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  1. what did Clayton say that bothers everyone? Ralph is not a hero and his senility could cause this team to leave. Why will Ralph not put a contingency plan in place for this team to stay in Buffalo. He is greedy! Why is the stadium named after him and not a company willing to pay for it? He has a huge ego. Buffalo Bills fans are ultra sensitive. Clayton has been a fair journalist at ESPN, unlike Chris Mortenson (who is a Tom Donahoe appoligist.) Give John a break, he has been picked on all his life!
  2. Bills raise ticket prices, every local show bashes the Bills. I would assume the marching orders from the inner circle is DON'T BASH THE SABRES ABOUT TICKET PRICES, TALK ABOUT VALUE OF GAME. This station has no credibility. Zero credibility! WGR is an infomercial for the Sabres.
  3. Favourite Fred Smerlas - Pat Williams Least Rob Johnson - Priss Ferris
  4. why doesnt anyone mention that the redskins suck!
  5. Have you been to a movie lately. Popcorn and Coke $15...the beer is a bargain
  6. Hey look over there, it's Coy Wire, let's go get his autograph. It's great to be a Bills Fan!!! Wouldn't it be great if we go 8-8? Hold on there's Josh Reed, let's go shake his hand. OOOps sorry Mr. Reed, I will slow my hand down so you can grab it....there ya go...nice to meet you.. you are so great out there. Oh look there is Mike Williams, the big teddy bear. It is so great to be a Bills fan. Mr Donahoe if I might be so bold to approach you, I know you are embarrassed by us unwashed Buffalo people, but thank you so much for giving us a great team and a great product to cheer for. We will do anything you say oh silver haired god. Oh listen J.P. Is telling us that a certain newspaper is bad for giving up on the team. That's it, I will never read that paper again. How dare they say the Bills stink, remember last year as we climbed back into it. If it wasn't for that evil Bledsoe we would have been 10-6 and in the Super Bowl. At least that is what Mike and Tom said. I hope I can get Joe Burn's autograph soon, then I will have the complete set. What a wonderful year and to think there are only two more home games left, oh wait what if we win the division. Go Jeff Posey Go!!! Title for next years video review, "A New Beginning" can I get a reserve copy now!!!!
  7. I am a bit perplexed that there are Bills fans who are actually happy with this season. They are sticking up for Tom Dumb-a-hoe, and they are criticizing the critics, like Jerry Sullivan and the WGR radio team. While reading these message boards I am shocked that some myopic people give this team a pass on this season. The last five seasons have been highlighted by hype. Changing jerseys, throwing parades for Drew Bledsoe, adding a third jersey, changing the turf, and changing the quarterback again. What was missed, as we were buying our new jerseys, and upgrading our seats, was that this team has drafted poorly, and has not signed (to keep) their own players. Winfield, Williams, and Washington are doing well on other teams. Jonas Jennings might be a future star (that was not re-signed,) and so might Nate Clements in 2006. Greg Williams was a huge mistake; it goes on and on and on. As for the critics, they are looking at the team objectively. WGR gets killed on these boards for negativity, but the days of Chuck Dickerson have been over for a few years. Yes is was terrible that Chuck would complain about Wade and his headset, but today's criticism is justified. You can still be a fan without blind loyalty toward "all that is one bills drive." Sully is not a fan, he is paid to write objectively. He states facts and gives educated opinions. When the team was 10-6 or 11-5 and getting blasted by the Buffalo News and WGR, it was annoying. But to "not blast" this organization today, for five years of the worst football and game day experience ever would be a crime. Case In Point (Game Day) Replays are censored by the Bills (not in other stadiums) Music is a lame joke and it takes away from crowd noise There are too many poorly written and poorly produced commercials on the jumbo-tron (A free small coffee for 2 touchdowns is a piss poor offer, as is a Metro Flash Pass to endure 30 seconds of racing busses) In 1988 we ripped down goalposts because we had not been to the playoffs in 8 long years. We are getting real close to that today. Sure we are not 2-14, but this team (in the age of parity) is equal to the Ron Pitts, Vince Farragamo, Mark Brammer Greg Bell and Joe Dufek days that we once suffered with. Yes a blind squirl can find an acorn. The squirl with the white hair has discovered a few gems on the roster. Yet the roster is full of scrubs. The horrible 80's team also had a few gems. Andre Reed came out of the sour 80's as did Talley and Richter. So be strong myopians, Willis, J.P. and Lee will still be there when the new guy takes over. Bill Pollian took his acorns (that another blind squirl had stumbled upon) and built a team by drafting and scouting. Don't let TD's hype hypnotize you!!!! The 90's Bills had the worst turf (after Philly) and a horrible scoreboard. We embraced ZUBAS, not third jerseys. And when we bought jerseys, Pollian and Butler overpaid long in the tooth players so that we wouldn't have to cut out the name(or throw out the jersey) three years later. The music was only played after points were scored, or when we sang to a Taco Chain. We were not blasted with some lame DJ's record collection. It is just so bad to listen to!!!! Let Sully and WGR bang the drum for TD to be replaced. It is in the best interest of the team to find a football person who can return this team back to a playoff team. Maybe in 2006 we can rip down the goal posts and begin a run like we had so many many many years ago. Bye Bye Tom and Tom!!!!
  8. T.D. is a good Team President, but a bad General Manager. He has been great at making the game day experience the best possible. He has been awesome at the business end of selling sponsorships and making the stadium look great. The problem is that the product playing the game is terrible. His drafting has a few brightspots, but think of the high picks who have been average at best. 2001 draft was good, then 2002 Mike Williams, Josh Reed, Coy Wire, and Ryan Denney. Ouch!! Yes they made the team, but imagine if any of these picks were impact players. T.D. stumbled into Willis. That was a risky pick, but it was made so T.D. could get into the national headlines, not because it was a "no brainer." T.D. has captured some great free agents, but has not kept his own free agents. T.D. has sacraficed talent letting go Ruben Brown, Ross Tucker, Antoine Winfield, Jonas Jennings, Drew Bledsoe, Pat Williams, and Ted Washington. He butchered moves with Steve Christie and Travis Brown. Greg Williams instead of Fox, or Lewis. OUCH. Then not hiring Charlie Weiss when he had a shot. My feeling is that T.D. should be bumped up to team President and he should hire a General Manager who can find talent and keep talent.
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