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Everything posted by major

  1. Colt would be a great fit in Buffalo! Hope he's still there in the 2nd.
  2. Glad you finally caught the sarcasm in my original post. It took awhile, but someone finally got it.
  3. Give him a chance. He can't be any worse than the three we currently have on the roster.
  4. Cleveland and Buffalo are two franchises that have been in the same boat over the past few years. So far, Cleveland has been very active in free agency. Our team seems to be intent on building through the draft. I'm curious to see which approach will yield the most wins at the end of next season.
  5. Leafs and Bills - I feel your pain.
  6. First of all, I am a New York Knicks and a Bills fan. The similarities between the two are frightening (and sad). Both haven't been good since the 1990's. From 2000-2010, both teams change coaches like we change socks. Both have owners that make questionable decisions. The Bills had Jauron and the Knicks had Isaiah Thomas (dark times for both). Sometimes I feel like I'm watching the same team. They're like twins. They look alike, they act alike, and they lose alike. I hope this new decade brings prosperous times for both of my kids.
  7. http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/draft10/news/story?id=4984943 This article talks about the wonderlic test that players take at the combine and how Tebow scored below average. Who cares? Dan Marino and Jim Kelly scored a 15 on the wonderlic and look how they turned out. On the other hand, Matt Leinart scored high on the wonderlic and look where that got him. The combine becomes more irrelevant more every year.
  8. http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2010/...vick/?related=1
  9. Quinn and Anderson are both damaged goods. I hope we don't bring either of these guys to Buffalo.
  10. I trust Jim. Bring in Tebow.
  11. This would be great!
  12. Along your line of thinking, I'm waiting for us to sign a big name QB, WR, or RB in this year's draft. Even though we are rebuilding, we still have to put butts in seats; therefore, I do look for us to sign someone like a Tebow to generate revenue (jersey sales, etc...).
  13. Attention NEVERGIVEUP - we need to have the inside scoop. What's going on at one bills drive? You're right most of the time; therefore, throw us a bone.
  14. Thanks for the comments. I feel better about Clausen now after reading some of your posts. Again, I feel a lot of hype surrounds this guy and I wanted to know why. In fact, most of you sold me that he has more upside than Bradford.
  15. I need someone to sell me on why we should draft Clausen if he is available. Frankly, I don't get the hype behind this guy. What has he done to warrant this type of attention? I can see the rationale of getting Bradford, McCoy, Snead, or even Tebow, or even trading for Vick. I just can't understand where all the love for Clausen comes from. Again, I need someone to sell me on this. I look forward to reading your comments.
  16. http://msn.foxsports.com/nfl/story/draft-i...backs?gt1=39002 This article talks about how weak this year's crop of QB's is in the draft. I DISAGREE. 5 years from now we will realize how good this class really is. That being said, I still hope we pick up McCoy in the 2nd or Snead in the 3rd.
  17. Most of this year's elite QB's are only doing pro days, and not doing the combine. The combine is a waste of time anyway. I would still draft McCoy if he is still there in round 2. In round one, we need O-line.
  18. Campbell's confidence is shot. I'd rather rebuild with a draft pick at QB than go through the Campbell experiment.
  19. A friend of mine told me recently that he thought I would cry if the Bills ever won the Super Bowl. Honestly, I don't know what my first reaction would be. If the Bills ever win the Super Bowl, what will you do?
  20. Did anyone see the finale of season 5 on the office? There was a funny scene at the company picnic where Michael Scott and Holly Flax do a sketch of the company's history. They do a "Slumdog Mifflin-aire" theme. Holly, playing the show host, asks Michael, "The economic downturn has forced the closure of two branches... to be followed soon by what other branch?" and list four branches. Michael answers "B, Buffalo." The Buffalo people freak out, shouting at David Wallace, the CEO, about their jobs. Wallace, who is an idiot for letting Michael do an unscripted show in front of the company, says he didn't plan on telling the news this way, but yes, the Buffalo branch is shutting down. Michael and Holly say they thought Buffalo already knew. It was a funny scene. If we ever move, I could see us as fans learning the news the same way as the Buffalo branch did in that episode.
  21. Sorry if this was already posted, but this is hilarious.
  22. I follow the New York Knicks, Chicago Cubs, and the Texas Longhorns (and of course, THE BILLS). Of all the teams I support, only the Longhorns ever give me a winning product. I'm just curious to see what people on this board also support?
  23. I am excited about purchasing another jersey before the start of next season. I'm curious to see what you think will be the hot selling jersey of next season?
  24. When TO was showed watching the NBA all star 3 point contest, Charles Barkley commented that no one watches the Buffalo Bills. Basically, he called us irrelevant. Charles is the one that is irrelevant. Someone needs to ask Charles how many titles he won while in the NBA.
  25. It saddens me that people feel Ralph and Buddy are inept at football decisions due to their age. Ageism is discrimination and stereotyping. I never heard people cry out when McDaniels was hired at Denver, or Lane Kiffin at Oakland a few years back, due to them being young.
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