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Everything posted by major

  1. I am so ready for our team to return to the Super Bowl and win it. That being said, what year do you think we'll be in the big game?
  2. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/35238728/ns/lo...sfort_worth_tx/
  3. http://bleacherreport.com/articles/338616-...de-vick-in-2010
  4. Dallas Cowboys- they are the New York Yankees of the NFL.
  5. Jim Kelly's first game in Buffalo was amazing. The crowd was pumped and Kelly delivered. Even in his first game, we knew we had something special Seriously, the only other QB in Buffalo that had the "it" factor since Kelly was Doug Flutie. I am ready for a QB to come into Buffalo with that same "it" factor that Kelly showed in his first performance.
  6. One of the three potential St. Louis Rams buyers is a group of investors organized by St. Louis Blues Chairman Dave Checketts. Multiple sources tell me that another group has strong ties to Toronto, which should concern those who want to see the Rams remain in St. Louis. St. Louis Post-Dispatch If the Rams move to Toronto, what would be the consequences for our Bills? Look forward to hearing your thoughts.
  7. Drafting o line and d line is a must. I know it isn't sexy to go that route, but that is what we need. As for the QB question, sign a free agent QB and draft one in the 3rd round. I have a feeling one if not all of these: Jevan Snead, Colt McCoy, & Tim Tebow, will be around in the 3rd.
  8. After the loss to the Giants in 25, you would think they would have changed their game preparation (less partying, etc...). I guess not. If this is true, I blame our coach for not setting stricter guidelines.
  9. http://www.theunticket.com/fake-chan-gaile...lls-head-coach/
  10. http://www.dallasnews.com/sharedcontent/dw...ds.3e04303.html From the Dallas Morning News. Enjoy.
  11. One more thing- we don't have a line that can protect McNabb. He has become a pocket passer, not a running QB. We need a running QB due to the line issues we have.
  12. I am tired of hearing fans say that we need McNabb. We don't! He is on the decline. Did you watch the wild card game he just played in, against the Cowboys? He's not Brett Favre. It pains me to say this, but I feel the Eagles would have been better off with the dog killer running their offense this year. Forget McWashed Up and draft Tebow.
  13. http://www.dallasnews.com/sharedcontent/dw...in.34ef9da.html
  14. On January 22, 2006 Ralph hired Dick Jauron. Many on this board were trying to convince themselves that it was a good hire, even though you knew deep down that is wasn't. It's funny how some things never change. Here we are 4 years later (on almost the exact day) trying to convince ourselves that hiring Gailey was a good move. I feel like it's groundhog day every day with the Bills. I'm sure we'll all be here in January 2014 doing the same thing we are doing today.
  15. Maybe Thurman had his days mixed up (remember January 15th?). I would really like to ask him if today was the big day he was referring to on his radio show. If today was a big day, I'd hate to see what a bad day looks like. Unfortunately, we all know what bad days look like: wide right, music city miracle, etc...
  16. Any day now, I expect to hear that the Bills have acquired a big name QB in free agency. Brandon knows they have to take bold steps to win back the fan base. Or, he could put Ralph in a dunking booth and give every fan three free throws to dunk the old man. Heck, he might even throw in some free hot chocolate at the Ralph dunking booth. I'm telling you, fans by the thousands would be showing up at THE RALPH for an event like that.
  17. What must the Bills do for you to renew the NFL Sunday ticket or buy season tickets next season? I'm curious to hear what it will take for us to spend $ on this team next year?
  18. Russ B is about to pull another Terrell Owens on us- I can feel it. He'll bring in another big name like McNabb or Vick to get the fans and media talking about us again. I feel that Buddy, Nix, etc. will try to make a splash in free agency to throw us dogs some bones. The question is, will we bite this time, like we did with TO this past season?
  19. I am curious to know who Nevergiveup is on this board. He was right about Buddy Nix, and now seems to be right about Chan Gailey. I think you work at One Bills Drive or you are related to someone that works there. From now on, I will be paying closer attention to your posts. Come out from behind that mask and tell us who you really are.
  20. This was on 60 minutes last night. It deals with the number of players in the NFL from American Samoa. We need some American Samoan players on our Bills. Watch and see why: http://www.cbsnews.com/video/watch/?id=610...ain;cbsCarousel
  21. Here is what Peter King wrote this morning regarding the labor talks (we better enjoy next season): If the past few days, I've spoken to sources on both sides of the labor talks, and I've come to the conclusion that it'll be an upset if there isn't a work stoppage that either delays or cancels the 2011 season. Many of us in the media have speculated about the chances for a lockout and predicted one is coming, but the total lack of progress over the nut issue in 11 bargaining sessions tells me unless there's a sea-change by one side or the other, you'd better savor the 2010 season because it could be the last football we see for a while. At the core of the problem is ownership's demand for players to bear an equal part of the cost for stadium construction, debt service and upkeep -- and the players saying it's not their problem. In NFL Players Association executive director DeMaurice Smith's recent e-mail to player representatives, he startled player leaders by saying ownership wanted to cut player compensation by 18 percent per year in the new CBA. I thought the 18 percent number might be an exaggeration, a scare tactic to get players' attention. It's not. The owners, one management source said, have asked that the players' pool of revenue against which the salary cap is calculated be reduced by 18 percent. The players' response, a union source told me, is that they're not prepared to take a penny, or a percentage point, less. While Smith, in his letter to players, didn't dismiss the possibility of negotiating on the issue, he wrote that there has been no compelling information presented to players to justify such a major reduction in what players make. You wonder what 18 percent means. So did I. The management source said the owners want $1 billion a year credited to ownership and not subject to being part of the pie that the players divide. "There's obviously been an enormous shift from public financing of stadiums to private funding,'' the management source said. "Those costs are not recognized in the current CBA, and we feel that has to change.'' The league has beat this drum for several years. I wouldn't be surprised if there is some give-and-take in the owners' demands, because this is collective bargaining, but I would be surprised if the owners drop this as a demand altogether. They're just too dug-in on it. But from the players' perspective, it's got to be a tough sell to union leaders. Imagine Smith going into a union meeting at a team and telling the players that the average compensation to the men in this room is about $1.8 million this year in salary and bonus payments, and explaining to them in a time of bountiful success for the NFL, each of the players is going to have to take, on average, a $324,000 pay cut. The players will never go for that, absent the owners being able to prove they're losing money in a time of unparalleled wealth in the league. At some point, serious talks will start, with each side compromising. But I can't see the two sides bridging this chasm anytime soon.
  22. After Alabama won the national championship game, their fans were chanting SEC SEC. After Ole Miss beat OK State at the Cotton bowl their fans were chanting SEC SEC. After Alabama beat Florida in the SEC title game the Bama players were holding up an SEC sign and yelling SEC SEC. This has to be the most retarded trend in college football. They need to be educated on chanting for their own team and not the conference they play in. Trust me, when the Jets are playing this weekend, I'm not going to be chanting AFC EAST AFC EAST. Just like I wasn't chanting AFC AFC when the Patriots were in their dynasty run. If anyone on this board is an SEC fan or former player on an SEC team, please expain this insanity to me.
  23. Your post is dead on. Our team reminds me of the current Hollywood remakes of Friday the 13th, Halloween, and Nightmare on Elm Street. We go in as viewers knowing that the remake will not be better than the original, but we fork over the money for the ticket anyway. Our fault indeed.
  24. Scratch Haslett from the pool. He was just hired as the Redskins D coordinator.
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