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Everything posted by Outkast

  1. Me too. But only this time Chris Villarial, Mike Williams and Roscoe Parrish will be back. That will only make it that much easier to whip on the Fish. Again. We beat you 5 out of the last 7 now. I almost expect a win at this point. One more thing. To take a quote from Miami's own Trick Daddy. "Ah ha, Okay, what's up? Shut up!"
  2. It WAS mentioned that Roscoe Parrish practiced this week. He only ran routes though. He did not catch any passes. He still has a long way to go.
  3. He's right. I live here in Miami, and trust me when I say they are taking this loss really hard. And I'm lovin' every minute of it!
  4. Hey Jason!! I guess you never heard of Niagara Falls, Chipewa Ave, The Elmwood Strip etc etc etc It always bothered me to hear that there is nothing to do in Buffalo. We can do anything a guy in Miami can do every night of the week, except for go to a beach. Can you go snow skiing? Camping in the mountains? Visit cool places in driving range like Philly, Toronto NYC, Cleveland, Boston and Atlantic City? It takes 10 hours just to drive out of Florida from Miami. Really. What can someone in Miami do over a Buffalonian on any given day? We have night clubs, too. That's about the only thing you can do in Miami on a week night. At least we experience all the seasons and everything that goes with it. Christmas just doesn't feel right without snow. Thanksgiving football without snow is pretty boring too. How about some outdoor ice hockey? Or if you're a kid what about all the snow ball fights and all the other fun snow stuff a kid can do? The summer doesn't feel as good without all of those cold snowy days. When it's a sunny day in B-Lo everybody and there momma is out enjoying the weather. In Miami all they do is complain how hot it is and stay indoors with the A/C blasting. I wouldn't trade my childhood living in Buffalo for any other place in the world.
  5. Moulds is all about winning. He felt JP wasn't cutting it and who would know better? If he's wrong and KH isn't the answer than he will eat his words. Lee Evans also said that KH is "a vet" and "he knows where to put the ball" at the same time insinuating that JP doesn't. So I'll be more than proud to wear the #80 this weekend! Alls he wants to do is win. Isn't that what we want?
  6. There is little choice left. I say hell yeah. We can miss the playoffs without 'em anyways.
  7. I watched every game this year a couple of times. The Bills run D is very aggresive in the first and second quarters of every game this year. They force several three and outs in the early going of games. It's not until the latter stages of the game that Buffalo's run D becomes weak. The Run D statisics are also over inflated because of the scrammbling QB's we've faced this year. All but one QB ran on us this year. To me the lack of offense has more to do with the defense's struggles than the defense itself. If the Bills offense can keep the sticks moving and keep the defense fresh we won't be run over in the second half this week. Let;s hope KH can keep the chains movin'.
  8. Ding ding ding ding!!!! We have a winner!
  9. I loved the scene where Hurley sees Kate running out of the jungle and says "Oh crap"! That was priceless. I laughed my a** off.
  10. He worked awfully hard last offseason. If he finishes the year as a back-up will he stay in Buffalo and work even harder or will he run as far away from Buffalo as possible? Just a thought.
  11. Bills vs New Orleans. 4th quarter, down by only six. If JP stays in and leads Buffalo to a win can you imagine what that could've done for his confidence? The Bills could've been 2 and 2 and fighting for first place this weekend. JP would've been stoked as he returns to Buffalo a hero but that didn't happen. Had JP stayed in that game and Buffalo lost and then he was benched I wouldn't have a problem with that. The timing sucks. But now that it happened and we can't change it let's join together and back KH. If he falters, JP will be back and will gain the experience he so sorely needs.
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