Another fascinating 30 for 30. Look forward to hearing your take but some tidbits I’m still pondering after watching it (*and I lived through it all):
(1) found myself pulling for Al while watching it (2) felt sorry for Pete Rozell by end of it (3) had Al not done this, a lot of cities and their residents/fans would have been spared a lot of pain (Cleveland, Oakland, Baltimore, St Louis, Irwindale CA, Houston, LA, etc...) (4) Oakland and Al should have worked something out (*in reality they will always be the Oakland Raiders) (5) Raiders had some players back in the late 70’s that seemed to instill fear in everyone they played - replay the Lynn Swann comment for proof (6) NFL was more fun back in the late 70’s and throughout the 80’s (7) so thankful OUR BILLS never relocated