the #1 pick?  It just doesn't ring true - like it's creative drama.


    Giving a 1st round pick, 2 2nd round picks, and a player is not a huge haul for a true franchise QB.   The question, as always, is: "is this guy Truth?  or is he not-all-that?

    I read that story but I didn't think of that. You are right. It doesn't make sense does it?

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  5. 9 minutes ago, nbbillsfan said:

    Ya, you are missing the point.

    This is my point : Your position is unsupportable.


    But I don't need to make this into a crusade. I can't reshape your character and you don't want me to. Believe your rumors and take shots and offer opinions critical of someone you do not know and have never even met.


    I just wanted to chime in that that is what you all are doing. Not just you guys in the thread here, but everybody like you in the football world and in the media. Repeating rumors that were repeated to you and that will be repeated by others who don't much care to be cautious, or know facts, or even be reasoned with,  when saying mean things about another person.


    I can let it go like I say I just wanted to point it out and I think I have.

  6. 19 minutes ago, greeneblitz said:

    Oh god, the Rosen squad is upset, man, so much smoke from nearly everyone thats every been around him, all you have to do is watch him for 5 mins on tv, the kid is a brat and a total douchebag, he wont last 3 years in the NFL with that personality unless he's the second coming on the field.

    "From nearly everyone that has been around him"


    As if YOU have any idea at all. Am I right? You just read the rumors. Don't you? 


    You have no idea, at all, what you are talking about. Isn't that right?


    I can tell you who agrees with me about you people and your rumors. Marv Levy, that's who.



  7. 18 minutes ago, metafour said:

    Josh Rosen's issue is that he is a QB who is seen as a know-it-all.  You can have that attitude if you've earned it like Tom Brady; but this is a kid out of college who hasn't proven anything.  His personality brings into question just how coachable he is which is important because these guys ALL need development.  A guy who thinks he knows more than his coaches is a huge red flag.  His college teammates may have bought into him, but remember that he was a 5-star signee and therefore already demanded respect among his peers.  A 10-year NFL vet isn't going to secede respect to this kid, especially when he shows traits of entitlement.

    Maybe you will agree when I guess that "know it all" describes at least 1 in 10 young men his age. And maybe 1 in 5 first round picks? 

    Many of them admit that later on. They they wish they hadn't been so arrogant when they were rookies.


    So granted, it is not the best mind set. But I am asking, what is so different about Rosen that he alone gets such a huge backlash against him?


    I hope that Allen turns out great. But if it turns out that I have to keep watching losing football because our coaches didn't want to work with an annoying kid, I won't buy that. I think that is a character flaw in our coaches.


    But setting that aside, doesn't it seem at all weird to you that teams and scouts and whoever else, just are all over Rosen, every day, month after month, for being a know it all??


    Doesn't that seem unusual to you?

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  8. Just now, nbbillsfan said:


    I don’t think anyonr was afraid of drafting Rosen because he is a “troublemaker”, they were scared off because he is a jerk. If you are phenomenal QB, you can be a jerk and still lead a successful NFL team. But you have to be great; will Rosen be good enough to overcome this, we will find out.

    So beating on women isn't being a jerk? Remember, these NFL teams had to be forced, forced by public outcry, to do something about that. To even think about it. 

    There are many, many other examples of both players and coaches being jerks. Heck we had a coach, a middle aged coach, hit some teenagers for stealing a chair.

    I could go on and on. And so could just about every  football fan who reads the sports news go on and on. And that is only the stuff that becomes public. Oh don't forget the idiot on the Bills who decided to drive his three wheeled motorcycle up to a cop while holding a handgun. Plaxico Burris shot himself in the leg with his own gun. Nuff said about Zay Jones. 



    What sort of a jerk is Rosen, that is so very different and so scary to these NFL men? Was it the girl? The hot tub? The hat? 


    And why is it never specific? You are never specific in this thread. No one I have read has ever been specific. Not one time.


    Your position is unsupportable. 




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  9. Well this is a good thread for me. I'm starting to see that something isn't right here. There is something different.


    As has been mentioned it is outside the bounds of professional, or even adult, behavior, for Highsmith to have said what he did. And it is the same vague, no substance, non-specific whispery kind of gossipy stuff that implies that they secretly know more, but won't say. We have some poster or two in this thread with the same sort of thing. Never specific. Never a verifiable event. Always just the "If you knew what I know, you wouldn't like Rosen either".


