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Everything posted by major

  1. Herbert from Oregon may go #1
  2. After reading this article, what makes you think our bills are going to win in 3 or 4 years? I want to believe #xfiles
  3. https://www.yahoo.com/sports/sabres-fans-done-being-patient-173136033.html
  4. As I’ve gotten older, I look back and appreciate former players and personnel more and more. One of those gems we had was John Butler. He haven’t had a good GM since him. Still amazed he never won a super bowl here or in San Diego. He also passed away way too young
  5. This- we don’t have Andy Reid
  6. Tubthumper by chumbawamba
  7. I went into the predator with no expectations and liked it. It was entertaining, but like you said, not a good movie by general standards
  8. If they had a kicker they would be 3-0
  9. Bet our coach says this to himself
  10. I bet some of our players said this when he walked out
  11. That roster would be like the 85 bears? I’d like to have fitz back
  12. Good question. I have no idea
  13. Davis retiring abruptly reminded me of anquan boldin last year leaving right before the season.
  14. Great post and great points! In the book SPYGATE, about the Patriots, it was alleged that the OC and staff were indeed talking to Brady nonstop during plays. Wonder if that's why he is so efficient at his age?
  15. If the ravens get blown tonight we become even more of a joke for the next few days
  16. Lesean- “can you go out there and give the peasants some hope?”
  17. I believe you had a conversation with someone there. Can you expound upon this: “ And the total dysfunction behind doors which is causing extreme frustration”. Describe dysfunction and between whom? Owners involved??
  18. Here is the line that stuck out to me: “This is what happens when a insecurity replaces judgement in turning over roster”
  19. They never work out because Ernie Adams and Bill B have a system of cheating there. Don’t believe me- look at what Daniels pulled while coach of Denver
  20. Coaches do this at collegiate and pro level. It’s idiocracy
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