If we lose we need to hold an immediate press conference announcing that we’ve changed our minds and it's too risky to keep playing this year due to Covid
His skills are unsustainable outside of the New England bubble because the New England bubble is a cesspool of cheating. I’m telling you, any qb could go to NE and be successful in a system where they know the other team’s game plan
Please revisit this during the season when Cam Newton and Stidham are putting up Brady #’s in New England while the real Brady will suddenly resemble Nathan Peterman. I can hear the excuses already from the media types: “Brady is just getting old”. When they should be saying: “Brady isn’t cheating anymore”
Translation: they don’t radio plays to me in my helmet like they did in New England after the snap. I’ve always wanted to see Tom on another team. He will suddenly look like a 6th round draft pick and will have more INT’s than TD’s #cheater
Pegulas must be drilling in search of the ark. The Bible speaks of the Ark leveling mountains and laying waste in entire regions. An Army that carries the Ark before it... is invincible.