Willie Nelson once sang this famous line: "Turn out the lights the party's over, they say that all good things must end".
I am fully prepared for no NFL this season. Truthfully, maybe the NFL needs to fail. If there is no season, I look forward to the gimmicks the owners will pull in the 2012 season to get us back to the stadiums (free jerseys for the first 1,000 people at the stadium, $10 seat days, all those 65 and over get in free, free autograph sessions with all players (past and present) immediately following the game (on the field), dollar hot dog day, winning text gets free pro-bowl tickets, dollar beer day, buy one ticket get one free day, all school age children get in free day, etc...).
Did I leave any gimmicks out? Oh yeah, maybe they'll allow NFL players to use steroids like the MLB did in the 1990's, to get butts in seats.