    But we got guys like Jameis Winston who had way worse stuff alleged and also worse stuff that was proven, who went #1. So besides the stealing and alleged raping he was a heck of a guy in college I guess.


    I don't want to land on Baker especially but he was indeed drunk and did indeed run from and get arrested by the cops. Everbody loves him, and he goes #1 overall.


    Joe Mixon here actually broke some poor girl's face. He is very strong and women's facial bones are not as strong. He hurt her bad. This was hushed up until it leaked out much later.

    I guess besides things like this he is a joy to be around, right?




    Josh Rosen on the other hand is so bad that his presence is near intolerable. But unlike the others, and unlike nearly every other college and NFL star,  who grow so used to having their misdeeds and behavior hushed up or ignored that some few even wind up thinking they can get away with murdering people. Josh Rosen is exposed as a trouble maker before, during, and now after the draft. And the evidence we get is this. He had a girl, in a hot tub.




    He had an F Trump hat on.


    He is inquisitive of his coaches and wants to understand the game. 


    These are the specific charges against him. Everything else is whispers which I have to tell you, nearly always means lies.


    But even if they are not, what is so different about Josh Rosen that he catches all this heat and EVERYBODY else doesn't? Even when they hurt people. Why is that? What is going on here? It seems very, very odd to me.






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  10. 34 minutes ago, BuffaloRush said:

    I feel like no one listens to Rich The Bull Genzler but he does bring on “The Godfather” If Buffalo Sports Radio Vic Carucci from time to time.  Here he drops knowledge and defends the Bills for drafting Josh Allen.  His main point is - let the pros do their job.  The Bills thought Josh Allen was the better fit.  Most fans and “experts” who were critical on social media really don’t know much about football.  To which Genzler was like “thank you...thank you.”  LOL


    12 minute segment - the part I reference starts around 11:00



    You mean around 1:00  (One minute) Not at 11 minutes.

  11. 1 hour ago, Hapless Bills Fan said:


    I do understand!  but I also say this:


    Over the years, we have had many new front offices which have produced more of the same 'ol, same 'ol.  Organizational culture does tend to persist when a new leader is chosen, if many of the people in the trenches behind the scenes remain the same - the "lifers" - and can lead to perpetuation of the same results from new faces.  For example, if you bring in 3 new coaches and 2 new GMs, but behind the scenes the scouts are the same and the same CEO is giving the same inputs into the decision process, the result is the "same 'ol".  It's a face lift, not a revamp.


    And one of those inputs in the past, IMO, has been making draft choices for non-football reasons.  Wanting the top pick to be splashy and flashy in some way, as a draw to sell tickets, for example.  I don't see how anyone could watch Russ Brandon's face in the vid of the War Room during the Watkins trade and not think his fingers were all over that.


    Now, this regime went further than previous ones.  They swept out all the scouts and hired back only their choices.  A long time trainer "retired".  Maybe they've made other changes - team physician?  Nutritionist?  behind the scenes.  Maybe it's a New Era, and will lead to different results.


    But some of the faces are still the same.  So when I hear that the Pegulas were involved in visiting/interviewing all the QB and that they and Russ Brandon were in the war room, it does arouse a level of concern in me that maybe, it's still a face lift and not a revamp - that maybe non-football factors such as political views or PR impacts were still involved in the draft selections.


    I hope not - I see football reasons to make the decisions that were made, albeit football reasons which inspire me to challenge Brandon Beane at poker.  But when some of the same people involved in the drought are still part of the process, we can't quite say 'the new people are not the same people'.

    Well, your take is balanced and sensible in my opinion. 


    But the post I was responding to was less so. It blamed this coaching staff for the drought, which is maybe the weakest possible criticism that could be made of them.


    And it said that the odds are that Josh Allen will be a failure, which can not be known in any reasonable way. Nobody knows about Allen's individual odds or those of any of these guys. 


    So that post was based on a foundation that was not a good one.


    I agree with you that in some maybe strange way, some teams do tend to keep on being who they always have been, even with changes in leadership. I hope that isn't us!

