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Everything posted by major

  1. Seeing as how the Pats are wearing their old jerseys on Monday night when we play them, let's hope they play like the old Pats used to.
  2. Sure I would. We are football addicts. I have the feeling we would all watch our Bills regardless of who was on the team.
  3. Very few people recall the 2nd greatest regular season comeback in NFL history. From 26 points behind to win: Buffalo 37, Indianapolis 35 : Sept. 21, 1997 at Buffalo I was so excited that day when Todd Collins brought us back after being down so much. We need to petition the NFL channel or ESPN Classic to reair that game. It was awesome!
  4. Does anyone feel sorry for JP Losman? Losman went through countless coaches and coordinators over the years, he was sacked way too many times (no o-line), etc... When he came in, I felt he exuded confidence. After his injuries and the coaching changes, he didn't exude that same swagger he had when we drafted him. At any rate, I do feel sorry for the guy and hope he catches on with another team. On the flip side, I hope he learns how to release the ball quicker.
  5. In an interview with XX 1090 in San Diego, Junior Seau indicated he'll be available if the Patriots need his services during the NFL season. Seau - "I'll definitely look at it at the end of October or November. Let's put it that way." What Junior is really saying is that if the Pats look like they're contenders for the Super Bowl in October or November, he's available. I'm sick of these veterans trying to latch on to the Pats for that one last shot at a ring.
  6. First she finds out that her husband is killed. Secondly, she finds out that the woman dead beside him was his mistress. She could definitely use our prayers tonight.
  7. Back in May, I remember Scooby comparing the 2009 Bills to the 1999 Rams. I too see the similarities and agree with him. I can't wait to see our players holding up the Vince Lombardi trophy in Miami at the end of this season.
  8. The only times I have ever worn another player's jersey was Ricky Williams, when he was with the Saints ( got it for $20) and Cedric Benson when he was with the Bears (got it for $30). The only reason I have worn those two was because I got them on sale, and because I went to the University of Texas, where they were successful. Unfortunately, they haven't done so well in the NFL. How about you?
  9. Mine will always be Frank Reich. I always felt he could come in and win the game if Kelly went down. My second favorite is Doug Flutie. Who is yours??????
  10. Fred Jackson made the following comment about TO (if TO gets out of hand in the locker room during the season): "Nobody wants that kind of stuff in the locker room. I'll be one of the first guys to say something to him if I feel like he's getting out of hand. No question about it. I'll be one of the first guys to say something to him. We have a good group of guys that won't hesitate to say anything to him." Action Jackson vs. TO - I can't wait.
  11. It is being reported that the Pats are passing on Michael Vick. Let's revisit SKOOBY's plan - sign VICK. Can you imagine the attention our Bills would get with TO and VICK on the same team!
  12. These football preview magazines make me laugh. They pick the teams that were good last year every year to repeat their success. However, them picking us 4th in our division was laughable. I feel we will be a wild card team with a 10-6 record.
  13. I was listening to the Herd on ESPN radio about 40 minutes ago. On it, Collin Cowherd was ripping the Bills for signing TO. He was saying in part because of the VH1 cameras that will be following TO around our voluntary mini camps next week. Collin said that the circus was coming to Buffalo and the only thing that is left behind at a circus is hay and a huge pile of elephant crap. He said this is what Buffalo would realize it got after this year with TO. He went even further to say that Dick Jauron will not be able to control this guy and that Belechick would have never brought in TO. He had a good time ripping Buffalo and TO in particular.
  14. In the past, I have spent a lot of money buying jerseys. Currently, I am considering customizing Bills t-shirts with the name and number of my favorite players. It sure is a lot cheaper than spending $80 per jersey on BB.com Have any of you gone the t-shirt route?
  15. Say a prayer for Ralph Wilson and his family tonight. I can't imagine losing a child.
  16. I just got done watching Fanboys. It's a comedy about 4 huge Star Wars fans. Just curious, but do you think our obsession with the Bills is the same as those who are Trekkies and Star Wars junkies? As I was laughing during the film, I realized that you could take this same premise and make a movie about people's obsession with sport teams. It was done with Fever Pitch and the Red Sox. I just wonder if we come across to others the way that Trekkies and Star Wars fans do?
  17. On the Bills website, I see Maybin holding up a Bills jersey with the patch on the jersey celebrating the 50th anniversary of the AFL. Where can we get one of these to put on our jerseys? I don't see it on the Bills website. Again, I'm not referring to our 50th patch, but the AFL 50th patch.
  18. Do any of you go to church on Sundays during the fall (when the Bills play)? I recently spoke with a Buffalo native who shared how sad it is there now, because few fans go to church on Sundays. For the residents of Buffalo, was he telling the truth? With a 1PM start time, I would assume people would have time to go to church and still make the game in person. That, or they could tivo/dvr the game and start it a few minutes late. I often do this on Sundays and I catch up to the real game time rather quickly after skipping the commercials. Just curious.
  19. I'm sure this has been commented on before, but if OJ is selected for the Bills 50th team, we ought to get him to make a taped message in jail that we can air at the half when the All Bills team is announced That, or we could show some of his scenes from the naked gun series once his name is read.
  20. This season we need to hire the Castrol spokesman/violent scotsman to hit Jauron at the knees every time our team makes a blunder or a bad call. He could yell, think with your dipstick Jimmy!!!
  21. I want to buy a Buffalo jersey before the season starts. I'm leaning towards an Owens jersey; however, I might go with one of our draft picks jerseys (they'll probably be here longer than TO). Which one would you choose? Or would you go outside the box and customize a jersey to say Rhodes?
  22. I'm kind of excited about the possibility of brining Rhodes here as a running back. I think he and Fred Jackson would help us in a big way; especially, those first three games we face without Lynch.
  23. http://www.sportslogos.net/images/logos/7/...417ofy15rhd.gif What a piece of crap. Is this all the NFL could come up with? Knowing our luck, the Bills will win the super bowl this year and be stuck with this logo forever - on hats, jerseys, stadium, etc... That being said, I'll take this crappy logo if it means a super bowl victory for the Bills.
  24. Every time he enters the stadium, we could play: "WHO LET THE DOGS OUT".
  25. Customize a t-shirt on NFL.com. You can put whatever you want on those.
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