  12. 1 hour ago, Rosen-not-Chosen said:

    I am annoyed with the all Kool-Aid drinkers who feel the Bills FO never fails, even though they had a 17 year playoff drought... The Bills FO has failed at the draft a hell of a lot more than they have been successful the last 20+ years.  Trading up for Zay Jones the latest failure, and odds are this trade up for Allen will be a failure as well.

    Well here is an odd post.


    We have a new front office. And they ended the drought.


    So the new people who are not the same people,, who ended the drought instead of kept it going, can't be blamed for what the other people, who are not the same ones, did.


    Do you understand?

  13. 1 hour ago, Billsflyer12 said:

    I am equaled annoyed that if you at all question your teams decisions, you are not a real fan.  Fandom is not blind loyality and shouldn’t be.


    I am not huge fan of Beane or McD, and I hate the Allen pick.  I vented for a couple of days and explained why I hated it so much.  Yet, I am moving on.  I don’t have the energy or desire to keep fighting something I can’t change.


    The Bills have been my team for 45 years.  It never has benn, or will never a be unconditional.  I will not like hires, picks and game plans, and that is ok.  I will voice my concerns when I feel they are really a true concern.


    My excitement for the future took a big hit Thursday, but at end of day I will still be watching Sundays from here in Colorado.

    Its not about questioning decisions. It is about INSISTING you know more. Over and over. On and on. When that is just crazy talk.


    So if I am saying I know for sure the Bills made an error on the QB pick, but I did ONE BILLIONTH of the work they did, all I am really doing is being annoying. 




  14. 1 hour ago, Niagara Dude said:

    Losers of draft by NFL.COM


    Buffalo Bills: The Bills traded out of their No. 10 overall pick a year ago, passing on the chance to draft Patrick Mahomes or Deshaun Watson in favor of amassing draft capital. This season, the Bills usedsignificant draft capital to trade up for quarterback Josh Allen (moving from 12th overall to seventh). The kids would call that hustling backward, especially when Allen has an uphill climb just to surpass previous Bills quarterback Tyrod Taylor's level of production.



    Bills fans will point to this being the first draft for GM Brandon Beane, who was hired last May, but that only emphasizes how tricky it is to come up with a cohesive roster when the GM and coach are always in flux. Allen could prove his skeptics wrong, and his athleticism is unquestionable, but Josh Rosen has clearly displayed a more obvious NFL skill set. Allen is reminiscent of a souped-up version of another Bills first-round quarterback: J.P. Losman, a player with accuracy issues who was a star in the pre-draft season because of his measurables. Losman was taken 22nd overall in the 2004 NFL Draft and proceeded to compile a 10-23 record in Buffalo.

    This post has I don't know how many links in it. but not the ONE link it needs, which is to the article itself.


    Did you make it up? Did you alter the text? No way to know unless you show the source you copied it from.

  15. 2 hours ago, apuszczalowski said:

    One of the biggest misconceptions around here is that everyone says the Bills ignored the QB position which isn't true. They may not have made the picks everyone wanted them to make, or drafted a QB every year, but they did just like every other team that doesn't have a franchise guy has done and tried everything to find someone who would work. They went the veteran route, they drafted guys all over the draft, went to find potential diamonds in the rough in free agency, they even trade for some. Unfortunately it didnt work out to get them a true franchise guy and they kept having to start over or build a team around what they had. They may have kept some around too long, but it's not like they didnt make an effort to get someone.

    No, they didn't. What the Bills just did was doing everything they could. It was VERY different. They traded away players. They traded away a first round pick last year. 


    That is nothing like what the Bills have done in the past.  This staff did what they had to.


    The Bills never drafted a QB in the top ten ever. Not one time.


    In their 58 Year History The Buffalo Bills Selected just 3 quarterbacks in the first round. So roughly every 20 Years.


    They picked Kelly at 14 and Losman at 22 and I forget where they got EJ. It should have been in the second round.


    So please don't tell me I have a "misconception" that the BIlls have ignored the QB position. I have NO misconceptions about that. 



  16. Game of Throws


    A new and different chapter begins for 5 teams starting now! It should be fun!


    New rivalries began this weekend with the selection of 5, count them 5, Quarterbacks in round one of the 2018 draft.


    It would have started anyway but Josh Rosen's pledge to spend the next decade or making 9 teams know they made a mistake when they passed him by, lit a fire under it on day one.


    What we have now is 5 teams, 5 Gms, and 5 Qbs all pitted against each other for the next 10 years.

    This should be fun. And it is also good for us and for every one of those teams because all 5 of those guys will have as much fuel to do their best every single day of every single year.


    Who will be King of the Hill of the 2018 Five?

    If that alone isn't enough to motivate a young man nothing will.


    Wentz and Goff have only each other and it is a much lower profile draft class. This is different.

    This draft was the most hyped and craziest that anyone can remember.


    I am most looking forward to the reborn Jets vs Bills rivalry.

    The Jets jumped the Bills and got their pick ahead of us. Did Jets GM MacCagnan bamboozle Beane?

    Did Beane outsmart and out-cute himself by selecting Josh Allen the most controversial ratings wise QB in the Top 5? People either loved or hated Allen.

    And when their time comes Allen and Darnold will face each other twice a year, every year of their careers.

    Fun stuff!


    Across the lake we have Baker. Will he be Bake the Mistake? Or Baker the Difference Maker?

    Is Dorsey the “less intelligent” old school GM he has been called?

    My opinion is he made the absolute correct choice, if it matters. Mayfield is the one QB who would cry tears of joy instead of despair going to Cleveland. If you want somebody to change things, to rally the troops, to come in and begin the winning, Baker Mayfield is the guy for that job.


    I would give up the 2 inches of height for that. (Plus his eyes are set a bit higher in his head) :)


    Rosen in Arosenzona is the most advanced QB of his class in terms of technique and passing ability. But he has had the concussions, and he has issues. He seems an angry young man. He spent the last 6 months being called a hot tub having, spoiled, opinionated rich kid who will be a quitter. And told all the extra work you did, that the others didn't, to learn and polish and hone your technique means, you are already at your ceiling and that's bad. (Instead of , you worked harder). And also by the way, everybody hates you, even your friends.


    I'm not sure why he seemed so grumpy at the draft.

    But any way you slice it he will be a factor and he has a legit shot to work out to be King.


    Last we have Lamar Jackson. Picked last in the first by Ozzie Newsome in his last draft as Ravens GM. Will Jackson be a mistaken gamble by a GM with his eyes on retirement? Or the crowning touch on a Hall of Fame Career for Ozzie Newsome?

    Is Lamar the next generation of Quarterback? Or another failed experiment? Shall the last be first?



    Baker Mayfield, Sam Darnold, Josh Allen, Josh Rosen, and Lamar Jackson the Class of 2019 will battle it out for the next 10 or 15 years. This will be fun. And the Buffalo Bills and their fans will be front and center. And that last, and the fans part, is the difference this time around. We fans never had a voice before. There was no internet in 1983. We fans will be included in a new way in the cross city rivalry around these 5 teams.


    I am looking forward to this. It will be fun and we deserve it.









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  17. When you look at what potions they drafted in rounds 4-7, it certainly seems like they did exactly that. Exactly. They drafted at positions of need. Coincidence?


    They drafted offensive line, and wide receivers and a cornerback. Offensive line and wide receiver in particular were the two most glaring needs left after free agency and the draft.


    So what did not happen is they drafted the best running back still on the board. Or linebacker. Or at any position that is considered to be set, or that was previously addressed in this draft. What about another QB? None of those guys were worth a 7th round flyer just to see if they could outdo one of the 3 we already have? None of them had a higher grade than young Mr Prohl?


     All I am saying here is that it certainly looks exactly like it would  if they were hoping to come down with somebody who fit a position of need in those later rounds, and they ignored the areas where they feel they are set.

  18. Rich Gannon:

    “It’s inexcusable to me that young QB’s are left unattended on Monday and Tuesday by many coaches,” Gannon tweeted. “It’s like leaving a child in a car seat in a locked vehicle while you have a drink at the bar! Absolutely insane and it’s happening w too many teams. I know because the QB’s tell me.”


    Typically Monday in NFL is workout, treatment & game film review. Tuesday is players day off. Most QB's who aren't clueless come in on Tues to watch film. Not mandatory. But most are left alone in some dark room with no experience/knowledge as to how you breakdown an opponent.


    Trent Dilfer: Rich nails it again! NFL is seriously lacking in coaches that know how to “nurture” a QB to reaching his potential. Lots of them can “speak” QB development, very few actually have a clue how to execute.



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